Mayor of the palace

"Salutations to Grandpa and Grandma." Qiu Beibei bowed her body and bowed beautifully to the elders, just like the etiquette teacher that Father had paid to teach her.

"Hai, why are you going to the ceremony? Come, let me see how tall you are." Zhang Yongzai, who was more obsessed with his niece than his daughter, immediately called her closer.

"Come and give Grandma a hug to make her miss you, Si Pei Pei." Jiao Cailan also missed this granddaughter who had polite manners during the day quite a bit.

Qiu Beibei took small steps for Grandfather to look at for a long time. She walked over and embraced Grandma lovingly. Two elderly people hurriedly took their granddaughter's hand and went to sit down to rest inside. As for the souvenir that Father had left, she had the carriage driver take it to the butler to collect.

Two old people and a young girl talked for a long time. They were afraid that their granddaughter would be tired from the trip, so they hurriedly asked her to rest before dinner. Qiu Beibei, who had been uncomfortable in the carriage for a long time, was or was he offended by the good news that Grandpa and Grandpa had sent him. She followed the servants the butler had arranged for her to the waiting room.

This dinner mainly consisted of food that Qiu Beibei liked. The two elders pampered their granddaughter to the surprise of their servants. You guys have always been cold to others. Even his daughter had not been pampered this much. After dinner, rumors spread throughout the palace. that the granddaughter of the Palace Lord would probably be the next Palace Lord to replace their young lady.

The next day, Qiu Beibei was still eating breakfast with his grandparents as usual. She asked permission for you to take a walk around the palace during your stay here. Are the two old men displeased with her? They even wanted to take her for a walk themselves. It's a pity that my granddaughter likes to walk around alone until she gets used to it. So they had to let her go as they pleased. He ordered the butler to tell everyone in the palace to respect her as he respected them. Including allowing her to explore every area without exception. Because inside the Clouddab Palace, there were important places that outsiders were forbidden from entering. They had to warn those gatekeepers before they angered their beloved granddaughter.

The butler immediately went out and sent the news to everyone in the palace. He was afraid that those people who couldn't die would show their power in front of his young mistress. Lately There were a number of people who had been with the master for a long time until they became elders and began to disobey. As a result, the old master and mistress had not had time to visit the young mistress for almost a year. But because I couldn't bear the thought of my talented granddaughter. The two elders could only send a letter to her. If it weren't for those ambitious people Or will they have to solve the minor problems they created like this? I thought it was worth killing. If it weren't for the fact that the master was selfish about the past that those people had lived together, They must have died a hundred times.

Qiu Beibei who didn't know the story inside the palace. She strolled around like a well-taught young lady through the various areas within the Clouddab Palace. With a secret guard following at a distance as he walked in a certain direction. She heard people talking very loudly and thought that there was a big argument. Qiu Beibei immediately opened his senses and listened to the villagers' stories. She likes other people's stories. It made her as excited as going out and killing people in the slightest, hehe.

Qiu Pei Pei stood and listened with a smile, satisfied that he would get the story of the villagers. In less than an hour, her face turned cold with the look in her eyes that she usually used when doing missions. The secret guard following her immediately felt that something was wrong. He immediately opened his senses and listened to her. It turned out to be the son of a high-achieving elder. Wanted to marry their young mistress and tried to force the master to get engaged not too long ago. Oh, that fish-faced bastard never died. Not only was he not good looking, but he also had evil thoughts towards his young mistress. No wonder the young lady would be this angry at the two most vicious fathers and sons in the palace.

The secret guard hurriedly whispered to his friend to go find the old master and mistress quickly. Before that, they had to collect the bodies of two bratty father and son from the hands of their young mistress. After ordering, he turned around again. Oh, where has his young mistress gone? This is definitely bad. Plus, when it comes to hiding, he can't even compete with his young mistress. And like this, where can he go to find her? Huhʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ He wants to cry but there are no tears.