"How do we open this gate?" Cassandra asked us.

"Let me try", Sara told us as she summoned a tornado that struck the gate of this strange temple.

But her tornado despite being able to drill a tunnel into the ground, was unable to move the gate even a little or break it.

"This is a damn stubborn gate", Sara said to us.

"Break Barrier"

Cassandra cast a spell that could break magic barriers and open any magical doors. But unfortunately, her magic had no effect on the door at all.

"There is a key to opening this door", Rinna said to us her opinion about the door.

Meera scrutinized the door, but she couldn't understand its intricacies, probably because this wasn't a religious artifact. This could very well not be related to the Angels of this world.

"This door could be something else, belonging to the kings or magic associations, but it doesn't belong to the church or our temples", Meera told us.

"Magic association did you say?" I asked her and thought about it for a while before I had a response for them.

"When I opened the ancient tombs in Nyx kingdom, I had to cast a particular magic in my templar skies. It is possible that this gate will require the casting of a magic key to unlock it", I said to them.

"What is the constellation that will open the door?" Ratatouille asked us.

"In the ancient Nyx tomb, the constellation was printed on the entrance because the kings thought only those with their magic could open it, but there are no obvious constellations pointed in the magic door", I told them.

There were many stars on the gate to this place, but they did not point to any constellations that could be cast as magic.

"What about these symbols, do they mean something?" Sara asked me about some symbols on the frames of the magical door.

"These seems to be emblems of kings or royalty," Rinna told us her opinion about the designs on the door frame.

The designs on the symbols were elaborate and sophisticated, like they were the emblems of royalty and major families or powerful conjurers.

"I recognize one of these symbols", I said to them as I remembered one of the symbols on the door frame.

"What is it?" Ratatouille asked me.

"I remember seeing this emblem in one of my old conjurer master's scrolls", I told them.

"Really, where is your old conjurer master? Can we bring him here to open this door?" Chash asked me.

"I lost contact with him after the wars that devastated Nymera kingdom", I told them.

Nymera kingdom was the kingdom that I was born into when I arrived on this continent. After several wars, my kingdom conquered and destroyed Nymera and its territories became a part of my kingdom.

"Do you have his bloody scroll that you saw the emblem?" Sara asked me.

I thought about it for a while because it was a very long time ago that I saw the scroll with the emblem. Then I remembered something.

"When I left Slowan village for Antenne town, I asked Ronnie to scan all the scrolls of my conjurer master onto his tablet because I thought I could learn some magic from those scrolls later, but I've never returned to those scrolls again", I told them.

"Where is Ronnie's tablet now?" Chash asked us.

"Ronnie passed away some time ago", I told them sadly.

"Forget about Ronnie, his files are with me", Sara told us suddenly.

"How did you get Ronnie's files?" Rinna asked her.

"All the Illuminati's documents are uploaded into my memories, even the useless ones", she told us as she looked at the emblem that I pointed to her, and she scanned it.

In a moment, Sara found what she was looking for and she projected several images before us.

"Are these the scrolls? They are the only ones in Ronnie's database that have these emblems on it", Sara told us.

I looked through the scrolls projected before me and soon found one of them that contained a complex constellation on them.

"This is the scroll", I said to them.

"What does the scroll say?" Cassandra asked us.

"It says, the insignia of the Supreme Conjurer", Meera translated and told us to our surprise.

"This is the insignia or magic signature of one of the Supreme conjurers of the Conjurer's Court of Drachia", Rinna added and told us about the scroll.

"So, all these emblems belong to the Supreme Conjurers?" I asked them.

"There are twelve Supreme Conjurers in the Conjurer's court of Drachia and the positions are hereditary. Look there are also twelve unique emblems on the door frame, which means this is a gate belonging to the Supreme Conjurers", Meera explained to us.

"How did Greenduff get this scroll?" I asked myself.

Greenduff was my conjurer master, and I was his apprentice. However, he wasn't a Supreme Conjurer. He was only a humble traveling conjurer who went around the fringes of the Ten-Kingdoms, helping talented children awaken their templar magic.

"So, are you casting the bloody constellation or not?" Sara asked me.

"Alright, I don't think this will work but I'll try anyway", I told her.

There was a constellation on one of Greenduff's scrolls that I copied, but I doubt it had anything to do with the magical key to open this secret gate.

I linked the stars in the constellation on Greeduff's scroll. The constellations were particularly difficult to link together but I managed to do it because I had many stars in my templar constellation.

Soon, the constellation was conjured.


To my surprise, the door to this strange temple under the east forest of Tarah city creaked and opened after I cast the constellation on Greenduff's scroll.

"I'll be damned, Greenduff has the key to this place. What are the odds of this coincidence", I said to them.

"Forget about the odds, just see what is inside", Ratatouille told us as he quickly turned into a flying book and went into the temple.
