Chapter 70

[Third Person's PoV]

Just as Lucian was about to step foot on the mountain, he detected something flying towards him at a fast pace. He summoned his scythe and jumped into the air, taking the others by surprise.

Lucian swung his scythe, cutting a large boulder that was coming at him in half.

The others quickly took out their weapons and got into formation, covering each other's backs. "What was that?" Thalia asked, looking around.

Lucian landed back on the ground towards the mountains and pointed his scythe towards it. "I can feel your life force, so there's no point in hiding. Who the hell are you?"

The ground started shaking, with pieces of dirt, rocks, and the ground itself coming together, stacking up to 20 feet. A figure then started to form, wearing a white tunic, very dark skin reminiscent of basalt, scraggly hair and beard, with unfocused eyes giving him a crazy hermit look.

"Show some respect, mortals! You are standing before a God!" He exclaimed, looking at them with strong dislike, which grew when he looked at Lucian.

"I'll show you respect when you don't aim to kill me next time," Lucian said with a frown, 'I never heard of Luke facing a God on his quest before. What's going on?' he thought, examining the tall God.

"Hell, I don't even know who you are," Lucian said coldly.

"Remember the name, mortal, for it's the last name you'll hear. I am Ourae, One of the Mountain Gods,"

"Yeah, never heard of you. You mustn't be important, and here I was worrying for nothing," Lucian taunted, shrugging his shoulders.

Luke and the others looked at Lucian with concern, wondering why he would provoke a God in the first place. 'Does he have a death wish or something?' they all thought simultaneously.

The mountain God didn't answer, instead he drew back his fist before swinging down towards them, ready to pulverize them all.

"Asura!" Lucian called out, summoning a giant with 6 arms and 3 heads from his shadow. It lifted its arms, slowing down the descending fist, but the ground cracked and caved in underneath them, causing them to tumble and fall.

Lucian quickly shadow traveled away from the affected area before conjuring shadow tentacles, shooting them towards the others, wrapping around them, and pulling them to his side.

"What was that!" Annabeth asked in shock. "What did you just summon!?"

"Is this really the time? Ugh, I may or may not have combined some of my shadow soldiers together, resulting in that. A result of combining all my giants. I deemed him Asura," Lucian explained.

He commanded Asura back, causing a thunderous sound as the fist made contact with the ground.

"While I keep him distracted, you guys seek around and head off to complete your quest," Lucian instructed.

"But–" Annabeth tried to interject, but Lucian stopped her.

"Just do what I say. You guys don't need me to help in completing your quest. Is that what you want, for me to solve all your problems?" They slowly shook their heads, causing Lucian to nod. "So like I said, I'll distract him. If it gets too dangerous, I'll shadow travel out."

Lucian raised his hand, stopping boulders flying towards them mid-air. He flung his hand, sending all of those boulders back. But as they landed on Ourae, they didn't do any damage whatsoever.

"Why do you want to kill us in the first place? I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong before," Lucian asked, stepping up to take all of Ourae's attention on him.

Ourae scoffed, "You being a child of the Underworld is enough reason for me to kill you. What other reasons do I need?"

Lucian gave him a deadpan look, "You being for real?"

"What reasons would a being such as I have to lie or create falsehoods towards a mortal? I dislike Children of the Underworld. They keep getting under my skin… literally."

"Well, I guess I'll have to congratulate you then," Lucian said with a sigh, putting his scythe over his shoulder and running his fingers through his hair.

Ourae looked at Lucian in confusion before hearing, "Congratulations on being the first God to die by a mortal as young as I am," Lucian said with a sinister smirk.

He silently cast his curse, 'Curse: Slow Perception,' with a book appearing from his shadow.

The God grew outraged, but his eyes widened as Lucian appeared before him with fire blasting from his feet. Lucian swung his scythe, but Ourae narrowly escaped the blade, only to feel a stinging sensation on his cheek moments later. He wiped the place where he felt the sting and was surprised to find golden liquid on his cheek. 'Curse: Heightened Emotion,' Lucian had secretly cast once again.

"HOW DARE A MORTAL DRAW UPON MY BLOOD! YOU SHALL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE FOR SUCH HUMILIATION!!" Ourae thrashed around sporadically, swinging his fists towards Lucian's figure, who was flying and dodging in the air using wings made from his shadows.

Lucian was having a difficult time maneuvering through the air, but he knew it was something he needed to do. Unnoticed by Ourae, Lucian released almost invisible white fog from his wings, which someone assumed was caused by him flying.

As Ourae thrashed, miniature earthquakes started occurring around the vicinity. Luckily, Luke and the others had already left, reluctantly, but still having faith in Lucian to find a way to escape safely.

"STOP MOVING YOU PESKY FLY AND LET ME KILL YOU!!!" Ourae roared, taking a step back before jumping up and spreading his arms.

