The Quest and Goodbyes

{Camp Half-Blood, September 10th 1999}

"Ok Odysseus I need you to remember and try to repeat the prophecy the Oracle told you as good as you can." My father said in a more serious tone than usual.

"Uhmm, sure." I replied to my father and started remembering the prophecy which the Oracle had dictated after I had it ingrained in my memory I spoke aloud

"In dreams of shadows, his father speaks.Whispers of labors, 9 to achieve. On an 8-year path that he must brave. Alone, cursed soul seeks to save. Through trials echoing ancient lore. The journey unfolds, a quest evermore"

"Well it seems like a pretty simple quest to decipher right?" Thalia couldn't help but say as she sat on one of the chairs at the deck table.

"Yes it doesn't seem to have a lot of mystery the second verse is obviously saying what you will have to do that being nine labours and the third verse obviously means that this journey could take up to 8 years." My dad interjected, "However," my father continued "The other verses are a bit tougher."

"Yeah like the first one where it says that your father speaks to you in your dreams I mean that is pretty straightforward but we don't know who your godly parent is." Thalia said.

"Uhmm, I think I know what that could mean it has only happened twice but I have seen in my dreams a 'thing' that said was my dad." I said while raising my arm slightly.

"How come you didn't tell me this?" My dad asked me, "Well the second time it happened was today and the first time I didn't think much of it besides no matter what that 'thing' said you are still my dad." I replied to my father's inquiry.

"Well that is another verse down." Thalia sighed as she sunk more into her chair. "The verse that says alone cursed soul probably refers to you and that you must do this quest by yourself." My dad said with slight nervousness evident in his voice since most quests were done by three people.

"Wait alone! We can't be sure that is what that means." Thalia said while countering my father's words. "No I feel like what my dad said is correct." I replied trying to calm down Thalia.

"I don't know I don't like it." Thalia said as she grabbed the chair somewhat fiercely splintering it slightly. "Let's move on to another verse." I couldn't help but say trying to steer the subject away from something that would put Thalia in a bad mood.

"Ok, the finishing is a cursed soul wish to save." My dad said "So maybe this quest is to save me from my curse?" I couldn't help but question aloud. "But what curse do I have." I continued "I mean sure I was born blind but with my new 'sight' in some aspects I can see even better than normal demigods."

"I guess we won't be able to figure it out and it must be something that comes later on in your quest." My dad said.

After finally deciphering as much of the quest as we could I decided to start packing for the long journey ahead. I first gathered supplies and but them in different backpacks then I placed the backpacks inside my shadow something I had been able to do after my chair had sunk into it a few months ago.

After that I went to the forge and grabbed one of the better bows and arrows along with a quiver that replenished itself with the arrows it already had so as long as I never broke any I would always have the same amount of arrows.

I continued preparing myself and finally after the distinct shadowy mass of the sun started setting I was finally done.

"Welp I guess it is time to finally leave." I couldn't help but say as I sighed while looking at the shadowy valley which I had called home and hadn't left since my birth.

"Just be careful okay and remember to call camp with a golden drachma at least once a month so we know your status." Thalia said a little shyly beside me.

"Yeah I know don't worry my dad gave me enough golden drachmas to call him every single day for the next two years if I needed to." I said while slightly giggling about his anxiousness about giving me all the drachmas he owned so I could call him all the time.

"I wasn't worried." Thalia said "But you know you were my first friend so I would be kind of sad if you died." Thalia continued as her voice slowly turned into a whisper. "What did you say?" I couldn't help but tease her since she never acted this way and was mostly arrogant all day long.

"Ughh, you can be such a pain sometimes you know that." Thalia said while lightly smiling. "I know." I replied while nodding continuously. "Come on get in the car the hundred eye hunk is waiting for you." Thalia finally finished saying as she led me to the car which would take me to Long Island and then shoved me in it.

After shoving me in Thalia slammed the car door shut behind me, as she said something which I couldn't hear, as Argus started diving off. "Hey, Argus I am gonna take a little nap wake me up when we get there okay." I said to the camp's number one resident.

"Hmmm." Was all I got a response from the hundred eye giant which I took as a yes so I slowly took a nap and had the greatest pleasure in the world take me.

{Odysseus' Dreamscape}

My eyes fluttered open and I 'looked' around me seeing the scenery which I had already seen twice before. "Oh not this again." I couldn't help but say as I let out a sigh.

"What do you mean not this again?" The deep all encompassing voice said as eyes started appearing all around me. "I mean how many times are you gonna pull me in here." I replied to the voice which was supposedly my godly parent if the prophecy was right.

"Hey, a lot of demigods would love it if their parents talked to them like this." The voice said somewhat angrily. "Ok, ok sorry for not being all excited to meet my godly parent who comes out as a bunch of eyes and talks to me for like two minutes." I said towards the voice somewhat sarcastically since I knew gods couldn't do any physical harm to a demigod in their dreams except for maybe Hypnos.

"Hmm, would this form be more pleasant." The voice said once again as they eyes started merging in front of me and formed the figure of a singular huge eye and a long mouth with the pointiest thing I had ever 'seen'.

"Ok, god, you are starting to freak me out a bit so just tell me why you pulled me in here." I said trying to get down to business.

"Well, what makes you think I just wouldn't want to talk to you?" The deep voice said,"well for one you have never done that before and secondly you are a god most gods don't chat with their children." I replied to the eye and mouth.

"Kiddo I ain't most gods, but you are right I am here for business I shall be the one to give you, your labors including little hints to get you started on each one." My godly parent said somewhat proudly.

"Oh, so you will be the one deciding what monsters are gonna have the chance to kill me, isn't that fatherly." I said sarcastically. "Listen to me you little shi…" the voice said as the entire space trembled from his voice and for once I was actually shocked since he seemed to be able to affect me even in my dreams.

"Calm down, calm down, you know what Nyx always says." The voice said as the space slowly stopped its shaking.

"Well kid, your first labor will be to hunt the Calydonian Boar, based on the hunt of Meleager and Atalanta. You will find your prey in one of the national parks." The voice said in a final tone as it seemed to have enough of me since I sunk into the shadowy ground.

Thalia POV

"I guess he's gone, huh." I said while sighing as I saw the car leaving with both Argus and Odysseus. "I guess so my child." Chiron suddenly said as he seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"You know if it was at any other time that would have probably jump-scared me, but not now." I sighed once again, I then felt a strong callous filled hand lay on my shoulder as it slowly grazed my black hair which reached my shoulders.

"Don't worry, he is my son and I have taught him well, also how about you take a few days off." Chiron's soothing voice reached my ears but I could tell he was holding in his nervousness, a nervousness which could only be experienced by a father, and even at this time I couldn't help but a feel a little jealous of Ozzy.

"No let's get back to training." I said concentrating now onto what Ozzy would want me to do, and also beat his ass when he came back.

*Author Note: I'm begging, begging youuu, so gimme your power stones out, baby*