"These must be the Demon Queen's reinforcements from Hell. They came to Elis by accident. Fortunately, the Demon Queen is still in the continent", High Apostle Harold added.
"Accident? Were they detoured in the space corridor like the Mages of Prolis?" High Apostle Bannon asked.
"Maybe there are fluctuations in space magic that caused these space corridor accidents recently", I told them.
"That must be it", High Apostle Harold concurred.
"Your excellency, what will happen if we release the demon army back to the continent? They will be unstoppable there", High Apostle Bannon asked me worriedly.
"The Church's forces are spread thin in the Three Dynasties and there is no reason to continue the fight there. We must protect Elis as our main priority and conserve our forces. Let the demons fight against the Barbarian kings", I told them.
"Shall we withdraw our forces from the Gate of Elis? Will the higher ups agree to it?" High Apostle Harold asked me.
"Higher ups? Who are you speaking to now?" I asked him in reply.
"I apologize for my brother's misspoke your excellency. The Saint's words are as good as an edict for us", High Apostle Bannon said and apologized.
"Retreat all our forces from the Three Dynasty back to Elis before we let the demons pass through the Gate of Elis. Then we destroy the gate after that. That will make sure they will never return to Elis to threaten us", I told them.
"That is a wise decision your excellency", Bannon concurred with me.
"I need to enter the Secret vault of the monastery", I said to them.
"The Secret vault? We are not authorized", Harold protested.
"I am the authority", I replied to him.
"What will you retrieve from the Secret vault?" High Apostle Bannon asked me with some reservations.
The Secret Vault of the Monastery of Elis was the strongest safe in Elis. Even Ratatouille failed to get into this vault the last time he came here to loot.
"Before that, tell me if the Secret Vault's defense is secure?" I asked them.
"Yes, of course. This is the strongest vault in all of Elis. Even the Mages of Prolis could not break into it", Harold told me.
"What if someone tries to break into the vault by force?" I asked.
"There is magic in the vault that will self-destruct if the secret vault is forced open. Our secrets in the vault will not be revealed even if it was attacked by powerful beings", High Apostle Harold informed me.
"Even the Mages of Prolis?" I asked.
"Yes, even if the Mages can break the secret vault, they will not recover anything from within", he replied to me.
"Good, that is exactly what I wanted to hear", I replied.
"What are you retrieving from the Secret Vault your excellency. We must document and report this back to Eden even if you authorized it", High Apostle Bannon asked me.
"I am not taking anything from the vault. I'm only putting something there for safekeeping", I replied to them to their relief.
"Oh, in that case, there is no problem at all", High Apostle Bannon replied to me.
[Sometime after the Gate of Elis was decommissioned]
"Teacher, what is the problem?" Strega asked Mage Narga.
"Finally, I've found the bloody monkey. It is the faint trail of our tracking magic on his soul", Mage Narga told her student.
"The Ayen god Hanuman?" Strega asked in surprise.
"Yes, those damn Eunuchs dare keep the monkey from us and lie", Mage Narga complained.
"What are we going to do now? Should we summon the High Apostles?" Strega asked.
"Summon those liars, what for? I'll open a path directly to the monkey", Mage Narga replied angrily when she flicked her fingers.
Suddenly, a path exploded before the Mage. The explosion blasted its way through the Monastery of Elis drilling an enormous tunnel through the ground until it reached a magical vault.
The Mages quickly went down the tunnel before they reached a magic vault.
"What is this magic vault?" Strega asked.
"This is powerful magic. No wonder I couldn't detect the monkey's trail until now. The monkey was hidden inside this damn vault", Mage Narga said before she cast a spell to break the secret vault.
The ground erupted like a raging volcano by the Mage's spell.
However, the secret vault could not be broken by her flames.
It was at this time the apostles arrived.
"What are you bitches doing to our monastery?" High Apostle Harold questioned the mages of Prolis.
"You Eunuchs dare ask me? You hid the monkey in the secret vault", Mage Narga accused the apostles.
"We never did that. We have never taken the monkey's soul. It's all lies", High Apostle Bannon protested.
"Lies? I have proof now. I can sense our magic tracking the monkey inside your bloody vault. Open it now and release the monkey's soul back to us", Mage Narga demanded.
"No, we cannot do that without the approval of the Saints of Eden", High Apostle Bannon refused her request.
"Then everyone here shall die", Mage Narga replied to him when she and Strega rose into the air before the Mage said, "I have a Spell".
Mage Narga cast an incredible spell.
The Monastery of Elis erupted in a cataclysmic explosion, the force of the blast sending debris spiraling into the sky, scattering wreckage for miles.
What had stood as a symbol of resilience through the ages was obliterated in mere moments by the devastating magic of the Mage of Prolis.
The destruction was swift and merciless.
Those within the monastery who hadn't managed to flee were caught in the inferno, their lives snuffed out instantly. Even the High Apostles, with all their divine power and wisdom, could not escape the violent fate that overtook them.
As the dust settled, the once-impenetrable Secret Vault of the monastery lay exposed, its ancient defenses shattered by the Mage's spell.
At last, the vault had been breached.
But then, from deep within, a second explosion thundered out—a final safeguard triggered.
Built into the very heart of the vault was a fail-safe mechanism, designed to annihilate everything within should the vault ever be compromised. In a blinding flash, the vault self-destructed, ensuring that nothing of value could be recovered. The priceless relics, the forbidden knowledge—all were reduced to ashes, lost forever.