"Concubine Swaye, you should be grateful for what you have obtained, you will soon awaken one of the greatest powers beneath Eden", the masked woman told the concubine.

"You should have given me something better looking, this incarnation you made me is horrendous", Concubine Swaye complained to the masked witch.

"Like I said before, awakening the Anti-Saint's power is not easy and without cost", the masked woman said.

"I am sorry dear, do this for me. You will become my greatest pillar if you awaken the Anti-Saint's powers. With an Anti-Saint by my side, I will soon conquer the whole of Hell", King Sirroron said to his beloved concubine and dreamed about his future glory.

"Yes, for you and our future children", Concubine Swaye replied to the king.

The King's face turned gloomy as he thought of his future children with the monstrous beast before he replied, "Yes, yes".

"How long should I endure before I am rid of this ugly curse on me?" Swaye asked the witch.

"Soon, you have eaten more than a thousand demons, a thousand more, and you should experience an awakening. By that time, you may transform into the Anti-Saint at will", the witch replied to her.

"There are seven Deadly Sins that made up the Anti-Saints of old, which Anti-Saint will concubine Swaye awaken?" King Sirroron asked the witch.

"Everything will be revealed in due time", the masked woman replied to him.

Then the conversation returned to the problem that was brought to the king.

"What about the insurgents on our borders my king, what are we going to do about them?" Concubine Swaye asked the King.

"What do you suggest, great witch?" King Sirroron asked the masked woman.

"You must deal with the insurgents quickly, they are raiding the magic pools and stealing its magic, they must be stopped," the witch replied.

"Some of my advisors are of the same opinion", King Sirroron said.

"That seems to be a good idea, just destroy the insurgents", Concubine Swaye suggested.

"It is not as simple solution a solution as that", the king said.

"What is the problem?" Concubine Swaye asked.

"The true power of each king of the regions lies in their Great Pools of Suffering in their capital cities, so protecting the capital is of utmost importance. If we lose the Great Pool that is ruin of our kingdom", King Sirrorron explained.

"That doesn't explain the problem", Concubine Swaye asked.

"The distance between our capital and the insurgent's capital of Fortress Salvation is not short. If we are to attack the insurgents, we must send a large force south rendering the army protecting the capital to be weakened. What if the other two kings attacked us at this time? Our forces who went on the expedition would not be able to return on time to save the capital," King Sirroron asked.

"So, it comes down to a question of trust between the kings?" Concubine Swaye asked.

"What do you think, great witch?" the king asked the masked woman.

"That is not the real problem, my king. The real problem is that both the King of the East and West thinks like your majesty", the witch replied to the king.

"Please elaborate", the king asked, puzzled.

"If the three kings do not send their armies to vanquish the insurgents quickly, soon they would capture much of our land and magic and become too powerful. By that time, the combined armies of the three kings may not be able to stop them", the witch explained.

"How much land have we lost to the insurgents?" Concubine Swaye asked the king.

"Each of the three kingdoms already lost about one fifth of their land and magic pools. This insurgency has become a serious problem for all of us", the king said and lamented.

"Your majesty shall propose an expedition with the other two kingdoms to destroy the insurgents together", the witch advised the king.

"But the kings do not trust each other, they will not send army from their capital's barracks for fear of backstabbing by the other kings?" Concubine Swaye asked.

"The balance of power in Hell has already shifted in recent months. Once there was balance and harmony between the kingdoms so the kings of the regions would not attack each other due to mutual mistrust. But now, the three kingdoms are faced with existential threats. The kings must trust each other, you no longer have a choice not to", the witch replied.

"Even if I can be persuaded to trust the other two kings, will they trust our alliance of convenience?" King Sirroron asked.

"You will need to send a capable envoy to convince them and together with some inducements", the witch replied to the king.

"Great witch, there is no other among my generals who could achieve this better than you. Will you become our envoy to persuade the other two kings to jointly attack the insurgents?" King Sirroron asked the witch.

"As you wish, your majesty", the witch replied to the king.

"Wait, what is the inducement that we need to provide?" Concubine Swaye asked.

"It won't come from the coffers of the North King, I assure you", the witch replied to her.


"Our scouts reported that the three kings have sent a part of their army south toward Fortress Salvation, what should we do now?" Lord Brathnok asked us worriedly.

"What forces did they send?" I asked.

"They sent Demonlords, Greaterlords, demons, Inferno Kings and different types of mutated demons. The total of their forces is equivalent to almost half of their total forces", he replied to us.

"That is as I expected although they decided to counterattack earlier than I thought", Sara told us.

"We haven't captured more than one third of their pools of suffering, do we have the numbers to fight against the three armies?" Lord Brathnok asked us worriedly.

"Numbers alone is not important to winning according to my experience. When are the enemy going to reach us", I asked.

"We expect them to arrive in six months' time", Lord Brathnok estimated and told us.

"We still have some time to prepare for the defense of Fortress Salvation", Aluva said with relief.

"Who said we are going to defend Fortress Salvation?" Sara asked the war council to their shock and surprise.