"I am not wrong. This is my way", Spiros protested.

"You will find your way one day if the table will be turned on you. When you are no longer the Bully, but the victim. By that time, I hope you will return to the correct way of the knights", the knight master told Spiros.

"Never", Spiros protested before adding, "Nobody in this world will ever defeat me".

Then Spiros' mind returned to the battle.

The screams of the audience were deafening. Their words were full of scorn, and they looked down on Spiros as a hero fallen or about to fall. This battle was over for him according to the people around him.

Then there was the face of Ennea.

That cool face of the princess that told him he was useless, and he meant nothing to her. The hurt from that was far worse than the harm he received in battle.

"No, why is this happening to me?" Spiros screamed to himself with utter helplessness, the first time he was so vulnerable in his entire life.

Then the memory of the teacher returned to him.

"Remember, when you face defeat, that is when you should defeat yourself", the master told Spiros.

"Yes, master", Spiros replied to his master and smiled.


"The one you should arrest is not Prince Spiros but Duke Oriese. He is the one who caused the curse that afflicted Spiros", Princess Ennea told Apostle Greer.

Princess Ennea was watching our fight from the pavilion and never cheered her fiancé, Spiros, while he was fighting. But when Spiros was about to be arrested by the apostles, she came to his defense.

"Princess Ennea, the spiders came out from Spiros, everyone saw that", I said to Princess Ennea.

"You were the closest person to Spiros when the curse happened. You could have caused the curse on my fiancé", Princess Ennea accused me all of a sudden.

"Princess Ennea, I know you are sad about what happened to your fiancé, but everyone here saw his curse erupting from his body after he had already lost the fight. There is no proof that Duke Oriese cursed Spiros", Apostle Greer told Princess Ennea.

"I will only be convinced if you arrest Duke Oriese and check his magic. You will find out if he was the one who cursed Spiros", Princess Ennea suggested to the apostle.

"Arrest Princess Ennea immediately", Apostle Greer shouted as the guards rushed to arrest Princess Ennea.

Princess Ennea was shocked by the turn of events.

"I asked you to arrest him, why are you arresting me instead?" Princess Ennea asked the apostle.

"We already know you are the Demon Queen or someone who works for her. We are just waiting for you to start making accusations", Apostle Greer told Ennea to her surprise.

"Why are you targeting me? I've done nothing wrong", Princess Ennea protested to the apostle.

"Indeed, Prince Spiros suffered from a curse, a Tarantella curse. This is a slow acting curse that will not mature in a short period of time. Duke Oriese is not the one who cursed Spiros. You on the other hand, princess Ennea, have all the time with Prince Spiros and is the major suspect", Apostle Greer told Princess Ennea.

"Why don't you check that Oriese first? He has dark magic in his damn body", Princess Ennea shouted out to the apostles, irritated by the turn of events.

"How do you know about that?" The apostle asked her when she realized she made a blunder.

"It is a guess", she replied.

"No, that is not a guess. You already know about the dark magic inside Duke Oriese, because you are instrumental in feeding the dark magic to him", Apostle Greer told Ennea as he brought out a bottle of wine that was already almost empty.

"I don't know what you are talking about", Princess Ennea replied to the apostle.

"Take her away for interrogation", the apostle told his men as they brought Princess Ennea away, restrained by their powerful magical chains.

"We will also take Prince Spiros with us for further investigation although we will make sure he is treated first", Apostle Greer said to us.


"Is it over now? Did we actually catch the Blood Queen?" Meera asked me curiously.

"The Blood Queen in this life is scheming but she is still young. She is not the same as the Queen Euaemon of the past", Rinna said to us.

"Her temperament is still like a spoilt girl despite having the memories and knowledge of Euaemon", I said to them.

"Why didn't you kill Spiros like you killed Bion and the others? You seem to have mercy on the childhood Bully of the real Oriese," Cassandra asked me.

"I've asked Eugenia of the Knight Templar Academy about Spiros. It seemed that Spiros was although an arrogant bastard, he never really worked for the House of Nobles in all their evil schemes. That was why he didn't come to attack me in the mountains with the others. He was ranked first because of his talents and not because of his association with the House of Nobles", I replied to her.

"Do you check the background of every guy you ever fight with?" Chash asked me.

"Not everyone but I was asked to do so by someone", I replied to them.


[Before I agreed to fight with Prince Spiros]

"Someone is trailing us", Sara told us suddenly.

"Who could it be? The Dark Lord?" Rinna asked her.

"He is not invisible although he moves really quickly. Much quicker than even the assassins of the Temple of Solomon. When he stops moving, he becomes unmoving like a stone, concealed on the roof of the street. He has been following us since we came out of Kaleon city", Sara told us.

"Move the carriage to a corner. Let me meet this person", I told her.

Our carriage moved to a back alley and stopped there. We waited there for our stalker to appear.

Suddenly, a stalker appeared in front of our carriage.