
She still refused to move out of the torture chamber. She waited for the two people to wake up first. Because she was surprised to not see their shadowy guard. As for her other shadow guard, she also disappeared. I don't know where she went. She didn't want to lose a skilled person.

Almost two seconds later, Fei Yun and the Third Prince had also revived. Qiu Beibei immediately asked what she wanted to know.

"Where is your Shadow Guard? Why can't I see them in prison?" She didn't change her voice because it was her fiancé. She didn't care if he knew her identity or not.

"They were taken and tortured in another room over there. I heard them talking earlier. Can you help them for me? I'm not skilled at anything. Until I was captured and tortured like this." Fei Yun didn't know that the person in front of him was his fiancée. But he brazenly asked to help his people first. His bodyguards were like brothers who grew up together. What if they were? He would regret it for the rest of his life.

"You go help them. and look for our people as well I don't know what he's thinking about. I couldn't even see a shadow."

"Uh, miss, I'm right here." Another guard was locked up in a nearby prison. He saw the missus and her disguised friend and didn't know they were hers. Hearing her green voice, he hurriedly answered before being punished.

"Phew!!! This guy has been eavesdropping on me for a long time. And what kind of pose did you do to get to sit in that cage? What a waste. Should I change someone for good?"

"Um, I just want to help this young lady's fiancée. But he made a mistake and was sprayed with anesthesia first. He saw that I was wearing a different style of clothing from the General and Third Prince's people. So you don't want to torture me, sir." Who knew that these people like to use drugs? Oh my god.

"Huh, then why didn't you break the cage yourself even though you were already awake?"

"Um, he poisoned me and made me unable to use my breath after I passed out. So I just sat lame like you saw, ha ha ha," he said, ashamed of being drugged over and over like this.

"Wow, I really don't know what to say to you. Back off!!"


Qiu Beibei slammed his profound energy palm out from a distance. The cell door shattered and turned to dust. The inner guard trembled in fear. Do you want to grind him into powder like a prison door? Why do you use such cruel moves against someone with such a thin heart? Huh, you mean girl.

Fei Yun listened to the strange conversation until she reached Bangor. Hey, is this his fiancée? Why did a little girl turn into a fish-faced man? He looked her up and down, unable to believe his eyes. Until I couldn't help myself and had to ask.

"Pei Pei, is this you?"

"If it's not me, then who will help you? Woah, that's a strange question." Qiu Beibei scolded her fiancé, who had become spoiled and refused to leave her lap.

"Then why is your face like this?"

"Oh, which face do you want me to use to come in here without a scratch? Hey, hurry up and get up, I'm heavy!" Qiu Beibei forcefully pushed Fei Yun's head off her lap. Until his head almost hit the ground.

Fei Yun could only mutter softly that she was cruel, he was still hurt. Qiu Beibei, who had good hearing, almost jerked her feet and kicked her fiancée into the wall. It was good that she grabbed her own leg first. Otherwise, she would probably be the one who was tired of carrying him out of here.

The poisoned guard hurriedly walked quietly to ask for the antidote to his young lady. Qiu Pei Pei reluctantly handed over the medicine bottle. Huh, my medicine is expensive, do you know that? If no one sees I would have sent you to sleep outside the camp and let the poison dissipate long ago. Huh.

Not long after taking the antidote He was now able to use his profound energy as normal. Qiu Beibei ordered him to help another guard to help Fei Yun and the Third Prince's men quickly get out of this crappy place. Her face is all itchy. Next time, I'll have to find new materials to make this crazy mask.

Fei Yun's four bodyguards and Third Prince were all tortured to the point of being crippled. They were left breathing heavily before Qiu Beibei's men were able to administer the healing medicine in time. This left them breathing steadily for another five days.

Qiu Peibei's bodyguard rushed out to report the four people's condition first. If they had to carry six injured people while escaping, it wouldn't be good. Qiu Beibei was annoyed that he had to waste good medicine again. Her medicine is very expensive!!! Huh?

She gritted her teeth and threw another vial of medicine for him to feed to the four dying people again. Until almost two hours later A person who was nearly crippled was able to take his breath and heal himself. Ah, your medicine is truly miraculous. The two guards were envious of the four people who received their divine medicine. But they don't want to be miserable like these people. I just want to get medicine for emergencies.