The Bloody End


 Planet Zero

 We start this off in the densely packed forest of the once thriving planet. For now, we follow a small creature barely the size of the average toddler. It has a long, bushy tail with brilliant white and gold fur lining its back, and along with that, it has two sets of three claws that span two inches long on its front legs.

 It has a dimmed golden-yellow sclera instead of the human's natural white, with red specks dotting its iris. Its pupils were slite into a shape coming close to an upside-down cross while being the color of azure blue.

 This creature's name was Entra, the flying sphinx. 

 This creature had an agile cat-like body that could clear miles of land in a single leap. Through evolution, it had evolved into an ambush predator that used its sharp claws to pierce the flesh of any prey that caught its unsettling eyes. 

 Getting caught by this small hunter meant certain doom if you were alone, as getting it off would be impossible with the strength of its grip.

 We follow it as it trots through the underbrush that lined the many trees surrounding it. Many thorns lined the brush but did not affect the Entra, as its hide was remarkably tough. 

 The Entra we follow now was on the hunt for its next meal, cautiously keeping care of where it walked, as taking one wrong step could mean death, thanks to the many snares that clung to the many tunnels.

 Occasionally, it would pop its head out of the underbrush to observe its surroundings and watch for any available prey close enough to snatch. When it found nothing, it ducked back under and continued moving through the vast array of natural tunnels the brush formed.

 These tunnels helped many species of small stature hide and escape from the larger and more threatening predators above ground, with the only known predator able to hunt here being the very same one that lined the tunnels with snares.

 Unfortunately for the creatures lurking in the tunnels, this would be the death of most of them. The Entra was no exception, as one wrong step had it being dragged through the brush roof and into a massive web that spanned hundreds of trees and hung just between two canopies, masking it in leaves and foliage, hiding it from any predators wishing to feast on the web's contents.

 The Entra knew better than to struggle, as that would only draw the beast that set this web in the first place; sadly, that would not matter soon, as the one who set it had already noticed the poor creature and was rapidly approaching.

 At first, the web vibrated in a low hum, which then turned into a barely noticed bounce before it soon dipped under the weight of the massive, eight-legged creature falling from the smaller but thicker canopy that lay just a few hundred feet above the wide web.

 This creature was a bright, toxic green with mandibles reaching back to its large, plump abdomen. The beast had six eyes of an even brighter toxic green, with each eye separate from the main two having a unique design. 

 One carried a very familiar design of three crescent moons with a circle running through the center of all three, pinning them together. The eye next to that one carried a unique design, as two intertwined stars looked as if they were trying to consume one another, yet failing at every turn. Going to the other side of its hideous face, you would see a plain old star taking up most of its eye, leaving barely any room from the sclera, and the final eye held a plain old skull with nothing special to it, taking away the fact that the skull had its own glowing set of red eyes that seemed to move independent of the creatures will.

 Then we come to the final set of matching eyes, which were merely a set of slit eyes that glowed a bloody hypnotic red that made anyone who saw it want to venture closer to it.

 This creature is known to this planet's old inhabitants as the Lyth or the most commonly used name, Hells Fruit spider.

 It didn't take long before the Lyth had used its mandibles to pierce the tough hide the Entra boasted. This action had the Entra screaming in bloody murder as the mandibles mutilated the flesh it bore and splintered the bones it had, causing the excruciating pain to increase tenfold before the Lyth left it to a cruel fate of dying in pain and agony.

 The Lyth ascended to the small canopy above while leaving the whimpering and bloody creature behind.



  St. Johns Farm

 The now lifeless body of the woman lay face first on the ground, her blood forming a puddle that masked what little of her face was visible from the ground.

 Both were still for a moment, keenly listening for any signs of walkers that would have come walking to the sound of the gunshot; luckily, that was an unfound cation as after five more minutes of listening, nothing showed up, letting us know we were in the clear.

 With an exhausted sigh, I continued, looking at the lifeless body. 

