A weird dream, and since when could crows talk?

"Uggh my gut, seriously who would stab a 5 year old, ducking crazy bitch." I said aloud as I sat up I 'looked around' and realized I wasn't in the Big House.

{Place Unkown, Time Unkown}

All around me complete and absolute darkness which looked as if not even the smallest bit of light could penetrate, suddenly the darkness started moving all around me.


The rumbling stopped and I couldn't believe what I was seeing tens, no hundreds of eyes all around me their pupils moving in unison all looking at me. "Welcome, son it is nice to finally see you, but you shouldn't be here." A voice spoke out encompassing the entire space with its divine tone.

"Huh, wait son what do you mean?" I questioned, instead of an answer the voice remained quite and I suddenly sunk into the ground.

{Big House Medical wing, 8th of August 1996}

My eyes sprung open, once more as air realized I was in one of the Big House beds probably at the Medical wing if the bandages around my gut and torso were anything to go by. With my new 'sight' I didn't even need to get off the bed, thank god, to 'see' what was around me there seemed to be 3 other people in here with one of them being the Hunter I had pierced straight through the gut.

I tried going back to sleep since the bed was way too comfy not to try, when a female voice spoke out to me "You're going back to sleep again even though you just slept for almost 24 hours, damn kid you are slothful as heck."

I recognized the voice almost immediately, but before replying I made a mental note that even with my newly evolved 'sight' I still couldn't see her. "Yes Artemis I am going back to sleep, just don't tell my dad." I said back to her.

"Okay whatever you say and here I thought we could go for a little hunt of our own." Artemis said with some cheekiness evident in her voice.

At her words I reluctantly got out of the bed since the prospect of being taught even the slightest bit of hunting by the goddess of the hunt was an enticing enough offer. We both made our way out of the Big House my injury proving to be almost completely cured if the absence of pain was any indicator.

With a flick of her hand Artemis seemed to spawn a bow and a quiver full of arrows which she handed over to me. "So where are we going to hunt?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Wait a moment kid, another person is coming with us." Artemis replied, at her words I focused on my 'sight' and checked on everyone around camp where my 'sight' reached, I noticed the Hunter with a slight tint of red aura heading in our direction. "Oh please not her." I said aloud. "Yep, Zoe is coming with us Odysseus after all she is my commander." Artemis said as she probably heard me.

The Hunter who I now knew her name was Zoe approach us and I could see how her smile at seeing Artemis turned into a frown as she looked at me so I just waved at her from Artemis side trying to get on her nerves, which seemed to work as her frown turned into a full on scowl at my gesture.

"Lady Artemis why must this man-child come with us?" Zoe questioned Artemis her scowl never leaving her face. "He is Chiron's son and therefore he is something like my grandchild, I can't exactly let my grandchild be bad at hunting now can I." Artemis said trying to appease her subordinate. "Understood lady Artemis." Zoe replied.

I couldn't help but think 'Thanks dad you are the best.' after hearing Artemis' reasoning for letting me accompany them in a hunt. We started traveling towards the North woods a place infested with monsters and were Artemis said we would find our prey.

We rushed towards the woods, trying to find our prey. As we reached it I suddenly heard different voices. "It's the son of Darkness." "He seems a little small right." "He can bring us corn."

I turned towards where I kept on hearing the voices, where three crows were settled on a branch. "He is looking at us" one of the crows said as he hit the other two with his wings. "Hurry, look imposing." Another one said as they all puffed their chests I couldn't help but be weirded out and stop running.

"Kid, why are you stopping come on." Artemis said. "Huh, yeah right." I replied as we went back to running deeper into the woods, while keeping my 'sight' located on the three crows for as long as I could since they seemed to be following me around.

*Author note: sorry for the short chapter it is just I didn't really have a lot to say in this chapter and I didn't wanna drag it on. Also ladies and gents, Artemis does like Oddysseus in a family kind of way, in Greek mythos Artemis is also known for being caring towards children so that is another reason as to why she isn't bothered about Odysseus being a male, although that may change when he grows up.*