What happened to the campers

A/N: Finished the book, also I'm gonna be doing a goal. If we hit the top 20 in the power stones ranking I'll upload an extra chap. Top 10 = 2 chaps, top 5 = 3 chaps , top 3= 4 chaps, top 2 = 5 chaps and top 1 = 6 chaps.

{Camp Half-Blood, May 4th 2005}

Leaving the Big House, I paused at the top of Half-Blood Hill, my gaze sweeping over the familiar landscape of Camp Half-Blood. The scene before me was a tapestry of demigod life, each thread weaving together to create a picture of organized chaos that I had missed more than I realized.

The Hephaestus kids scurried about, their arms laden with an assortment of deadly-looking weapons. Not far behind, the Hermes cabin members shadowed them, their nimble fingers itching to "borrow" the newly forged arms. And, as prideful as ever, the Athena cabin's inhabitants were hot on their heels ready to berate them.

A smile tugged at my lips, stretching wider with each passing moment. "There's no place like home, is there?" I murmured to myself.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, everything seemed to be looking up. My quest was finished, I gained my sight and while Thalia's curse still loomed, I was making progress. It truly felt as if all the pieces were finally falling into place – a rare feeling in the horrible life of a demigod.

I began my descent down the hill, my steps measured and unhurried. Every sensation was amplified, colors more vivid than I remembered. It was as if I was experiencing the camp for the first time all over again, and in a way, I suppose I was.

My feet carried me towards the cabins, each one a unique reflection of its godly parent. I had people to see, friends I hadn't spoken to in far too long. The first stop on my list was Cabin 10 – Aphrodite's cabin, my grandmother's.

As I approached, I took in the familiar sight. The cabin was a wooden structure with a painted blue roof that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. Elegant pillars supported the overhang, and a checkerboard deck complete with steps led up to the entrance. The gray walls were a stark contrast to the pink door. Potted flowers lined the windows, their sweet scent mixing with the heavy perfume that always seemed to hang in the air around the cabin.

On the steps sat two blonde women, their eyes fixed on me as I drew near. They pointed and giggled. A green aura shimmered around them, reminding me of another change I was still adjusting to.

'Oh yeah, there was that too,' I thought to myself. 'I still have the ability to see people's auras, but it's harder to notice with all the colors surrounding me now. I'm sure I'll grow accustomed to it eventually.'

As their giggles continued, a flash of insecurity passed through me. 'Am I that ugly? I mean, sure, I could agree that my white pupils from before were a little unnerving, but now? I'm not so sure.'

Pushing aside my doubts, I approached the girls. "Uhmm, hello," I started, my voice nervous about the thought of reuniting with Emma telling her I was related to Aphrodite and how she would probably still my pinch my cheeks when she found out. "Is Emma Abbott here?"

The two girls exchanged glances before whispering to each other. Despite their attempt at discretion, I could hear every word.

"Is there an Emma Abbott in our cabin?" one asked.

"I haven't heard of one," the other replied. "Maybe the boy is just confused. I've never seen him here before, after all."

"Wait, do you think he's a new camper?"

Their words hit me like a bucket of ice water. Before they could continue their speculation, I interrupted, my voice sharp with disbelief. "Whoa, what do you mean I'm a new camper?"

In a gesture that felt both defensive and defiant, I reached for my shirt collar. The girls leaned forward, curiosity evident in their expressions, a light blush on their cheeks. I pulled out my camp necklace, adorned with fourteen beads – six of which dad had given me before I left the Big House. The sight of it should have been explanation enough, but their confused expressions told me otherwise.

"Take me to your head counselor," I demanded, my tone leaving no room for argument. "Now."

The girls exchanged another glance before nodding reluctantly. They stood and began leading me away from the cabin, but not in the direction I expected. Instead of heading deeper into the cabin area, we were moving towards the pegasus stables.

As we walked, I couldn't help but notice the familiar grey auras surrounding most of the winged horses grazing in the greenery. They kept their distance, eyeing me warily as we passed.

However, one pegasus in the distance caught my attention. Its aura was different – a slight green that stood out among the sea of grey. I recognized it immediately, a spark of familiarity in this increasingly strange homecoming.

The pegasus approached, its nostrils flaring as it sniffed me curiously. I smiled, reaching out to pat its muzzle gently. "We'll catch up later, old buddy maybe we can even go for a fly," I whispered, before continuing to follow my Aphrodite guides.

