The Story of Thalia and Odysseus

{3 months later}

{Camp Half-Blood, January 2nd 1999}

"Stop dodging you prick." Thalia shouted angrily while continuing to thrust her spear at me continuously while I dodged by a hair's breath each strike from her spear.

"Nah Thalia, come on you need to improve." I smirked at her continuously growing furious expression. "Just stay still." She yelled as arc of an electricity spawned around her spear which I quickly backdashed so as to dodge it.

She then threw it at my face and I just bent backwards letting the lightning passs over me, it's temperature alone burning my hair tips slightly. "Ughhh!" Thalia said as she saw my smirking face.

"Well you had enough of a chance it is my turn now." I smiled slightly, focusing on my Greek helmet tattoo on my right hand I infused some mist through it and a spear started materializing in my hand while the tattoo slowly dissipated, "Ah how useful is this ability, isn't it Thalia." I said while grinning.

"Ok that is fucking unfair." Thalia said as she gaped at my materializing spear. "Well not my fault I got claimed by the Pelian Spear is it." I replied, while clenching my legs and smashing my back foot against the ground.

I quickly appeared in front of Thalia and with all the force I could muster I lunged straight at her, it seemed that her training had been paying off as she barely dodged my strike getting a scrape on her stomach. "Come on Lightning Girl, you are gonna have to be faster than that."

She didn't reply at me but just gritted her teeth at my remark, I started dashing and lunging towards her she tried blocking each of my strikes with her spear and distance herself with some of her lighting abilities.

The sparring session continued as I slowly pressured her more and more, with a final large slap from the pole of my spear and I hit her on the head. She fell to the floor letting go of her spear and clutching her head "Goddamn it!" She said angrily while sitting on the floor clutching her head.

"Hey come on don't worry about it, I got beat around for years before I started winning my spars." I said as I stretched out my hand to her fallen body. "Come on get up. We have Pegasus riding next." I continued. "Ok, let's go." She replied as she grabbed my hand and I helped her up.

{20 days later}

"Finally today's over." Thalia said, as we started walking back towards her cabin. "Hey Thalia?" I asked her, "Yeah dude." Thalia replied. "Happy Birthday." I continued.

Thalia then turned her face at me and said in an awkward manner "Thanks Ozzy. See you tomorrow." She then walked and slowly entered Zeus Cabin. I then started walking back to bed while reflecting on the previous months.

Thalia POV

I slowly closed the door of my father's cabin behind me, with a shot of adrenaline suddenly surging through me, it was honestly weird after what Ozzy said I couldn't stop thinking about it, even though it was just a simple happy birthday.

To try to get my mind off the subject I looked at my cabin where I had been staying for the last three months, electric blue covered the walls and ceiling, tens of lighting archs that seemed to be constantly lighting distributed all around the ceiling.

I looked at all the bunk beds around the cabin probably becuase of all the kids my dad used to have I climbed to one of the top beds and looked at the sky but my head couldn't stop slightly drifting to the last thing Ozzy said, after that I started picturing our other training sessions and times together. "Just go to sleep Thalia." I said aloud to distract myself and tried falling asleep.

{4 months later}


"So are you guys ready for some Pinochle." My dad said as he turned his head looking at me and something which I couldn't see, Mr D. "Yeah come on Dad, just deal the cards I am definitely winning this one." I said, "Ha kid, you shouldn't be so sure about that." The invisible god backed up.

My dad simply smiled at the god's of wine and my quibbling, he started dealing the cards 3 at a time for each of us until all three of us had 12 cards each. My dad then flipped one final card showing the eight of spades.

We started playing the game with most of the time the tricks being won by my dad though I won a few as well, Dionysus on the other hand the no-drunk alcoholic god kept on losing and yelling about how this was also part of his curse.

We continued playing, in one hour of playing my dad quickly reached the required 1000 points to win the game, while I just had 700 and Mr D had 50 points. "This game is stupid!" Mr D yelled as he got up from his chair and from what I could hear went back into the Big House.

"Seriously are you sure you aren't cheating?" I asked my dad while I threw my remaining cards onto the table. "Oh come on son you know I would never do that." Chiron replied, "I ain't so sure anymore I mean we have never won once in a game that mainly relies on chance that is a pretty suspicious." I jokingly said to my dad.

"Sore los-" My dad started saying but was suddenly interrupted as my chair was goblled up by my shadow and I fell to the floor with a loud thump. "Huh, what the hell happened?" My dad asked as he came closer and started touching the ground, "I don't know, the chair just fell in." I replied as I started inspecting the floor with my dad.

"It feels as if it is inside my shadow." I couldn't help but say after a slight inspection. "Can you try taking it out." My dad questioned me as he scratched his chin, "No clue." I answered my dad.

I placed my hand onto my own shadow and tried to feel out the chair, my 'sight' suddenly zoned in and my hand phased through my shadow "That's cool." I couldn't help but say, as my hand rummaged through my shadow, I felt the cold texture of the wood on my hand I grabbed the chair feeling as though it weighed almost nothing I slowly took it out.

The chair started phasing through the shadow once again and I quickly took the entire chair out of my shadow in no time flat. "Well that seems like an interesting ability." My dad said while inspecting both my shadow and myself.

{2 months later}

"Hey, hey Ozzy. I can understand them, I can understand them." Thalia said excitedly as she rushed at me. "Who can you understand Thalia?" I asked her somewhat tiredly, "The birds, your crows I can speak to them." She excitedly said. "Wait, what, you can?" I asked her.

"Yeah Corvus, Skia, Randy and all other birds too." Thalia said as she finished talking I could see how a flock of a lot of different types of birds suddenly started flying towards us from the forest.

"No fucking way." I said mouth somewhat agape as I realized what she meant by all birds. "Thalia call them off, call them off!" I started yelling at her from the side, imagining the 12 divine cabins dirtied by the droppings of all the birds and the bad graces that would give us.

"Uh why?" They are just little birds she said as she probably still couldn't see the bad situation this would lead to. "Please just do it." I pleaded for her as the almost invisble pink aura flared around her, she replied "Fine."

She let out a low breath and ordered in ancient greek in a low whisper "Βιρδς φλυ βαϲκ (Birds fly back)" the flock of birds seemed to hear her as they started flying back to the woods, "Oh thank god." I let out a sigh of relief.

Author Note: I know it may be rushed but Thalia's thing is just a crush. Votes Thalia: 24; Khione: 19; Bianca: 7; Reyna:4; Alectrona: 3. One more thing before I go we will get into juicy stuff pretty soon that is why there were so many time skips in thsi chapter.