"Thanks... I guess."

 Dan merely shook his head in what looked to be disappointment, "Let's get moving; there's nothing here, and I doubt this is one of the raider's camps if that woman was anything to go by."

 I kept my silence and merely nodded. Soon after, we left the camp, leaving the women's corps to rot and be eaten by the surrounding wildlife. The walk back was dead quiet, and I was honestly glad for it, as I was not in the mood to converse.

 But that didn't mean I didn't do anything, as the whole way back, I couldn't stop thinking about the insane woman's rambling and how she kept calling Dan a monster. The other part, where she said she knew what he ate, also sounded odd, but that wasn't that pressing to me as I had never seen him eat anything. 

 The monster part was the one that got through to me, as anyone being called a monster would have usually done something horrific to earn such a title. Flashes of memory from when I was in the courtroom popped up briefly before I shoved them back down to the depths of nothingness, hopefully burying them for the rest of my life.

 The sudden crunch of twigs startled me out of my thoughts for a moment before I quickly realized the dairy was in sight, and from here, I could also see Kenny pushing Duck on the swing I fixed up earlier. 

 The boy looked like he was having one hell of a time if his smile was anything to go by, and that brought a grin to my face as it was nice seeing a child act their age.

 It was almost a tragedy Clem didn't act this way anymore, but that was unavoidable since this apocalypse had taken its toll on her mind and turned her into the equivalent of an adult, hell if anything, she was an even better adult than the actual adults, while also being far more capable then most of us gave her credit for.

 Which I see as a sad tragedy, as almost instantly, her childhood was lost and replaced by a world so fucked up that not even Satan himself would find it amusing, but that's how life is, a cruel and unforgiving place that cared for none, just sad to see it couldn't care for her.

 My inner thoughts passed enough time that when I came to, I had already stepped through into the gated yard, surrounded by a safety net of electricity that was starting to feel more like a cage than it did a fence.

 "Well, that was a hell of a ride, right?"

I sighed, "You can say that again."

 The small conversation was interrupted by Brenda, who I hadn't seen sitting on the porch.

 "So, how'd it go?"

 "We handled it, mama," Dan answered with too much enthusiasm for my liking. But at least it was cut and dry, as once I tossed the rifle back to him, he was off.

 I was about to do the same when Brenda spoke. "It wasn't supposed to be like this..."

 Curious, I questioned. "What do you mean?"

She was silent for less than a second before continuing. "My husband, Terry, was the sweetest guy you could find, and he had a heart of gold, so he had a habit of helping random people who found themselves lost or in need of food. But a few months after this whole thing started, he ended up helping the wrong person, which got him nothing but a bite to the neck."

 I wanted to give my condolences but kept quiet.

 "After that, everything seemed to fall apart."

She quit talking after that, leaving nothing but the gentle breeze to keep the sound occupied. It didn't last long as the arguing voices of Kenny and Lilly interrupted it.

 "God dammit Kenny! Fine then! Fuck it up for us all!"

"Ohh, calm down, princess, I'll do it myself."

 "Fucking dumbass."

Kenny didn't respond to the jab and continued walking away.

 Turning back to Brenda, "What's up with them?"

 She shook her head, "Don't know; squabbling from what it looks like." "Ya'll sure have a lot of tension, huh?"

Sighing, I continued. "The ideas they have to run the group are the polar opposite of each other, giving way to many arguments between the two about who was in charge. I've tried to get them to settle their differences, but as you can see, that hasn't helped."

 "Nah, it's just some tough times. Everyone is hungry, and there can never really be a decent night's rest with undead lingering around every corner nowadays. So once they got a proper meal, I'd say they'd calm down."

 "Also, Lee, try not to worry about the bandits. I'm sorry you've had to see so much violence in this short time, but you all are safe here, so don't worry."

 It's not the bandits I'm worried about now, is what I wanted to say, but I didn't need her prying or getting suspicious, so I kept that thought to myself.

