
The revelation hung in the air like the scent of salt and the taste of adventure. Edward Newgate's serious gaze met Adrian's acknowledgment, and with a nod, he spoke, "King Alfred, eh? I once sank 50 of his ships back in the day. If he's asked you a favor, then you're here to kill me, am I right, Adrian?"

Adrian hesitated for a moment, the weight of his mission pressing on him. "Yes, Edward," he admitted, his tone heavy with the burden of truth.

Edward's expression softened, and a wry smile played on his lips. "Well, then, we should have a last drink together," he suggested, the weight of their shared history weaving through his words.

Adrian, torn between duty and the respect he held for the legendary pirate, agreed. They sat on the sandy shores, overlooking the vast blue expanse of the sea. A bottle of rum passed between them as they reminisced about the days when the open sea was their playground and every horizon held the promise of adventure.

They spoke of the battles fought on stormy nights, the close calls that left both their crews in awe, and the camaraderie that transcended the boundaries of piracy. Laughter echoed against the waves as they recalled the times when their blades clashed and their ships danced in the tumultuous sea.

As the bottle emptied, the weight of the impending confrontation lingered, yet in that fleeting moment, two old pirates shared a drink beneath the vast canvas of the open sky. The echoes of their laughter, like distant thunder, spoke of a bygone era, now fading into the horizon. The sea, witness to their tales, whispered its secrets, carrying the stories of pirates who once sailed against the winds of fate.