38 Leaving Blackwood 4

"The Head Zen I used on him won't last long, especially on a red moon. We need to get to Coleridge before he wakes up or at least reach the border," Fantine urged, her voice tinged with urgency as they retreated from the Duval's backyard. The Taran, burdened with the weight of an unconscious Ethan on his shoulder, seamlessly merged into their group.

Meanwhile, Marcus lingered behind, wrestling with conflicting thoughts about his future in Blackwood and his past promises to Darius. Memories of their pact to embark on an adventure flickered in his mind, juxtaposed with doubts about Darius's intentions. Marcus found himself questioning the truth behind Darius's words. At that moment he started hearing Darius's voice in his head again, telling him "Marky, I need you, come to me. Come to me now. You know you want to."