 Instead, I tried to excuse myself. "I think I'll go have a look around."

She didn't seem to mind as she continued. "Okay, but don't wander too far because dinner will be ready before you know it; another thing, thank your friend Katjaa for me; she and the kids are in the barn with the cow, a lifesaver she is."

 With that, I turned and walked away, heading back down to ground level; once there, I took a light glace at the barn, which turned out to be perfect timing as through the agar barn doors, I could see Clem; there was a hint of excitement to her that made me smile.

 With a short wave, she retreated into the barn, a new smile painting her face. I remembered her hat, safely tucked away in my back pocket.

 Pulling the hat out of my pocket, I started looking over it again, making sure this was her hat and not a duplicate; after a few seconds, I was sure it was hers, just a little dull from dirt. 

 Putting it back in my pocket, determined to give it back to her when I check on her in the barn, I headed over to Lilly to see what that arguing with Kenny was about. 

 Ignoring the short glimpse of Dan staring at his rifle with a look that screamed Glee, I walked through the gate next to the blaring generator powering the electric fence. 

 Once through, I made my way over to what looked like something you'd see in a public park, but I ignored that in favor of walking. Lilly and Larry had already noticed me and had started standing and sitting straighter, which I found slightly funny, as no one had ever done that because of my presence alone.

 Brushing that aside, I could tell Larry was pissed, and Lilly was frustrated. But being barely under her breaking point had her initiating a conversation with me.

 "So what happened."

 Ignoring the tone of demand in her voice, I replied, "Aside from a crazy person getting shot in the head, nothing much."

 If the faces of both Lary and Lilly were anything to go by, they weren't expecting me to say something like that.

 "For fuck sake... How did that happen?"

 Unwilling to play tango with the truth, I told it as it was. "The lady was psychotic and had a crossbody ready to put an arrow through either mine or Dan's head. But that didn't happen, as when she started talking shit about Dan and the dairy, Dan shot her in the head."

 Neither Lilly nor Lary looked distraught over this fact, but I could tell by their sour faces they didn't enjoy the thought of someone dying. 

 "Shit, I..."

 It was clear to anyone watching that Lilly was at a loss for words or at least having trouble coming up with the right ones. Luck seemed to favor her, as that was when Larry spoke his mind on the matter, "I'd say good riddance."

 For my part, I felt that was an appropriate way to put it; I wasn't going to risk letting someone like that get close to Clem again.

 The same couldn't be said for Lilly, as she looked torn between agreeing with Larry and disagreeing with him; both would be valid. After a few seconds, she sighed and said nothing.

 Seeing this, I was about to tell her about the other news and my growing suspicion; this was put to a halt when Larry spoke up again, yet this time, it directly contradicted my growing suspicion.

 "And, Lee, you need to deal with that bastard Kenny; if he doesn't stop snooping around like he is, then he's going to get us all kicked out, and I'll be damned if I let that happen!"

 Just like that, Larry had managed to throw a wrench in revealing my suspicions to Lilly, as when he got like this, there was no way of getting him off whatever train he was on without taking it away or breaking it, 'even if Lilly agreed with my suspicions.'

 Neither of which I could do, as trying to pry it from him would only make him angrier, and breaking it would have him up in arms in a matter of seconds. It was a lose-lose situation without getting him to see reason or giving him solid proof that this whole thing was a trap set by the Johns.

 "I mean it, Lee, we don't want to overstay our welcome, but Kenny's doing a fine job of fucking that up."

 Lilly seemed to find her words as she finally spoke up, "Dad, calm down, and Lee, get Kenny to stop, for at least right now. If he refuses, then remind him that the people he's trying to snoop on still have Mark. We leave after dinner. Daylight be damned."

 Larry didn't look too happy about this but kept silent with a scowl.

 "Okay, Lilly, I'll try and get him to stop, but I can't guarantee he will, even with Mark in their care."

 She sighed, "As long as you try."

