Second Trial of Misery (II)

{Misery Dream, Unknown Time}

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood your home away from home." I said a small grin on my face tilting myself forward to look closer at the boy who had closed this commotion, he had black wild hair similar to mine except it smelled more like seawater than I was expecting then there were his eyes sea green the thing that most demigod's gained from their parents, the thing that proved your godly lineage.

There weren't many demigods who had green eyes though there were three primary gods this kid could be a child to, Aphrodite since her kids always had diefferent eye and hair colors, then there was Demeter all her children had green eyes but they were normally a lighter colour and finally Poseidon though they were banned from being conceived still Thalia was an example it could still happen.

"Thank you for saving us Odysseus." Grover said shyly as he walked closer to th both me and the demigod.

"Don't worry about it." I replied shaking my hand but my eyes still focused own the boy, after all it was always fun to try and figure out which god or goddess they belonged to. "Hummus could you stop staring at me?" The kid asked me his face slightly flushed from nervousness after all the kid had almost died to a Minotaur not exactly the best way to go out of there were any.

Without saying anything but complying to his request I turned over to look at the woman, "Thank you for caring take care of your son, the ones up there usually don't so you have my gratitude but you should probably leave soon, demigod scent doesn't exactly vanish quickly.

The woman nodded at my words and turned to look at her son placing her hands on his shoulders, "Percy follow Grover to camp, we will see each other again."

"But, Mom.." the boy who had now been identified as Percy said but before he could finish his sentence.

"Percy no buts this is what is best for you right now, you may not think so but it's the truth." The woman said.

"Welp that's that we should get going after all mortal's can't enter camp so bye, bye." I yelled behind to the lady as I pushed both Percy and Grover forward. It seemed there were no complaints since as I pushed the younglings (I am 14) they just waved goodbye to the woman.

Soon we reached camp and I could see the amazement in the demigod's eyes as I told Grover to go to Cloven Council, after all bringing back a demigod alive was a feat in and of itself. As Percy and I walked through camp he suddenly asked me, "Hey, why is there lava coming out of that mountain?"

"Well for the extra challenge of course." I replied throwing a smile to the young demigod.

Yet before we could continue the camp tour something I had grown to enjoy with the random demigods that came from time to time to camp in this whatever it was, clopping sounds started coming in front of us and in a wave of sound, a four legged horse with the top of half a human galloped or rode I honestly didn't know in front of us.

"Odysseus I will take the boy from here?" I looked at my dad then at Percy then back at my dad then back at Percy after all I was the one who normally showed the demigod's everything in camp, since I would probably be an instructor here when I m older (after all it wasn't like I had an actual education even if I knew more than most mortals).

"If you say so." I said as I shrugged my shoulders and left Percy with my dad while sending a shadow from which I could look through into Percy's own shadow making it grow slighlty larger.

[6 months later]

Six months had passed, since Percy's appearance at camp, turns out you qoulsn't believe it he was a son of Poseidon, the dude was overpowered to say the least, he had been here on and off for six months, and he was giving me trouble when it came to pure swordsmanship I hobby I had taken when I appeared in this place.

Still now wasn't the time to think about Percy but rather thank the stars of having the ability to see in this place, as right now I was on the roof of the Big House, with a rather thunderous girl at my side.

"Still can't believe you came up here without getting frightened." I said laughing at loud, seeing her rather scared expression, she looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

"Well you called me here I couldn't exactly leave you hanging now could I."

We stopped speaking silence not echoing around us.

"It's a nice night, huh." I said trailing off looking at the stars above us.

Thalia stayed silent for a few seconds before answering "Yeah..this is nice."

Without either of us noticing our hands stretched out to meet each other's, feeling the contact through our skin, we looked at each other and our holding hands, my face burning up and she started looking like a red pepper, still we didn't let go of each other's hand and stayed in silence looking at the stars keeping track of the time through Polaris and Ursa Major.

Ursa Major's first star positioned perfectly above Polaris signaling, the start of a new day, the first of January, Thalia's birthday.

So not wanting to destroy the peaceful ambience that had shaped between us I pressed my hand slighlty above hers, which she returned in kind, I didn't know how but I knew my message had gotten to her, the message of course being 'Happy 16th birthday.'

Still I was a demigod and even in this place that seemed almost to perfect to be true, chaos and death followed me and every other demigod in this place for that matter.

A noise similar to a shatter resounded across camp, the camp border had been destroyed that shouldn't no couldnt happen. The destroyed barrier which separated us from the mortal world and the perpetrators of the barrier being broken, 12 huge beings with different features every single one towering over the trees, evil, world ending grins on their faces.

"TIME TO FEAST, BROTHERS AND SISTERS!" The smallest one wielding a scythe yelled his voice commanding power.

"Ozzy, that's…" Thalia's voice trailed off cut by my own.

"Cronos and the other titans." I said fear gripping me as I looked upon the beings that once ruled over the cosmos, I had faced a similar wing as before to them in power Alcyoneus surviving I didn't even remember how.

"Thalia try to gather the campers, and get them out of camp we are unprepared we can't fight here nor now."

She only nodded in reply her sense of fear of heights disappearing as she jumped off the roof, a few meters above ground.

[Greek Myth Fact: Titan, in Greek mythology, any of the children of Uranus and Gaea and their descendants. According to Hesiod's Theogony, there were 12 original Titans: the brothers Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronos and the sisters Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. At the instigation of Gaea the Titans rebelled against their father, who had shut them up in Tartarus. Under the leadership of Cronus they deposed Uranus and set up Cronus as their ruler. But one of Cronus' sons, Zeus, rebelled against his father, and a struggle then ensued between them in which most of the Titans sided with Cronus. Zeus and his brothers and sisters finally defeated the Titans after 10 years of fierce battles (the Titanomachia). The Titans were then hurled down by Zeus and imprisoned in a cavity beneath Tartarus.]

*Author Note: I started a patreon called Joanjudo Stories it will end up having 10 or 20 chapters in advance, access to the secondary fanfic (will write in spare time) and polls to decide some of the future plots/characters.*