"Hey, turn me back", Ratatouille asked the cat to release him.

Although Ratatouille could transform into almost anything at will, his transformation magic didn't work when he was turned into a cup by the Delirium cat.

"What is this magic?" I asked.

"This is Delirium, I am the magic", the cat replied to me.

We were in the realm of Delirium and the cat was its god here.

"Damn, the cat is turning us into his cutlery if we fail his questions", Melroy said to us.

"Do something for Ratatouille?" Meera asked us to save Ratatouille.

Cassandra cast a counter-spell on the greedy rat, but he won't transform back to himself. Her magic was useless on Delirium.

"It's useless that won't work. No magic will work here if I don't allow it", the cat said to Cassandra.

"We must complete the cat's riddle to save Ratatouille", Rinna told us her opinion.

"Let me think. Let me think", Melroy said to us as he scratched his blading head.

Although Ratatouille failed the riddle, he gave us some hints.

"If the answer is not steaks it means the cat's not asking for some kind of food. Eliminate food from the answer", Sara told us from her logical deduction.

"You can't eat an empty plate", Chash told the cat.

The cat thought for a while before it waved its tail when suddenly more cups and plates appeared all over the tea table that was filled with food.

None of the plates were empty.

"Try eating from an empty plate. There are no empty plates in my party", the cat told Chash.

Chash took a plate of cake and threw the cake to the floor to empty it, but new cakes reappeared on his plate almost immediately to refill it.

"There are no empty plates on my table", the cat told us again as he turned Chash into a fork.

"No," Cassandra screamed at the cat, but it couldn't turn him back.

"What can't you eat?" I asked them again, but they were clueless, and they feared making a response that would turn them into spoons or bowls.

"We can't make pointless suggestions otherwise all of us would be turned into fork and spoon. We must have a strategy", I said to them.

"Tell me what you can eat? That question would not answer the riddle," Sara asked them for some brainstorming as she smiled cheekily.

Sara probably has the answer and was waiting for us to make a fool of ourselves.

This new line of questioning wasn't answering the cat's riddle, so he couldn't turn us into cutlery even if we had the wrong answer. This was Sara's clue for us to answer the riddle ourselves.

"Eat cakes" "Eat time" "Eat right" "Eat light or heavy" "Eat poison" "Eat lunch" "Eat.."

"Wait for a second. Yes, you can't eat lunch during teatime. Or dinner. or breakfast", I told the cat.

The cat thought about it and spun in a circle before turning back into the knight in shining armor before he told us, "That answer is acceptable".

Ratatouille and Chash were back to normal again, as Sara sulked in disappointment.

"Too easy", Sara commented.

"Now what is our reward?" I asked the knight.

"You can enter Delirium of course", the knight told us.

"Great, that is the reason that we came here", Ratatouille told the knight sarcastically and disappointedly.

"What have you come here for?" the knight asked us.

"For our honeymoon again of course", Melroy replied to him.

"Well, everyone has a reason to come to Delirium, but I doubt the trip will be worth it for everyone but if you do, you may do me a favor while you are there", the knight told us.

"What do you want from us?" I asked the knight.

"You will discover the answer to that once you are in Delirium", the knight told us.

"Will you let us in now or not?" Sara asked the knight impatiently without asking about the quest that he may dish out.

"Surely but let me warn you that templar magic does not work in Delirium", the knight told us.

"What? How are we to defend ourselves inside the strange world?" Chash protested.

"The decision is yours if you wish it", the knight told us.

We discussed the matter between ourselves.

"We didn't come here for nothing if we don't go inside", Ratatouille told us.

"But we can't use magic inside. It could be dangerous", Chash opined.

"We must go in, that is the only way to recover the Heart of the Dark Angel", Meera told us.

"I want to go in. There may be a Tesseract in this world", Rinna told us.

"Why not, magic is not everything", Sara told us.

In the end, we decided to enter Delirium even if we might lose our magic in there.

"I think we are ready to enter Delirium", I told the knight of Delirium when he suddenly reappeared.

"Well then do it", he told us as he showed us to the main door.

"This is the same door that we came in from?" Cassandra asked him.

"Yes, this is also the same door that you enter Delirium", the knight told us.

"Alright, let's go", Melroy told us as he walked first through the magic door with his wives.

They disappeared into the door and entered Delirium.

"Now where do we go after we walk in there?" I asked the knight who now turned into a cat with yellow and blue stripes again and a bell on his neck.

"Wherever your flow brings you", the cat replied to me.

"Who are you really?" I finally asked the cat the most obvious question that I should have asked right from the beginning.

"I'm Delirium of course", the cat told me.

Delirium was the owner of this realm, her ruler and God.


We walked through the door of the castle of Delirium to find a fog-filled misty world outside. This wasn't the cloud filled plains that we came into the Castle of Delirium according to Delirium himself, but we couldn't really tell with all the fog around us.

"Did I really lose all my magic to enter this place?" I asked myself.

"Where are we going now?" Melroy asked us.

"Go with the flow", I replied to him echoing the words of the cat of Delirium.

Suddenly, lit before us was an illuminated golden path.

"Don't tell me this is the Yellow Brick Road", Cassandra said to us.