 With that, we exchanged a quick nod before I walked off, aiming to find and talk to Kenny while returning Clem's hat to her. Doing both wasn't going to be difficult.

 Walking through the barn door immediately showed me the two people I wanted to see, Clem, standing by the cow with a look of fascination, and Kenny, glancing at the door in the back of the barn with an undiscernible expression.

 Leaving that for later, I started making my way over to Clem when I got a devious idea, one that brought a light-hearted grin to my face.


 Even with my back turned and attention split, I could still feel and see him moving toward me slowly. His goal was clear; he wanted to give me a little spook, but he was in for a surprise as I was not so easily spooked anymore.

 Instead, I wanted to give him a spook of my own. A devious grin had broken out on her face.

 This event was not private but only drew one person's attention away from the cow, Katjaa. 

 Pretending to continue watching the cow, I ignored how her gaze fell on me before moving away, probably bothering Lee, but to my surprise, her gaze turned back to me but, this time accompanied by a soft smile and, for some reason, that smile had me very embarrassed.

 Focusing on keeping myself from going nuclear under her soft gaze, I neglected the many warnings from the mana, resulting in Lee getting the drop on me.

 The next thing I knew, I was hoisted up into the air, yelping a few times in the process; I could hear Lee and Katjaa laughing while also feeling gazes of Kenny, Duck, and, for a brief second, Andy.

 Drowning in embarrassment from all the attention, I used my superior strength to pull myself from Lees's grip, then proceeded to lightly smack him in the stomach many times, wanting to get some form of payback for the humiliation he had just put me through.

 But this only earned some more laughs from him, this time followed by the light chuckling I could hear from Kenny. My efforts to stop myself from going nuclear were for not, as my face erupted in a blush reader than roses. See this; all I could do to hide from the shame and embarrassment was bury my face in Lee's shirt, hoping it would help me hide from everything.

 Sadly, it did nothing, as I could feel Lee's gentle hand lying on my head, rubbing it in a motion of soothing comfort.

 "Hey sweetpea, guess what I found."

I hummed a dissatisfied and spitful hum, letting him know that I was listening but had no intention of answering, but to my dismay, this just had him chuckling again.

 "Well then, I'll keep this hat for myself then."

 It took me a moment to understand what he said before I eventually pulled my head out of his shirt, trying to see if he found my hat, and it was a happy surprise to see it sitting in his extended palm, dirty but largely untouched.

 For a second, I did nothing but look at it, taking in every single detail I could note; after a few more moments, I finally had the nerve to reach out and take it, completely silent, without a word uttered; when I finally had it in hand again, I didn't stop myself from pulling it close, gripping it like a single breeze could tear it from my grasp again. All the while shamefully and embarrassingly shedding a few tears.

 To even further that shame, Lee pulled me into a hug. I wish he hadn't; I'm like him, an adult. I should be able to handle things like this; I'm supposed to handle things like this, not have someone else to do it for me. 

 Yet despite those thoughts, I couldn't help but lean into his ever-warm hug, subconsciously wishing it would last forever.

 "It's okay, Clementine; everything will be okay, I promise."

"No, it's not okay; I'm not supposed to cry; I'm an adult, just like you, and adults don't cry," I whispered into his chest, ensuring the statement only reached his ears.

 He chuckled at my plea, to which I responded by lightly smacking him in the leg this time. 

 "Don't laugh, it's rude."

 "Sorry, sorry, but Clem, I think you're missing a key detail about being an adult." He said with a grin.

 I puffed my cheeks at him. "Not true."

His smile grew all the more brighter. "Yes, true."

 I was seriously contemplating biting him. "You're a big liar and jealous I'm the bigger adult."

 He was outright laughing at this point.

 "Why are you laughing; didn't I say not to laugh, you big bully?"

"Ohh, Clem, you make it very hard, not too sometimes."

 My face started to heat up again, "Not true, Baka!"

