"Do you remember the tickets that we bought from an auction some time ago. It's about time to use them", Cassandra told us suddenly.

"What tickets?" I asked her.

"The tickets to Delirium of course", she replied to me.

"Is it a concert for a new band called Delirium?" I asked in anticipation.

"No, the ticket is not for a show or concert. It is an entrance to a magical realm that opens once in many years", Meera explained to us.

Some time ago, the apostles auctioned off tickets to the realm of Delirium. Now was the time to enter this magical realm of Delirium.

"What are we going to do in Delirium?" I asked.

"You can have your long-awaited honeymoon in Delirium", Ratatouille said to me.

"Did someone say 'honeymoon'?" Melroy my friend asked me suddenly when he overheard us.

"Hell, don't you have enough of honeymoon already?" I asked him.


"There will never be enough honey in my time with my wives", Melroy replied while hugging his many wives.

Melroy followed us to Tarah city for his honeymoon with his many wives. Apparently, his honeymoon never ends.

"I don't mind having a holiday", Cassandra said to us.

My wives were in the mood for some honeymoon too. I guess.

"How can all of us go if we only have one ticket?" Meera asked.


I only bought one ticket to Delirium, so I came here alone to the place where the gate to Delirium opens. The entrance to Delirium.

However, I wasn't the only one going into Delirium.

My friends were hiding inside Sara's special Hell Tank that was teleported into my Faberge ring. There was magical atmosphere inside the Hell Tank that has life support function.

The holders of the tickets to Delirium were gathered in a location in Drachia kingdom in preparation for the entrance.

Everyone who came here has a reason to be here.

This was a golden opportunity to explore the mystical world of Delirium that only opens its access once every many years. The Apostles would normally not allow public access to this realm except during times of war and they were eager to obtain war fundings.

That was the only reason the apostles would allow us to come here now.

"Delirium will open now for all adventure seekers", an Apostle said to us as a heavy cloud appeared before us.

"Let us warn you that the realm is dangerous, and you may never come out of it alive, hahaha", another apostle told us and laughed.

The apostles sold us a passage into Delirium but did not guarantee a return passage. This was a risky expedition. But the people here paid a lot of money for this, and they would not turn back just because of warnings from the Apostles.

We entered the cloud that appeared and to our expectations we reached another realm.


As we ventured forth, a fantastical realm unfurled before us, crafted entirely from billowing clouds.

The ground beneath our feet resembled undulating waves of light yellow, akin to the ebb and flow of the ocean. Above, the sky was a canvas of misty clouds, weaving intricate shapes reminiscent of otherworldly creatures that danced across the heavens.

Exploring this ethereal landscape, we soon discovered that it was not a mere plain but rather the crest of a towering hill. The entire expanse of this cloud-kissed realm rested upon rolling hills, their peaks ascending into the boundless sky.

In the distance, a magnificent rainbow stretched across the horizon, its vibrant hues leading the way to a castle crafted from clouds of every color imaginable.

This fabled structure, known as the Castle of Delirium, beckoned to us with promises of untold treasures.

Navigating this shifting realm proved to be a formidable task, for the hills and pathways beneath us were anything but stable.

They swayed and shifted, constantly in motion, rendering our journey towards the castle an intricate dance upon the ever-changing landscape. It soon became clear that we were ensnared within a labyrinth of moving clouds, thwarting our every attempt to reach our coveted destination.


"It is impossible to navigate in this world when the ground moves away from our destination", one adventurer complained loudly.

"We can only fly to our destination", another adventurer suggested.

Several adventurers rose into the air as they tried to fly to the castle on the far horizon.

Suddenly, the large clouds in the sky rushed toward the flying adventurers throwing them back to the ground by the force of their winds before covering the ground with mist.

"We can't see anything inside the fog", someone complained.

We were surrounded by a blinding fog after some adventurers tried to fly to the Castle of Delirium.

Flying to the Castle of Delirium was considered cheating and the cloud formed animals in the sky would stop us.

I took the opportunity from the obscured vision to call out my friends.

Sara, Rinna, Chash, Cassandra and Meera took turns to be teleported out from the Hell Tank in my Faberge egg, before I brought Melroy out with his wives.

"Hey, I can't see anything here", Melroy complained as he hugged his wives.

Melroy and his wives insisted on coming to Delirium because they had never been here before.

"The fog will clear after a while. Someone must have tried to fly to the Castle of Delirium", Yasha, Melroy's eldest wife told us.

Then I brought out the thieves from the Temple of Solomon. They wanted to get to Delirium on a special mission and I helped bring them here.

"Are we in Delirium?" Camliden asked me.

"I believe so. What is your mission here?" I asked him.

"We came to look for a special element that can improve our shadow magic", Camliden told me.

"Are you going to the Castle of Delirium?" Cassandra asked him.

"No, the element wouldn't be found there", Camliden replied to me.

Soon, Camliden and his thieves went on their way. Our destination and routes weren't the same.