
As Adrian revealed the truth to John about King Alfred's role in Edward's death, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of footsteps outside. The door splintered open, and Ajay Thumbstone, the king's enforcer, entered with a declaration of betrayal.

"Adrian, you betrayed King Alfred, and both you and John are ordered to be killed," Ajay announced with a stern demeanor.

The realization struck Adrian like a bolt of lightning – the king he had served had turned against him. In a surge of anger and betrayal, Adrian drew his sword, ready to defend himself and John. The clash of steel echoed in the small room as Adrian's fury overwhelmed Ajay, who struggled to keep up.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Ajay attempted to retreat, but Adrian's strength proved too formidable. With a swift movement, Adrian sent Ajay to the ground and delivered a punishing stomp to his face. The room echoed with the chaos of the confrontation.

Ajay, in pain and desperation, screamed for guards. The call was answered as more guards rushed into the room. Adrian and John exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. In a synchronized effort, they fought against the guards, defending each other against the king's betrayal.

As the skirmish unfolded, Adrian and John saw an opportunity to escape. With a nod to each other, they broke away from the guards and fled into the nearby jungle. The dense foliage provided cover as they disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind the echoes of a betrayed allegiance and the pursuit of freedom in the face of adversity.