This time, the laugh didn't come from Lee but from Kenny. Making me so embarrassed that I shoved my head back in Lee's shirt, giving him ample time to continue what he was saying.

 "Listen, Clem, you're a kid, and being strong, quick-witted, and courageous won't change that. Yes, you may seem more competent than most adults nowadays, but that was because you had to adapt to this new day of age. You had to become sharp, you had to have courage, you had to be quick on your feet, and you had to become strong. You are just a child who had the unfortunate fate of living through this hell we call life, who had their entire future and past ripped from them by a world that doesn't care, and yet you still aren't an adult, and won't be for a while."

 Silent tears were streaming down my face at this point. "What do you mean, if I'm better than most adults, doesn't that make me one..."

 "No, Clem, let me frame it better for you. You need to be older to be an adult."

 "But I am old..."

He grinned. "Not old enough."

 Done with the attention, I kept quiet, thinking about what he said. 

 "Lee, you got a moment?"

 I could feel Lee's gaze linger on me for a second before he sighed and let me out of the hug. "Remember, Clem, it's okay to need help, and it helps to cry, so don't be so rough on yourself, okay?"

 Loosening my grip on the hat, I used my now free hand to try and rub away the lingering tears. "Hmm."

 "Good, now why don't you see if Katjaa needs help? I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

 With one final pat on my head, Lee went to see what Kenny wanted.

"Clem, hun; mind handing me that thermometer over there?"


 My eyes were still glued to Lee, but I did as I was told. It hadn't been long before I felt myself drifting off to something close to sleep; even so, I was well aware of the things happening around me.

 I was aware of Katjaa talking or trying to talk to me, yet failing at every turn; I was conscious of the bell ringing in the background but didn't care enough to heed its call, instead doing some light trickery with my mana and making everyone think I was following but really, I was still sitting in front of the prone cow. 

 Not long after the small group had left, I could feel Lee's presence lingering in the back of the barn, doing what was beyond me at this point; not soon after, Andy came back to the barn, catching Lee in the middle of whatever he was doing.

 He was civil about whatever he caught him doing as he started speaking, but I couldn't be bothered to listen to him. Soon after, he and Lee left the barn, leaving me with an eerie silence and a cow that was creepily staring past the vail of mana I had set up, giving me the impression that something other than the cow was staring through its eyes.

 Occupied by the cow's inky eyes, yet again had me oblivious to the ominous red seeping off my shoulder, becoming a thick red cloud flooding the barn roof yet staying still enough that looking up would only show the barn roof. It had become invisible to the naked eye, unable to be seen by anyone without access to manas many uses.

 When the fog had finally stopped rolling off her shoulder, all that was left was a crimson butterfly flapping and stretching its wings before taking sudden flight, once again, filling her body with rage and sadistic pleasures.

 A bone-chilling smile had filled her once blank face, twisting and morphing into a scowl, as memories temporarily forgotten came flooding back, with each consecutive memory being tied to the other, as all of them added even more rage and bloodlust to the already staggering bubble of hate built up.

 And just like that, the bloodlust had twisted and tuned into blinding pain, a pain so horrendous that visual tremors could be seen racking her body. Blood had started leaking through her mouth and eyes. Pupils had dilated to nothing but thin lines carved into white paper. Under the gown lining her back, two long slits had slowly started splitting her skin, trying to force bone through, adding more and more pressure the longer they were held in.

 Soon, two long stem-like bones hosting multiple ball-bearing joints forced their way through the remaining skin, tearing and ripping out of her back and through the gown.

 The numerous joints littering the bone structure had shorter and thinner bones adhered to them, giving it the look of skeletal wings.

 Soon a tar-like substance started leaking through the slits the skeletal wings had emerged from, slowly filling each gap left between the smaller bones. Soon, the image of tar wings was solidified as the wings started moving and flapping themselves.

 Though all this, not a peep was made by Clementine. Despite the horrendous pain and feeling of having her flesh ripped open.

