"The Saints are powerful beings. They can arrest the Warlock of Delirium and the Demon Queen and end the war immediately", I suggested to Matthieu.

"We are of the same opinion, but the Saints are prevented from leaving the holy gardens of Eden by protocol", he said.

"Perhaps they will reconsider given the urgency of the situation. Malevolence is a great sin to the Church and must be cleansed", I said to him.

"You are right", he replied to me.


"Eirot, we must warn you about something", I told Eirot directly.

"What is the problem?" she asked.

"Let me explain. The soul of the Trinity inhabiting your soul realm now may be harboring ill intentions", Rinna elaborated.

"Let me guess, the Dark Angel souls and the Mother Serpent covets your souls?" Eirot asked us to our surprise.

"How did you know about that?" I asked her.

"The Savior told me about it, surprised?" she replied to us.

"What is the situation? Why would the Savior tell you such a thing?" Rinna asked her curiously.

"Because the Savior is unlike the Dark Lord or the Mother Serpent", she said.

"I don't believe her words. These Trinity beings are cunning", I warned her.

"Come inside and I'll introduce her to you", Eirot told us as she pointed both her fingers on our foreheads.


[The Soul realm of the Savior]

The land simmered with molten magma, an endless sea of fiery currents that radiated an oppressive heat, as if one stood in the belly of a volcano—yet no towering peak defined the horizon.

Instead, streams of lava surged from an unseen depth, like an infernal fountain rising from the bowels of the earth.

At the heart of this forsaken realm stood a massive, imposing fountain, crowned by a jagged fracture in the sky shaped like a crucifix—the Crucifix of Damnation, eyeing the world beyond with greed and longing.

From this divine wound flowed a golden pool, cradling a large, ancient chalice- the Unholy Grail. Magma streamed from the chalice, flooding the land and nourishing the fountain. This was the rebirth of the Pool of Suffering and the Unholy Grail, now twisted into the Fountain of Salvation.

"The Fountain of Salvation"

From its bubbling depths, grotesque creatures emerged—horned children and nightmarish beings, each born from water of the molten chaos.

The fountain was no ordinary source of water, but a dark wellspring, delivering demons into existence.

Beside this fiery fountain stood a tall, ethereal woman.

Her sharp claws shimmered in the molten light, but they were not meant to wound. Instead, with meticulous grace, she used them to chip away at a massive block of hardened magma.

She was creating a statue—a figure that slowly took form under her skillful, deliberate strokes.


"Eirot, you are here?" the woman asked Eirot, but her eyes never left her cherished sculpture.

"Yes, Madonna. I brought the Incarnates of the Dark Angel and the Serpent here to see you", Eirot told the Savior.

"Is that true, then the Serpent and the Dark Angel's ploy failed. They didn't claim the Flame of Dragons to merge with your souls?" Madonna asked us now that she turned towards us to our surprise.

"How do you know about the Flame of Dragons?" I asked her.

"Of course, I am a part of Trinity. The Flame of Dragons is the secret magic the previous Dark Angel and Serpent used to combine their consciousness into the new awakened beings. It has been like this since the Revelations began and they become stronger with each resurrection by doing so. It's an often repeated trick", Madonna told us.

"So, all the Serpents or Dark Angels before were merged to their Incarnates before their resurrection?" I asked her.

"Less those Incarnates who failed, yes almost every one of their incarnates' souls were combined in this way except the two of you of course. That according to them will preserve their knowledge and continue their quest", Madonna told us.

"But you do not partake in this practice of taking over the souls of your Incarnates?" Rinna asked Madonna.

"The struggle of Saviors aren't to continue Revelations like the other Trinity since the first Savior awakens. Believe it or not our mission is only to rescue our children from this Hell. But on the minus side, our incarnates will not obtain the benefit of all our accumulated wisdom in her final struggle", Madonna told us to our surprise.

"See, you have misjudged Madonna, she has no interest in taking over my role or my soul", Eirot told us.

"My greatest desire is to handover my mantle to Eirot peacefully. When I am sure she can take care of my children I can leave with peace and pursue more worthwhile interests", Madonna told us.

"That is hard to believe. Aren't you also the wife of the Dark Angel, how can your goals be different?" I asked Madonna.

"Well, that is a blatant slander, probably promoted by the Dark Angel himself but I am too lazy to correct them", she told us.

"You are not one of his wives or concubines?" Rinna asked Madonna.

"I have a twin sister who looks exactly like me. She is the Dark Angel's third wife. When Trinity banded together for our common goals, people often mistook my sister for me. Especially when she went around with the Dark Angel and the Serpent", Madonna explained.

"That is almost the same situation as Lilith and the Serpent", I said.

"We are never alike. Lilith and the Serpent were seeking the Dark One's favor. But he's not my type. You on the other hand fits the profile of my ideal guy", Savior explained and told me to my shock and horror.

"Madonna", Eirot scolded her embarrassedly.

"Fine, I'll leave you to my daughter", Madonna replied.

"Pursue what interests may I ask? After this?" Rinna asked Madonna about her interests after passing her baton as Savior to Eirot.

"Well, I would like to find someone who will read poetry to me every day", Madonna told us to our surprise.