Ch 1 -Ep. 01 - I am back

- The huge Vellingiri mountain standing on the border of Kerala and Tamil Nadu states of South India, it is said that whenever Lord Shiva gets bored of Kailash, he comes and resides here, that is why this mountain is also called Kailash of the South and Coimbatore, a small beautiful city, is situated at the foothills of this Velliangiri mountain.

Although it rains in full force throughout South India, but perhaps this time the monsoon was a little more kind to Coimbatore. The continuous rain here for the last few days was showing no sign of stopping;

On one such rainy night, suddenly there was strong lightning in the sky along with stormy winds, seeing which even a few people walking on the road got scared and hid in the courtyards of the nearby houses. It seemed as if these heart-wrenching lightning strikes were hitting the city of Coimbatore for a specific purpose.

People nearby were talking among themselves about this sudden change in the weather when suddenly someone shouted, "Hey look, there is a five-headed snake wrapped around the banyan tree."

Hearing what that man said, all the people present there were shocked, then some other man from the crowd laughed and said, "Hey brothers, it seems that today he has tried it again... ha ha ha ha..... In today's times, a snake with one head is no longer visible and a snake with five faces is visible."

Hearing what the other man said, everyone standing there started laughing loudly. But then suddenly there was a loud bang of lightning in Asman and in the light of that lightning, a five-headed divine snake wrapped around a banyan tree became clearly visible.

Although the snake coiled on the highest branch of that old banyan tree was injured and the blood dripping from its five hoods was seeping into the fruits of that banyan tree, still, it spread its five hoods proudly and was about 20-22 feet long. That pitch black colored five hooded snake was making the viewers experience its divinity from a distance. Seeing the sight in front of them, the people present there gathered under that banyan tree. Some of them, as soon as they saw the five-headed snake, started kneeling down to pay obeisance to its divinity, while some of the youth started searching for their mobile phones to capture the scene in their cameras, but not before they could close their eyes. Would have been able to capture that astonishing sight in their cameras; That divine snake transformed into a small divine light. Then once again there was a strong lightning in the sky and suddenly that divine light flew with the speed of a bullet and landed in the room on the third floor of a small house nearby, right between the eyes of Shiva who was sleeping on the divan.

Shiva's body was in coma for the last two years and during this time there was no improvement in his condition, but as soon as the divine light entered Shiva's body, slight movements started happening in his body and he came out of coma. Started coming out.

On one hand Shiva's body was slowly coming out of coma and on the other hand Shiva's mind had also returned to its conscious state. Even though Shiva was not able to stand up at that time, still he was able to feel every activity happening around him. He said to himself in his mind, "Have I really returned to the earth again?"

"This weak and lifeless body… is it really me… but I had gone into a coma a long time ago?"

Questioning himself in his mind, Shiva slowly started remembering everything, two years ago, while returning from his college entrance exam, he was hit by a truck and since then his body was in a coma.

Due to that accident, Shiva's body had gone into coma but at the same time his Kundalini Shakti had also awakened and his soul had left his body and wandered to the world of snakes. There Nagraj Takshak took care of him and not only protected his soul like his own son but gave him the body of a snake, but in these 2 years, Shiva's soul received the fruits of 2000 years of penance and helped him acquire all the powers of the universe. Also helped.

And one day when Shiva, after receiving a boon from Lord Sheshnag, became the most glorious emperor of the snake world, something happened to him which he had never imagined even in his dreams. Nagraj Takshak fraudulently sacrificed the snake body of Shiva. After losing his snake body, Shiva's soul became free again and only then Shiva came to know about the real motive of Nagraj Takshak.

In fact, according to an ancient prophecy, it was decided that whoever would offer sacrifice to the three emperors of heaven, underworld and serpent world, would become the master of the entire universe and no one in this universe would be able to defeat him. Therefore, before Shiva, Nagraj Takshak found two more powerful souls and got them snake bodies, after which, just like Shiva, under his supervision, he made them the emperors of heaven and underworld and sacrificed them.

Although Nagraj Takshak had succeeded in his purpose, but as soon as he was freed from the snake's body, Shiva's soul returned to the earth with all its powers and now it had entered Shiva's body.

As soon as Shiva remembered Nagraj Takshak, Shiva's mouth became sour and the fire of anger started burning inside him, he promised himself in his mind, "Nagraj Takshak, one day I will return again to the world of snakes and will punish you for your sins. I will definitely punish you...this is my promise to you..."

Saying this, Shiva slowly opened his eyes and started taking stock of his surroundings with his blurred vision.

Shiva was lying on a dilapidated divan, next to which was a small old table, on which were placed a glass of water, two biscuits and a photograph of all four members of his family. As soon as he saw that picture, Shiva's memories of his entire family became fresh in his mind.

The people here believed that Shiva's ancestors, born in the Agnihotra Brahmin family, settled here after receiving the knowledge of ancient Ayurveda and medicines from Lord Dhanvantari and in ancient times, they established an Ayurvedic medical center here, which is today India's largest Ayurvedic medical center. There is a hospital.

Now it is difficult to say how much truth was there in this story, but because of this story even today Shiva's entire family had a good name. Although, being the eldest son of the family, Shiva should have been the successor of this rich and respectable Shastri family, but contrary to all this, his childhood was spent only in poverty, contempt and humiliation.