 If one were to gaze upon her face, one would see the lack of a pained expression; instead, seeing what most would label psychotic behavior, as the ear-splitting smile she wore was enough to make even the strongest of will shake in confusion and fear.

 Looking closer at her smile-marred face would keen one in on multiple features that would have gone unnoticed if not for her smile. That includes slightly sharper teeth, a black layer of tar-like substance layering the walls of her mouth, and a final set of ethereal teeth sitting just behind her tongue.

 Her form sat there for a moment, doing nothing. Eventually, whatever was behind the cow's eyes started encouraging her to act on her hate and sadistic pleasures, to massacre and mutilate what she hated so much, and eventually, whatever reason she had managed to retain was snuffed out and tossed into the fiery pits of rage.

 Getting up from her sitting position, she limped to the barn door, using little to no force to open it. Even if she didn't feel it, her body was in extreme pain as it shook and shivered under both the pained stress and the tiny orbs of water falling from the dark sky.

 A sudden burst of movement flung from her back, revealing itself as the to tar covered wings, bones underneath barely visible. They stretched out wide, spanning eight feet in length; the black substance casing the wings lost some of its mass as black gunk was flung to the surroundings, splattering on corn and dirt alike.

 With rapid movements, the wings began to lift Clem off the ground and into the dark milky sky, becoming lost to any below.

 Soon, a massacre that will never be seen or heard of will commence. Shall none be spared from its wrath?


 An Unknown Place Not Far From the Dairy

 "God, I fucking hate that bitch."

"You can say that again. All she ever does is sit on her ass and boss us around. I'm getting real tired of it."

 "Shut up, you nit-wits, you may be okay with getting your rations taken away, but I'm not, so either stop talking or lower your damn voices."

 The person who sparked this conversation scoffed. "And what if we don't? You going to do something about it, pretty boy?"

 The second one, who added to the conversation, scoffed as well. "Ya right, not like his skinny ass could do squat. Also, don't talk to us like that; you may be the bitch's plaything, but don't think that will stop us from knocking the shit out of you."

 The 'Pretty Boy' stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought. Let's get out of here; I'm not in the mood for beating the shit out of him again, and I don't want that bitch to be breathing down my neck again."

 "True, that would be fucking annoying."

 Before they turned to leave, one of them kicked the boy in the stomach, getting the sickening crack of bones in return. The other looked like he wanted to do the same but settled for spitting on him.

 When all was said and done, they had left, probably going back to camp, as the boss had sent the three on a scouting run, hoping they'd find something they could salvage from the ruined city.

 So here the boy was, lying on the ground in the middle of the zombie-infested city, nursing his cracked ribs and bruised stomach.

 "Fucking dicks."

 It wasn't his fault he looked like he did, and it wasn't his fault that the self-inserted leader liked his face. Besides, if they hated her so much, then why'd they let her take the position of leader in the first place?

 Even though they were already gone, I continued to speak aloud. "Also, my name is not 'Pretty Boy,' it's Saisho, bastards."

 Wind blasted the small form as it sped through the clouds.

 Getting up was a pain, as he had to use a wall to aid him, leaving the cracked ribs uncovered and loose. With a lot of effort, he pulled himself onto his feet, only feeling the ribs move around for a fraction of a second before bounding back to their original position.

 Crumbled and burning buildings passed by in blurry glimpses, soon turning to nothing but rubble and debris.

 Looking forward, he could see the long, winding path he'd have to take to get back to camp, and the thought of doing it with his ribs made him die a little on the inside.

 The rubbled buildings started slowly shifting from nothing but ruble to vibrant trees, growing to the equivalent of a one to two-story house. 

 He had made it up the long hill and onto flat, solid ground, panting like a dog because of it. His wheezing was filled with pain and exhaustion, as he wanted to clutch both his side and ribs to make them both stop shooting pain; sadly, he needed one hand free to help him keep balance, lest he trip and make his pain worse.

