"Cast your holy light now", I shouted to the priest who moments before stopped the zombies for us.

"My light cannot cover so many unclean filths coming toward us", he complained to us.

"Just cast your bloody light now", Sara screamed to him angrily.

Obediently, the priest complied and cast his holy flame.

"This wouldn't do us much good", he told us.

"Holy Light of All-Seeing"

Holy light fell on a part of the rubble but not all of the zombies were captured in its rays.

"I told you my magic is not strong enough" the priest protested to us.

"That is not your concern", Sara replied to him as a huge wind struck the battlefield, carrying people and zombies into its swirl.

The tornado was summoned by Sara, and it quickly gathered the thousands of zombies who were released by Flesh Meat. These zombies swirled into a cyclone that quickly moved into the light of the priest's holy light.

Soon, all the zombies were disabled by the priest's holy light after they were gathered in one spot by Sara 's magic.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Burn them bloody zombies all of them", Sara shouted to Cassandra.

Cassandra doesn't like being commanded by Sara, but she complied immediately because that was the best thing that we could do, the only thing that we could do at the moment.

"Rains of Flame"

Magical flames dropped inside the cyclone that Sara whipped out, consuming the dead zombies' bodies in flame, destroying and disintegrating them. Soon, all the zombies were destroyed.

"I can't hold any longer", Ratatouille said to us as he dropped his magical chains, dropping the leg of Flesh Meat while I soon followed him and released my Rail of Ikea.


Flesh Meat was furious that we killed all of the zombies spawned out from his body, but he wasn't a fool. He quickly ran away, back to his side.

"Who are you people? What kind of powerful magic did you use here?" the priest asked us.

"We came from Tarah city and will send refugees back there", I told the priest.

"The Conjurer's Court", the priest replied to me with understanding.

The people of the church of All-seeing were always wary of individuals with powerful magic. They saw them as deviants who needed to be reformed most of the time.

However, there were powerful magic users in the Ten-Kingdoms that the church dared not touch, the conjurers from the Conjurer's Court of Drachia, the organization for the strongest conjurers in the continent, whose court was in Tarah city.

I use that impression for the priest because I don't want him reporting us to the higher ups in the church.

"Just get to the Kaleon mansion if you want the last ride from this cursed city", Sara said to the priest as she pointed to the direction of the Kaleon mansion.

Magical airships were starting to depart after loading in as many refugees as they could, but the ships would not wait any longer than necessary because this city was invaded by the Demon army.


"This is the last airship, young master", Camliden told me.

"Yes, send it away", I said to him.

On the ground there were still hundreds, if not thousands of people who rushed to board our airships. For whatever reasons, these people failed to leave the city and it was too late for them.

Soon, the last of our airships rose into the air, leaving the city and those who couldn't make it behind.

"What are we going to do about all these people?" Camliden asked me.

"There is nothing that we can do for them now. Your men should also leave this city", I told Camliden.

"Don't worry about us, we might reach Tarah city even before the airships arrives", he replied to me.

Camliden was the leader of his group of volunteers from the Temple of Solomon. These weren't ordinary people but thieves. They were extremely quick and dexterous, and they prided themselves on their ability to move like the wind.

"Goodbye, young master", Camliden said to me before he was gone, with the wind.


"What are we going to do now?" Chash asked us.

"Rinna, have you seen enough of the Demon army?" I asked Rinna.

It was Rinna's purpose to come here to see the strength of the Demon army by herself. She wasn't disappointed in the information that she gathered on this trip, but she was worried.

"The Demon Queen's army is getting stronger", she complained to me.

"Let's go to Tarah city", Meera said to us.

Suddenly, a loud shattering on the ground was heard.

"Is this an earthquake?" Ratatouille asked us.

"No, they are coming from those over there", Sara told us as she pointed across the horizon.

About a dozen Flesh Meats were leaping toward the city, breaking the ground every time that they landed. These Flesh Meat wasn't any weaker than the Flesh Meat that we defeated earlier.

"Damn, no army in the Ten-Kingdoms can defend against so many Flesh Meats", I said to them.

"The Flesh Meats are just the vanguards, moron", Sara said to me.

Behind Flesh Meat was the real army of the Demon Queen, an army of several million strong, made up of knights, conjurers, undead and demons. Above the sky, the Demonlords reigned after killing all the Apostles who opposed them.

"The army of the False Prophet is here", Meera said to us, referring to the prophecies of the Revelations that she was an expert in.

"Is that predicted by the Revelations too?" I asked her.

"The False Prophet will conquer the Ten kingdoms, that is a part of the Revelations", Meera said to us.

"I've seen enough," Rinna said to us.

"Alright, let's go to Tarah city. There is nothing that we can do here", I said to them.

Sara brought out her shuttle and we quickly boarded it before we were on our way to Tarah city.
