"Wrath is getting stronger the more demons that she incinerates. That is how she evolves her power. We should worry about how to deal with her later than King Xorkar and his army. By the time she finishes, there won't be an Eastern army anymore", Sara told us.

The Anti-Saint Wrath was much stronger than any of us anticipated. She could defeat Demonlords and even Archdemons with ease. The most dangerous part about her was her powers were still growing.

Although Wrath doesn't listen to us, I released her into the ranks of the enemy. She doesn't need instructions from us, all she needed to do was to release her wrath.


"Asgara, what shall we do about this aberration that attacked us all of a sudden? She is killing all our men and there is no one who can stop her", King Xorkar asked his general.

"By the rate the fire bitch is going our whole kingdom would be in flame soon", Asgara replied to the king.

"I am asking for advice not your damn comment", the king asked him again.

"Your majesty, I am just a soldier. If you want advice, you should ask the damn witch", he replied.

"Wait, I know what to do. Didn't the witch give us a secret weapon?" the king suggested.

"But that thing is as crazy as this fire bitch", Asgara asked.

"We have no choice now. Release the Anti-Saint", King Xorkar commanded.


The fiery Wrath continued her relentless path of destruction, engulfing the fortress of Swawila in flames and decimating its defenders.

Unstoppable, she scorched everything in her wake.

But then, something—someone—emerged to challenge this force.

A tall, lanky figure with drooping eyes and hunched shoulders, almost grazing the ground, glided into the fortress's entrance. His movements were slow, lazy, as if he had no desire to be there.

This was an unwilling participant, but his presence alone shifted the battlefield.

Though he did not intend to confront Wrath, his power rippled through the air. The moment he arrived, the atmosphere thickened, weighed down by an invisible force.

Soldiers collapsed to the ground, their strength drained as though fatigue itself had taken physical form. Muscles weakened, minds dulled. Everywhere this lethargic being passed, the defenders crumbled, their will and energy seeping away.

He was not a savior, nor a hero. He was something else entirely. He was the Anti-Saint of Sloth.


"What the Hell is that thing?" Sara asked.

"That is Sloth, awakened", Ratatouille told us.

"Damnit, the king of the East also has an Anti-Saint. How many Anti-Saints did that bitch awaken? He doesn't look like the Sloth I saw last time," I asked.

"Because he is the real Sloth", he replied.

"How dangerous is this, Sloth?" Rinna asked.

"Sloth is among the strongest of the Anti-Saints", he replied to us to our surprise.

"Sloth as in the Sin of being lazy? What can he do in a fight?" Aluva asked.

"He doesn't do anything because he is lazy, but his aura is contagious. He could cause the world to go to sleep if he wishes it although he would not exert himself like that. But few could maintain their diligence in front of him", Ratatouille told us.

"Damn, either of these creeps can win this war by themselves", Sara commented.

"Can we control them, Wrath and Sloth? Or talk to them? Last time I managed to convince Wrath and Sloth to surrender to me" I asked.

Previously, I recovered the bodies and souls of the Anti-Saints in the Temple of Seven Deadly Sins. Most of the time, I convince them to surrender to me without fighting.

"No, it won't work this time. They could not be reasoned with and do not have much independent thought until their death. Last time you were talking with the long dead souls of the Anti-Saints when the primordial influence of the Mother lapsed. These are newly awakened Anti-Saints, their emotions are strong. Only the Mother Serpent can control them", Ratatouille explained to me.

"I am not asking the Mother Serpent for help", Rinna told us.

"She probably won't help you even if you asked her. She is trying to awaken these Anti-Saints again for her own use, probably against us", I said to her.

"We should leave these Anti-Saints alone. They are no help to us", Ratatouille suggested to us.

"Well, they already did their part", I replied to him.

By this time, the entire army of the East King was almost decimated by the appearance of the Anti-Saints, Sloth and Wrath. Although King Xorkar planned to bring out Sloth to challenge Wrath, these two Anti-Saints had no plans of fighting among themselves. Instead, they were busy taking the lives of the demons in the fortress consuming their magic as nourishments.

"I couldn't believe these two Anti-Saints destroyed this entire fortress all by themselves", Rinna said.

"I believe destroying the fortresses is what these Anti-Saints will do eventually whether we came here or not", I said and commented.

"These anti-Saints are growing their powers by killing demons. It is likely the Demon Queen bitch put them here in the fortresses with a purpose of nurturing them here and recovering them later for her own use", Sara explained to us.

After the Mother Serpent Nahase was contained by Rinna, she found a way to contact the False Prophet who has a psychic link to the Trinity. She probably taught the prophet how to awaken Anti-Saints.

Queen Emerald was the reincarnation of the False Prophet. After her demon army was defeated by the Saints of the Church of All-seeing, she left the continent and escaped into Hell.

Once in Hell, the Demon Queen enacted her devious scheme. She awakened the Anti-Saints in the three kingdoms of hell, planning to use the lives of the demons to feed their awakening.

"We cannot allow that woman to gain these two powerful helpers", Rinna said.

Suddenly, Wrath and Sloth spotted us finally. Even the sandstorm of the Shai-hulus could not hide us from the Anti-Saints.

"We should go now, they are too strong", Ratatouille told us.

"No, Rinna is right. We cannot allow Emerald or the Bitch Mother to get these Anti-Saints", I replied to him.
