"Is this the artifact that you want created?" Seamus asked me.

"Yes, this is it, but I don't know how I did it", I replied to him.

"I consider you have received your reward then", Seamus said to me as he walked back to his flock of sheep.

Seamus recrafted the three divine artifacts for me into the shape of the templar weapon skill that Sara invented. That was my reward for helping him clear the land from Aqrabuamelu infestation.

"How do I use this artifact?" I asked Seamus.

"The divine artifact is bound to you now. It will be summoned to your will", Seamus the Meek told me before he slowly disappeared together with his flock.

Suddenly, I returned to my friends in my world.


"Did you get what you want from the Temple of Magic?" Rinna asked me.

"No," I replied to her.

"I told you it's a waste of time", Sara said to me when I returned.

"But I saw Seamus the Meek and he helped me create this", I replied to them as I conjured what appeared to be the magic that Sara taught me.

Instead of conjuring a magical chain with a bell, a divine artifact in the shape of a chain and bell appeared before us.

"This is not a conjuration. This thing is real", Chash said to us about my new divine artifact.

"Hey, did you really craft a new divine weapon?" Ratatouille asked me in surprise.

"I guess I just did", I replied to them.


[Back to the battle with the Demon army in Maher city]

The heavens wept crimson blood cascaded from above.

With the demise of the Bloodfiend, Prince Vlassis, the torrent of his blood flooded the earth, leaving him defeated and transformed back into his human form – without a head.

The remnants of Prince Vlassis' blood magic scattered around his lifeless body, merging once more with the pool of blood from whence it came.

With grim determination, I turned my attention to the next foe, the Bloodfiend Princess Theoni.

My divine Guillotine, a manifestation of righteous fury, forged in the Temple of Magic, surged towards the hapless Bloodfiend, its aim unwavering. The princess's fiendish form could not evade the swift justice of my divine weapon, and her head was ensnared by its spinning bell.

With a grim finality, the razor-sharp Blades of fury within the bell pulverized her blood-filled skull, unleashing yet another crimson rain upon the battlefield.

Princess Theoni's lifeless form crumpled to the ground, her blood magic extinguished, and her head gone.

Next in line was Prince Nasos, his Bloodfiend form meeting a similar fate at the mercy of my merciless flying bell guillotine.

Yet, even as we vanquished each Bloodfiend, the specter of blood magic lingered, a sinister threat that loomed over us still. Before us stood the greatest challenge yet, the Darklord himself, locked in a fierce battle with Sara.

I summoned my chain and bell, directing them towards the Darklord in aid of Sara.

To our astonishment, the Darklord recoiled at the sight of the decapitating bell hurtling towards him, fleeing.

As he fled, the blood pool that had saturated the city streets seemed to follow him, as he sought refuge by returning to his main army.


"Aren't you going to send your Blood Guillotine to cap his bloody head?" Sara asked me.

"He's too far away. My Blood Guillotine wouldn't reach him without having to go over there to the enemy's side", I replied to her.

"What are you going to call your new divine weapon now?" Ratatouille asked me.

"Bloody Guillotine", Sara suggested a name casually.

"Blood Guillotine, it's a good name", I replied to them.

On the horizon before us, among the army of demons, another threat loomed. A demonic character appeared filled with a fiery fury who was bent on killing us for defeating their first wave of onslaught.


"Who the Hell is that demon?" I asked.

"That is the ArchDemon Zesgumath, the King of the Demons", Apostle Matthieu told me suddenly.

"The Demon King? Aren't they fighting with the apostles in the gate of Elis?" I asked the apostle.

"We pushed back the demons in recent battles. I just didn't know they came here to Maher city", Apostle Matthieu replied to me.

"How can we fight against the main army of the demons?" I asked the apostle, but he had no real answer for me.

"Even the army of the apostles would have difficulty facing a clash with Zesgumath", Apostle Matthieu complained worriedly.

Soon, the army of the demons rushed toward Maher city, led by their demon king, the ArchDemon Zesgumath.

"Damnit, this is not a fight that we can win or survive", I said to the apostle.

"I'm sorry Prince Oriese, we have to fall back and retreat to Elis. This is not a battle that we can win", Apostle Matthieu replied to me as he flew away.

The apostle quickly gathered his priests and knights to leave the city, leaving the city at the mercy of the demons.

"Damn these apostles, how can they leave like this?" Ratatouille asked us.

"Retreat is the logical choice. We should consider that too", Sara replied to him.

"Sara is right. We must leave the city too. Let's go back to the Mithridocus family and get everyone away. It is impossible to defend this city from the Archdemon", I told them.


We quickly returned to the Mithridocus family, and we warned them to leave the city.

"We can't leave our ancient home", Elder Argyriss said to us.

"It is either that or your life. Don't choose wrongly", I told the old elder.

"Even the apostles have left, we must leave too", Elder Likourgoss told the old elder who reluctantly agreed to it.

Although the elder was reluctant, he was practical.

The Mithrodocus family did not need time to gather their possessions. While we were battling the Bloodfiends in the city, the family had already prepared for the worse and stored all their valuable possessions, readying to leave.