Lucian's eyes widened before he used his fire to blast himself towards the ground and into his shadow. Ourae body-slammed onto the ground, creating a giant crater in his shape. He slowly got up, with rubble falling off him.

As he got on one knee to stand up, he felt pain near his calf, causing him to roar in pain. He swung his fist back with force, creating a strong wind that uprooted trees in the process.

Lucian shot himself out of the shadows, flames covering his arm in an armor-like manner. He proceeded to uppercut Ourae, adding his high-speed momentum from being shot out from his shadow, plus flames thrusters at the sole of his feet, and his flame arm armor which created an explosion on impact. With all that force combined, Ourae was sent flying back from the ground.

Once more Ourae roared and cursed Lucian in anger as he started to slowly get back up, on the way up Ourae started gathering a handful of dirt.

He started firing rocks and large boulders from the pile he collected, Lucian flew towards them and started cutting them down with his scythe, while also releasing more of the white fog,

'Almost there, I need more time!' Lucian thought with a serious expression. A few minutes soon passed between them as they repeated their actions.

'Okay now!' Lucian flew closer to Ourae, "Oh come on, you can't possibly be this weak? I thought you were a God? Is that why you're so unknown, I guess that would make sense. I mean honestly it's kinda pathetic, you should be ashamed of yourself to be called a God in the same category as the others"

Ourae's eyes practically turned red under the effect of the curse, he was blinded by pure unadulterated rage. Lucian's eyes went wide as the ground underneath Ourae cracked as he shot himself towards him with his arms outstretched punching Lucian's whole body.

Ourae gained a maddening grin as he heard the satisfying crunch of Lucian's bones being broken upon being punched to the ground. He laughed maniacally as he watched Lucian's twisted and mangled body on the floor.

He slowly approached Lucian and lifted his foot before he proceeded to stomp on his body again and again and again, repeatedly while laughing.


Ourae kept stomping and stomping, feeling the wetness of Lucian's blood with every stomp. All he felt was happiness.

That was until he heard a slow, deep, and condescending, "Baka~" which was followed by the sound of thrusters and the feeling of a quick fast pain running across his entire neck.

"Eh?" He managed to say as he saw the world start spinning in circles,

'I-Is that my body?' he thought as he saw his figure without a head standing with his foot raised up high. As if in slow motion he saw by the end of his neck with Ichor staining Lucian's scythe as well as his face

'But shouldn't he be dead under my foot, what is going on, an illusion?–' was all he could manage to think as the world started growing dark.

That's right, what Ourae was previously experiencing was all an illusion, with his emotions all heightened he had no way of noticing Lucian slowly surrounding the area with the power of the mist. As Lucian flew around and fought Ourae, he was slowly building enough mist to the point it could even affect a God, even if it was for a little while.

Due to his curse all of the happy feelings he was feeling were also heightened making him blind to what was happening around him. Once Ourae was in place and at the height of his emotions Lucian decided to strike. He aimed his scythe towards Ourae's neck and used his flame thrusters to gain enough momentum to cut through Ourae's neck in one go.

Lucian landed back on the ground and wiped a bit of Ichor from his face, he looked at it before looking at the Ourae's body turning to golden dust.

Lucian didn't have an expression on his face as he watched but slowly he started to smile, that smile kept on widening to the point he hunch over and covered his mouth with his hand.

He started to shake ever so slightly before it grew more intense, little giggles started escaping his mouth.

"He…heheh…hehehehe…hehehehehehe…Ha..ahaha..hahahahah…hhahahhahahahaha…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I DID IT… I KILLED A GOD, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A FEELING… WHAT ECSTASY!!!" He screamed, throwing his head up towards the sky with a blush growing on his face.

"Oh man I just might become addicted!! Just what is this feeling!" He couldn't help but exclaim before laughing once more over the golden dust of Ourae.

Meanwhile elsewhere:

Clotho was wearing a cheerleaders outfit with pom pom in her hands as she raised them up and down while dancing.

"Give me an L!"

"L!" Lachesis yelled with the same enthusiasm

"Give me a U!"


"Give me a C"


"Now give me a I! A! N!"

"I! A! N!"

"AND WHAT DOES IT SPELL" Clotho yelled while shaking her poms poms in front of her.

Lachesis changed her outfit to match Clotho and jumped in the air while waving her own pom pom in the air "LUCIAN!!!"

Atropos looked at her sister's actions with a sigh and sometimes wondered how they could even be related. She shook her head and rested her face on her fingers, before her cold expression gained a smile as she watched Lucian on their crystal ball with a proud smirk.


A/N: For those wondering if I pulled Ourae out of my ass, I didn't, he actually exists in PJO, Ourae is the guarding God for mount Othrys. and Mount Tamalpais and Othrys are literally the same thing, so that's why he appeared when he detected Lucian...