15 Vampire Territory (VT)

In the northwest corner of the expansive castle nestled in Vadaloz, a region designated as Vampire Territory (VT) Seraphina and Elena found themselves immersed in a lustful dance within the confines of what seemed to be a lavish bathing chamber. Their laughter echoed off the opulent walls as they reveled in each other's wet naked bodies. The air, heavy with an intimate tension, witnessed their connection deepening.

Their lips met in a tender kiss, a symphony of shared desire. Hands, in a delicate ballet, traced the contours of each other's forms, a choreography of intimacy that unfolded with a graceful allure. Time seemed to suspend as they explored the naked canvas of one another with their hands and tongues, unraveling layers of vulnerability and passion.

In the crescendo of their union, a shared climax painted the air with an electric energy. As they fell into each other's embrace, the boundaries between them blurred, and the room pulsed with a shared heartbeat. Two huge wine glasses, filled with blood, is finely placed at the two edges of the bathtub. With a deep, sated breath, they raised the glass to their lips, drinking not just the vitae it contained but the essence of their entwined existence. In this intimate moment, the bathing chamber became a sanctuary where their connection transcended the physical, weaving a tapestry of shared ecstasy and profound intimacy.

Seraphina remarked with a sly grin, "This blood is remarkably sweet; it must be the blood of the purest virgin." Elena, standing beside her, assured, "It certainly is, my queen. I made sure of it." Seraphina couldn't contain her excitement and giggled, "You surely know how to make a girl feel good." Elena responded with a genuine smile.

A minute later, in a playful tone, Seraphina jokingly asked, "Did you ever feel this good with Darius?" Elena, catching the underlying intent, replied, "I understand what you're trying to do, but the truth is, you two are different. He's a man, and you are a woman, a beautiful and gorgeous woman." It wasn't precisely the response Seraphina was fishing for, but she accepted it with a nod and a reassuring smile.

Seraphina continued, "Speaking of the devil, who knows what schemes he's weaving now." Elena responded assuredly, stating, "Darius will accomplish his mission; he's left with no other viable options." Seraphina chuckled, her laughter carrying a note of skepticism. "When it comes to Darius, there are always surprises, and you know how much I despise surprises."

The room hung with a tense anticipation, the mention of Darius casting a shadow over their conversation. Elena's confidence clashed with Seraphina's wariness, and the unspoken complexities of their relationship with the enigmatic figure lingered in the air.

A palpable tension permeated the room as Fantine grappled with Aria's probing questions about her grandson. "His name is Ethan," she commenced, her gaze a tapestry of contemplation. "However, the intricacies lie in the current whereabouts and most importantly who he is with."

Before Fantine could navigate the labyrinth of further explanations, the door swung open, heralding Gabriel's return from his shop. His eyes widened with surprise as he stepped into the sitting room, encountering his guests engrossed in a conversation layered with intensity. The air crackled with unspoken inquiries, and Fantine's gaze met her son's, conveying a silent understanding that the delicate balance of secrets might soon unravel in the crucible of discussion.

Fantine wasted no time, her words cutting through the air with a decisive clarity. "Gabriel, Aria, and Thorne have revealed their true selves to me. They pose no threat."

Gabriel, a fusion of curiosity and caution evident in his eyes, hesitated before inquiring, "What has transpired in my absence?"

Thorne, forthright and unambiguous, assumed the lead. "I am a sorcerer, or what you would call a projecter, and she is a werewolf, I guess you already know that. Together, we embark on a mission to locate and guide the Lupus Dei onto the righteous path." The weight of his declaration hung in the air, the gravity of their shared purpose palpable.

As the revelations unfolded, the room became a tapestry of emotions—trust, skepticism, and the unspoken acknowledgment that destinies had collided.

Gabriel's brow furrowed in contemplation as he grappled with the weight of a profound revelation. "Do you believe my son is the Lupus Dei?" he asked, the gravity of the question settling on his shoulders like an unyielding burden.

Thorne, who is mostly driven by what he can see or feel, responded with measured words. "I don't know for certain, but there's a compelling likelihood that he is."

While Gabriel continued to process this revelation, Thorne's next question sliced through the heavy air. "Where is your son now?"

A moment of hesitation lingered in Gabriel's gaze, a fleeting dance of uncertainty before he spoke, "My son's whereabouts are complicated, it is so complicated… I barely know him, I could count how many times I've seen him." In that admission, the complexity of Ethan's existence and the weight of the impending mission began to unfold in the room, casting a shadow over the ordinary rhythms of their lives.

On their way back from the forest, Viktor and Gerard are still walking far behind Ethan and Marcus, both of whom have already reached home. Gerard voiced his concerns about what happened in the forest.

"Viktor," Gerard began cautiously, "what are we to do now that Ethan and your entire family have seen him? This was never part of the plan. We trade in secrecy, and what if he transforms? Tonight is a full moon."

Viktor, walking majestically through the bushy footpath, with his kills for the day. His response, laced with confidence, carried an air of dismissal. "Don't worry, Gerard. You're always paranoid. I will take care of this."

A flicker of uncertainty crossed Gerard's face, but Viktor's assurance seemed to pacify the immediate anxieties. "But how will you be able to get Ethan off your back? That boy was a thorn on our side this evening" Gerard pressed, alluding to Ethan's stubborn display that day.

Viktor's sardonic smile played upon his lips. "Is there still space in the dungeon? You know, the one where Lord Eric keeps those beastly creatures we don't kill."

Gerard, ever the pragmatic accomplice, nodded. "Yes, there is. Coleridge hasn't paid the ransom for the ones we have there, but last I checked there was still space."

Viktor's smile stretched wider, a macabre reflection of his satisfaction. "That will do then. Tonight, I will craft a narrative convincing enough to portray that creature as a criminal."

"But your boy, Viktor," Gerard interjected, curiosity evident in his voice, "is remarkably strong. Carrying that huge man on his shoulders, a feat for a teenager. Where did he unearth such strength?"

Viktor's response carried a tinge of uncertainty and curiosity. "To be honest with you, Gerard, I don't know."