Chapter 13

[Third Person's PoV]

Lucian was seen once again inside his Smith, polishing the tip of an arrowhead. His concentration was then interrupted by the sound of his mother knocking on the door.

When he looked up he saw her looking at him with concern and a hidden sadness in her eyes. Lucian tilted his head when he saw her expression "What? What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that"

"Honey… Why are you rushing?"

Now Lucian was confused "What are you talking about?"

"First, it was the daggers, you did all of it at once to the paint you couldn't even stand up straight from exhaustion, then it was the thing with your magic and the bet you made, and now this.

You were always someone who took their time when doing something but all of a sudden you're acting like there's a time limit upon you and are rushing to meet the deadline… why?"

Lucian stopped what he was doing. And looked even more confused but it wasn't about what Medea said it was about himself.

'She's right… why am I rushing' Lucian thought to himself

"I don't know… I just feel like I have to do everything very quickly. That I should get ready for something but I just don't know what, so that's what I'm doing" Lucian said while shrugging his shoulders

Medea just sighed and shaking her head she looked at Lucian as she said "Just try to relax"

As she was leaving all Medea thought was 'As expected of the son of the lord of the Underworld, he can feel it… my time is slowly coming to an end and he can feel it'

Lucian seeing her leave just went back to what he was doing and finished the arrow he was making, when he was done he looked at it all over and examined every inch of it.

He nodded his head but decided to enchant it later as his magic hasn't recovered from trying on his magic earlier with Hecate.

With nothing else left to do Lucian went out and started practicing with his scythe, he would start practicing on how to transition between weapons.

He would start with a scythe and switch to a sword, or start with the chained scythe and switch into a bow.

He trained to the point he felt both his arms were about to come off. And slowly made his way inside and found his mother waiting like always with another one of her conjectures.

Lucian went and downed the entire thing in one go, and shook his head when he was done to shake off the nasty feeling.

"Thanks mom." He said as he went up and got showered and dressed which he then proceeded to sleep until the next day…

The next day Lucian was in his Smith enchanting a singular arrow. "As it's an arrow it should have enchantment of:

Piercing: Ignores a percentage of the target's armor, making the arrow more effective against heavily armored foes.

Lightning Speed: Increases the arrow's velocity, allowing for faster travel and minimizing the chance for enemies to dodge.

Explosive: Causes a small explosion upon impact, dealing area-of-effect damage to nearby foes."

Lucian then got to work and started concentrating on doing everything right. After a few hours he was done.

"It was quicker and easier than the daggers" Lucian said to himself, "Well I mean of course it's easier, I only had to do one set of Enchantments"

He took a hold of the arrow with on hand on the head of it and the arrow by the bottom, he titlted it slightly upwards and started examining it.

He nodded his head "This is perfect", he then closed his eyes and said "Trace on" gaining information on the arrow and storing the arrow away.

When he was done he went outside into the yard and set up target practices each a little further away from one another.

He stood infront of his house and turned his skull ring into a bow, as he held the bow in one hand he used his new aquired magic to make a new arrow. He placed the arrow on the string of the bow and pulled it back and started taking aim.

He took a deep breath and kept his hands steady, after a while Lucian released the arrow causing it to fly and hit the closest target right in the center.

As the arrow head hit the center target it soon exploded sending wood fragments flying everywhere.

Seeing this Lucian smirked "Oh yeah, this is awesome"

He conjured another arrow and drew back on the string of the bow and took aim at the target that was a bit farther away but as he did he grew a little more daring.

He conjured one more arrow and place it on top of the first arrow and continued to draw on the string.

Lucian then released them but instead of hitting the center it hit the place right on top and bottom of the center target.

After a few seconds the target exploded with a bigger reaction causing the wood pieces to come close to hitting him even though he was farther away from the target.

Lucian gained an awkward expression when he saw the arrow not hit the center like he wanted. "It looks like I still need practice"

Lucian then continued to conjure more arrows until he was almost out of magic and continued practicing until his arms felt heavy and couldn't draw his bow.

As he was relaxing and catching his breath he saw a couple of birds flying about. One of them was seen flying a little to close to the ward that Medea has set up.

When the bird got in-between the 2 trees that were part of the ward it started getting electrocuted, it started spazzing about in the air before it flopped down on the ground with smoke coming off it's body.

Lucian look at the bird on the ground weirdly, this was the first time he has seen something die in front of him as the son of Hades. Maybe that was the reason he was drawn to it.

Lucian got up from where he was standing and started walking towards the dead bird as if he was in a trance.

When he got infront of it just a few steps away from exiting the ward he stopped.

As he stopped he kept looking at the dead body of the bird with an ounce of an expression on his face.

He then felt something deep within, his mouth opened on its own and the words just seem to pour out and in a deep subtle voice he said


As those words came out of Lucian's mouth the shadow of the dead bird started to expand slightly.

Out came a completely black bird that started flapping his swings slightly but before Lucian had any chance to say anything or express his surprise his eyes rolled back to the back of his head and plopped to the ground.

As Lucian lost consciousness the shadowy bird went and sank into Lucian's shadow becoming one with it.