 Every fiber in her rage-filled body wanted to dive through the hill and avoid going over it as much as possible. But an instinctual feeling told her she wouldn't make it past halfway before getting stuck, so with rage burning brighter, she dove up, stopping just below the clouds.

 He was almost there, a few more yards, and he'd be at camp. He could see the self-taught doctor and see if he could get his rib patched back up and then sleep away the stabbing pain shooting through him.

 She could see it, the camp the smell was coming from, the camp that shot the arrow. The camp that tried to kill Lee.

 In a blinding rage, she forced mana through every inch of the inky wings, making them go faster. 

 Ignoring the wing's shudder, she pushed forward, ripping past every bit of wind, trying to weigh and slow her down. 

 The chilling smile had returned.

 Soon, she had dived straight down, leaving wind trails lingering behind; gated walls were useless as she crashed into the ground. The dirt cracked and splintered under the force put on it. Blood and bone were flung as far as the eye could see, painting the tall wooden posts acting as walls in bloody sprays of red. 

 Everyone in the camp stood in shock and soon in horror at what they had just witnessed; many started vomiting, and some even started crying. 

 "W-what t-the f-f-fuck just happened." One said in evident terror before promptly throwing up as the smoke kicked up from her landing had dispersed, revealing her flattened body lying in a pool of her blood and guts.

 The sight had been so disgusting that those who had already broken down into sobs promptly threw up and fainted, leaving those still conscious to witness the gut-wrenching sight of the bloody mess twitching and contorting before hosting itself up and forming into a mound of flesh.

 Everything, ranging from broken bones to torn intestines, could be seen with disgusting clarity. Contorting and moving like a blob of living flesh, it soon started pulling itself back together, taking up a humanoid form.

 Not wanting to find out what this thing was or wanted, most people with stronger wills and stomachs started making a break for the front gate, scrambling over each other to push the doors open. But even with unorganized efforts and strength, the door didn't budge.

 Some kept trying, while those sick of it determined to try and kill it before it killed them. But when they turned back to the mound of flesh, they froze in place, terrified; all the noise they were making, cessing in the process.

 The few still trying to push the unyielding door open finally gave in and turned to join their fellow survivors in an attempt to kill the thing, yet they met the same fate as the rest, terrified still.

 Standing in the crater that once housed the blob was a skinless humanoid with everything from head to toe fully exposed in all its gory glory. Yet the only thing they couldn't help but look at were the two pits of black in the place of the thing's eyes.

 None looked away in fear that if they did, the creature would kill them.

 Soon, low gurgles resonated from the creature's throat, basking them in another wave of terrifying dread. 

 The monster in humanoid form tilted its body to face the ever-fearful crowd, unhinging its jaw in the process.

 This was the final straw that sent everyone into a stupored panic, as they started running for the gate like headless chickens, hoping that it would budge this time; this unknowingly sealed their fate, as the skinless form of the once little girl turned into a sadistic monster with nothing but violence on its mind.

 Screams of agony and horror ripped through the camp as they watched each other get malled and mutilated beyond recognition, and almost in a cruel gesture, the sadistic creature howled along in symphony to each one.

 Soon, it was down to a single girl, the one who started it all, the one who had made Clementine into this, the one who should have let bygones be bygones.

 This wasn't known to Clem, but she didn't care either way, as she was going to die all the same.

 The girl was so pathetic that all she could do was scream incoherently until eventually being spared the most gruesome death of anyone in the camp.

 Using tendrils of bone sprouting from her back, Clem gripped both the girl's legs and arms before slowly pulling them in the opposite direction of each other, constantly putting more and more force into them as the woman's body continued to hold up.

 The woman was in delusional laughter at this point, no longer all there.

 With one final heave, he pushed the gate doors open, only to be witness to the slaughter that had taken hold of the camp. Bodies littered the ground, and blood painted the tents.

 So shocked by this, he hadn't realized he'd locked eyes with the very abomination that had done this. Just in time to watch it pull the Jolene in half. Leaving only him and it left.