Ozzy's letter

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Thalia POV

I followed Chiron into his office, my mind swirling with questions. The familiar scent of old books and leather filled the air, bringing back memories of strategy meetings and late-night discussions. But now, everything felt different. I felt different.

Chiron trotted himself behind his desk, his eyes never leaving me, as if he feared I might disappear if he looked away. I sank into the chair across from him, suddenly aware of how exhausted I felt.

"Do you know where Ozzy is going?" I asked, cutting straight to the chase. There was no time for small talk or catching up. Something in my gut told me Ozzy was in danger, and I needed answers.

Chiron's expression grew somber. He nodded slowly, reaching into a drawer of his desk. "He left this," he said, pulling out an envelope. "I believe it will explain everything."

With trembling hands, I took the letter. The handwriting on the envelope was messy but familiar, though I couldn't explain how I recognized it. I opened it carefully and began to read:

"To whom it may concern (but let's be honest, it's probably Chiron reading this),

I'm sorry for the abrupt departure, but there's no time to waste. I've seen where Luke is, he's taken Zeus's master bolt into Tartarus. I'm going after him. I know it's dangerous, possibly suicidal, but it's our only chance to prevent a war between the gods.

Thalia will be back by the time you read this. I know it sounds impossible, but trust me on this. When she returns, there are things she needs to know.

Thalia, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I couldn't, can't be there with you now. There's so much I want to tell you, so much you need to know, but time is not on our side. For now, know this: your brother, Jason, is alive. He's at a camp called Camp Jupiter in the Oakland Hills, California. To find the exact location, you'll need to talk to Lailaps. She can guide you there.

If the worst happens and war breaks out between the Big Three, seek out Camp Jupiter. Try to unite both camps. Together, Greek and Roman demigods will be stronger. It might be our only hope.

I promise I'll explain everything when I return. Stay safe, Thalia. And... I'm glad you're back.


I read the letter twice, then a third time, trying to process everything. Luke had stolen Zeus's master bolt? Ozzy had gone into Tartarus? And Jason... Jason was alive?

I looked up at Chiron, my mind reeling. "Is this true? All of it?"

Chiron nodded gravely. "I'm afraid so, my dear. As for the Jupiter camp I also knew of that, but I had been sworn to secrecy so I can only tell you about it due to the fact that you now know of it," He said, his brows furrowed. "

I leaned back in my chair, trying to make sense of it all. "And Jason? My brother? He's really alive?"

A small smile touched Chiron's lips. "It appears so. Though I must admit, I was unaware of his existence until now. Odysseus seems to have been keeping quite a few secrets."

"Yeah, no kidding," I muttered. A mix of emotions churned inside me - relief that Jason was alive, anger at Ozzy for leaving, again, fear for what he was facing in Tartarus, and confusion about... well, everything.

"Chiron," I said, leaning forward. "How long was I... gone?"

The centaur's expression softened. "Nearly six years, my dear. It's currently June 2006. Though it seems you have only aged half of that."

The news hit me like a punch to the gut. Four years. I'd lost four years of my life. "And what about Annabeth? And Grover?"

"Annabeth is here at camp, safe and well. She's a little distraught from Luke's betrayal," Chiron's voice trailed off.

"Yeah, I've read," I continued for him. The Luke I knew would never have done something like that. What had happened to him in the four years I had been a tree?

I stood up abruptly, pacing the small office. "I need to do something. I can't just sit here while Ozzy's in Tartarus and Luke's... gods, I don't even know what Luke's doing."

"What do you propose?" Chiron asked, his tone careful.

I stopped pacing, my mind made up. "I'm going to get Jason. Ozzy said Lailaps could guide me to this Camp Jupiter. Where is she?"

Chiron walked over to the window, looking out over the camp. "Last I saw, she was near your tree with Swiper."

I nodded, already moving towards the door, but then a thought passed through my mind. "Wait, is she the big mastiff."

Chiron nodded at my head before he said, "I still don't think it's a good idea for you to go get your brother, Odysseus just said that you should get him if the war between the gods were to start."

I turned back to him, a determined set to my jaw. "I don't have a choice, Chiron. Jason's my brother. And isn't it better to actually do something instead of just stay here like nothing's wrong."

Chiron nodded, a mix of pride and worry in his eyes. "Very well. But please, take some time to rest and prepare. After all I'm sure that you're tired after everything."

I wanted to argue, to insist that every moment counted, but I knew he was right. I was still wobbly on my feet, hell my entire body felt like it could fall a part at any moment. A little preparation wouldn't hurt.

"Okay," I agreed. "I'll rest for now, but when I'm back in tip top shape, I'm leaving."

"Of course," Chiron said. " Oh and Thalia, it's good to have you back."

I managed a small smile, then I started walking away a clear destination in mind. "It's good to be back, Chiron."

As I left Chiron's office, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Ozzy in Tartarus, Luke with the master bolt, Jason alive in California... it was almost too much to process. But I knew I couldn't afford to be overwhelmed. People were counting on me - Ozzy, Jason, maybe even the entire world of demigods.

I made my way towards the Athena cabin, steeling myself for the conversation ahead. How do you tell your best friend that you're back from being a tree, that her crush has turned evil, and that you're about to leave on a quest to find your long-lost brother?

As I walked, I caught glimpses of myself in the reflective surfaces of the cabins. I looked older, my features more defined. It was jarring, seeing a face that was mine but didn't quite feel like me.

I reached the Athena cabin a gray building with an owl carved over the doorway and plain white curtains, and took a deep breath. I raised my hand and knocked on the cabin door, ready to reunite with Annabeth and face the new world I had awakened to. 

Then I realized it was the middle of the night, hitting my forehead with the palm of my hand at how stupid this was, I started walking away ready to get some sleep in my own cabin. I heard the creaking of the door as it opened making me turn around.

There a girl around 12, with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, steely gray eyes, wearing the signature Camp Half-Blood shirt, with a necklace filled with beads. She took a step over, her lips beginning to move, "Thalia?"

I just shot her grin before I replied, "Yeah, and you are?"