91 The Final Battle I

Sunlight dappled the forest floor of Ipsich, casting a mosaic of light and shadow on the assembled troops. Tension crackled in the air, a tangible entity. Here, on the cusp of battle, two armies, once sworn enemies, stood united.

King Declan held court at the center of the clearing. His generals, strong veterans adorned with countless battle scars, flanked him. Opposite them stood Lord Eric, the resolute leader of Blackwood. Beside him, Viktor Duval, his face etched with a grim determination, and Gerard, his most trusted advisor, stood shoulder-to-shoulder.

The air buzzed with hushed strategy talks. The plan was daring, a two-pronged attack on the vampire stronghold of Vadaloz. Godfrey, the alchemist with his volatile concoctions, and the Furies coven, their magic crackling with raw power, would launch a preliminary assault. Their objective: create a diversion, a chaotic opening for the combined forces of Blackwood and Coleridge to storm the fortified city.