As per the orders of Shiva's grandfather, his entire family was evicted from the house as well as the Shastri family. Shiva's cousin Bhaskar Shastri attacked Shiva, due to which his entire body became paralyzed.

Don't know how many things had happened in Shiva's past, remembering which Shiva's eyes filled with tears, then suddenly Shiva heard the sound of the lock of the outside door opening and his meditation was broken. Shiva saw that the front door of the hall opened and a tall slim girl hurriedly entered the house and closed the door of the house again with force.

For a moment Shiva could not believe his eyes. That beautiful and delicate girl standing in front of him was none other than his younger sister Meenakshi.

As soon as he saw Meenakshi, Shiva said in a low voice, "Meenu…."

In fact, in the last two years, sometimes there used to be slight movements in Shiva's body and Shiva used to mutter a word or two, so Meenakshi thought that maybe something similar had happened this time too. Thinking this, without paying much attention to Shiva, he said in a nervous tone, "Shush ssss... calm down brother.... shush ssss... we both are playing hide and seek. If you remain quiet then Your Meenu will feed you Unniyappam…."

A smile appeared on Shiva's face as soon as he heard the name of Unniyappam, when suddenly he heard a vulgar and ridiculous male voice from outside the door….

"Ha ha ha ha… Meenu didi… where are you running in such a hurry? I will almost eat you…."

As soon as she heard that voice, Meenakshi shouted, "Clever, go away from here quietly… otherwise I will call the police."

Once upon a time, Chatur used to be Shiva's brother-in-law, but now Shiva had nothing to do with those people, that's why Shiva's eyes got angry as soon as he heard Chatur's name, but before he could say anything, Chatur closed the door. He shouted from outside, "What Meenu… have you forgotten the etiquette of welcoming your relatives while living in this gutter and filth?" Open the door, I have to talk to you."

But after listening to Chatur, Meenakshi said in a nervous and trembling voice, "You… you come tomorrow… we will talk tomorrow, right now… my family is at home and they would like your coming here." It won't seem... ok... now go away from here."

Hearing Meenakshi's words, Chatur mocked her and said, "Your family? Ha ha ha ha..... You... Are you talking about that beggar father of yours who drives a taxi or about that runaway mother, Who ran away with someone else... ha ha ha ha... or that living dead Shiva, who never speaks or listens. Stop making excuses and open the door quietly. "

Saying this, Chatur gave a strong kick at the door. Due to the impact of Chatur's kick, Meenakshi could not control herself and fell on the ground crying. Seeing such condition of Meenakshi, Shiva became furious with anger, he wanted to get up and help Meenakshi but his body was not supporting him.

As soon as the door opened, Chatur directly entered the house and looking at Shiva with a cursory glance said, "Oh this burden of the earth is also here...."

Due to the push at the door and the sudden fall, Meenakshi's lehenga had slid down to her knees; Her beautiful, delicate and shining feet were clearly visible.

Chatur looked at Meenakshi with lustful eyes and said, "Here... the wedding card of my elder sister Jayati... please come."

Seeing Chatur staring at her like this, Meenakshi quickly slid down her lehenga and said, "Okay fine... you had to give the card, you did... now go from here."

Hearing Meenakshi's words, Chatur bit his lips and said, "Hey Meenakshi ji... what's the hurry? By the way, my sister has said that when you guys come to her wedding, you should bring this Shiva along with you. Who knows, on this pretext, you all may return to the society or who knows, your brother may get cured after seeing your sister's marriage... ha ha ha...."

Meenakshi could hear anything for herself but as soon as Chatur took Shiva's name, she couldn't bear it, she shouted at the top of her throat, "Your hearts did not cool down even after seeing such a condition of my brother, who now You are hell-bent on making fun of him in front of the society... get out of here... none of us will come to your sister's wedding."

Saying this, Meenakshi's eyes filled with tears, seeing which Chatur taunted her and said, "Oh... just look... how deep is the love between brother and sister..." Huh... That's it, my sister has made up her mind to forgive this living corpse brother of yours, otherwise we ourselves don't want any of you to come there. Listen with open ears... Quiet marriage. Come here and bring gifts worth at least one lakh rupees to give in my sister's Kanyadaan... otherwise... "

As soon as Meenakshi heard from Chatur's mouth about a gift worth one lakh rupees, the ground slipped from under her feet. She said to Chatur, shaking with anger, "Gifts worth one lakh rupees? Gifts of what, yes... You guys are busy in your business." You are crossing the limits... The marriage of my brother and your sister was fixed in our childhood itself.

But today she is going to break her relationship with my brother and marry his cousin Bhaskar. Was it not enough that now you are also demanding gifts of Rs 1 lakh from us? Forgot, when your sister was seriously ill and my brother had saved her life by risking his own life... leave alone repaying that favor... you people are even crossing the limits of humanity. Yes... I feel ashamed even to call you my relative...

Before Meenakshi could finish her sentence, Chatur's anger flared up and without thinking anything he slapped Meenakshi hard on the cheek, due to which Meenakshi staggered and fell on the ground.

Seeing Meenakshi being beaten like this in front of him, will Shiva be able to save her or will he cleverly cross all limits of oppression?

After all, what happened in Shiva's past?

After all, what is the secret of Nag Lok and what powers has Shiva got?

To know more, keep reading Hiss – Rebirth of a Destroyer