We arrived at the stables, where a young girl, no more than 12 years old, was carefully brushing a pegasus's mane. Her movements were gentle and practiced, as she looked at the pegasus with an adoring gaze.

One of my guides pointed to her. "That's Silena Beauregard, our head counselor."

I nodded, taking in the information. Silena seemed young to be a head counselor, but I knew better than to judge based on age alone. After all, I had faced giants at twelve – in the world of demigods, age was often just a number.

"Excuse me, Silena?" I called out. She turned, her eyes widening slightly as she took in my appearance before locking her gaze on my necklace.

"I'm looking for Emma Abbott. Do you know where I can find her?"

Silena's brow furrowed in confusion. "Emma Abbott? It's been a while since I heard that name. She left camp a year ago. You know, because of the whole 20-year-old shctick."

Her response was like a punch to the gut. I stepped forward quickly, my hands reaching out to grasp her shoulders. "What about Margo Rell, Ava Grey, Clark Kent, Sebastian Crabs, Miles Morales, Finn Horris, Cecilia Turing, Chloe Green?" The names tumbled from my lips in a desperate rush.

Silena scratched her left cheek, glancing nervously left and right. "Uhm, I'm not sure about a few, but Miles, Margo, and Clark left a year ago too."

My mind was reeling. How could this be possible? These were my friends, my family I had already lost Kevin and Hugh. We had fought together, trained together. How could they all be gone?

"Let go of her, you're scaring her." A new voice cut through my thoughts, accompanied by a hand on my shoulder that spun me around.

I found myself face to face with a tall, athletic 18-year-old. He had short-cropped sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sharp nose. The sneaky look common to all Hermes demigod children was there, but two things drew my attention more than anything else. First was the thick, deep pale scar that ran from the bottom of his eye down to his chin. The second was his aura – behind him was another figure, one which looked eerily familiar.

"Luke?" I muttered, taken aback by how much he had changed.

His brow furrowed. "And you are?"

Instead of replying, I summoned a tendril from the roof. It snaked down swiftly, grabbing Luke by his ankle and hoisting him upside down. "Remember me now?" I challenged.

Recognition flashed in his eyes. "Odysseus."

"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner," I replied. But even as I spoke, I could see how his aura turned a deep shade of red, the figure behind him growing slightly. When I looked at his face, though, all I could see was a small smile.

With a swift movement, Luke unsheathed his bronze sword and cut through the tendril. He spun in the air, landing gracefully on his feet, that smile still playing on his lips.

"It's good to finally see you after all these years," he said, his tone friendly as he sheathed his sword and opened his arms for a hug. Yet his aura remained unchanged, that deep, red.

"Luke, do you know him?" Silena asked from behind us, her voice tinged with confusion and a hint of fear.

Luke turned to her, his smile never wavering. "Oh yes, Silena. This is Odysseus, an old 'friend' of mine. We go way back, don't we, Odysseus?"

I nodded slowly, my mind racing to make sense of everything. The missing campers, Luke's changed appearance and aura, the general air of wrongness that seemed to permeate the camp – it all added up to something, but what?

"It seems like I've missed quite a lot," I said carefully, my eyes never leaving Luke's face. "Perhaps you could fill me in on what's been happening at camp?"

Luke's smile widened, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Of course, old 'friend'. There's so much to catch up on. Why don't we take a walk? I'm sure you'd like to see how the camp has changed."

[Greek Myth Fact: Today's fact will be about the some of the abductings in greek mythology lol, there are too many for just one of these.

 Just as the king of the gods had done with Europa when he transformed himself into a bull, Zeus disguised himself as an eagle to go after his next victim. His eyes fell on Ganymede, a prince from the island of Lesbos. The god kidnapped the boy and gave him the questionable honor of being his cupbearer, which meant Ganymede had to serve wine and be sexually available whenever Zeus felt like it.

Cephalus, husband of Princess Procris, daughter of Athens' first king and queen, caught the eye of Selene, the moon goddess, who abducted him to her palace. However, Cephalus missed Procris and demanded to be released. Selene agreed but planted doubts about Procris's fidelity. Believing the goddess, Cephalus banished his wife. A year later, Procris returned, pleading for reconciliation. Cephalus accepted her back, but their story ended tragically when he accidentally killed her in a hunting accident.]

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