I'm busy

The next day after returning from a temple outside the capital. Zhang Fei Liu suddenly went to see his daughter at her house before dinner. She had to get her daughter ready for marriage first. Because the auspicious time that has come is seven days from now. Luckily, she quickly sent a messenger pigeon to tell Father and Mother first. Therefore, there is the matter of preparing the original assets for the wedding. She would leave it to the Clouddab Palace to take care of her. Why must she be so tired and beautiful? She really didn't want her husband to see her like that.

Qiu Beibei was checking the accounts of the stores in the five regions as usual. She still had a lot of work to take care of after taking over as Palace Lord, but Mother suddenly came to see her again. She's not free yet, Mom!!!

"Mother, is there something urgent? I am busy with the matters of the Shattered Cloud Palace." Qiu Beibei hurriedly went to greet her beautiful-faced mother. before being raided into the office

"Oh, if I don't have any urgent matters. Why can't I come to you? Shisha, you're becoming too stubborn right now, Pei Pei. Be careful, I'll secretly come and beat you while you sleep, huh." Zhang Fei Liu didn't hesitate to threaten his daughter.

"Sigh, Mother, if you have anything, just tell me." Qiu Beibei slowly poured tea for his mother. Until the mother who saw her daughter's manners only pursed her lips.

"You must make yourself available for the next seven days. Do you understand?" Zhang Fei Liu didn't have any introduction other than giving orders to her stubborn daughter.

"Oh, Mother. I just told you that I'm busy." Qiu Beibei pouted and looked at her mother. She really didn't understand that in the future there would be some matter that would require her to be free.

"Huh, I told you to be free. You must be free. Otherwise, who will ride the bride's palanquin? Or do you want to see your fiancé hold a wedding with a chicken instead?" Zhang Fei Liu hurriedly answered before his ignorant daughter could spoil the matter.

"Oh, Mother. Can't we postpone it for another year or two? I have just accepted the position of Palace Lord. My work isn't complete yet." Qiu Beibei tried to persuade her fierce mother with a soft stick.

"Oh, since you don't want to keep yourself busy for the next seven days. So, shall I tell your father as you asked? If anything happens later I can't guarantee anything about you and your fiancée." Zhang Fei Liu was stunned, threatening his daughter again. She really wanted to know how long Pei Bei could hold out against her.

"Then it's up to Mother. I'm really busy right now, so I'd like to get back to work first." Qiu Beibei didn't care about her overbearing mother, money matters were her number one priority.

Zhang Fei Liu saw his daughter walk away without looking back. She threw the teacup in her hand until it shattered loudly! Then she immediately turned away from her daughter's house, which was not what she wanted. Huh, did she and her husband hurry to get up early in the morning and go to the temple? But the little bitch refused to accept their good wishes. Wait and see how she deals with this daughter.

After returning from his daughter's house Zhang Fei Liu hurriedly started the performance by running over and crying with her parents-in-law. She slanders her daughter, saying she doesn't see her goodness at all. He even threw the teacup and chased her out of the house. She was extremely traumatized.

As for the honest parents-in-law, are they able or will they be able to keep up with their daughter-in-law's style? They believed every word that the good daughter-in-law told them. Until he refused to talk to his beloved niece at dinner. along with not pampering her as usual

Qiu Beibei could only look at Grandpa. Grandma who loves her in a daze What exactly happened? Why did you all suddenly act so coldly towards her? Moreover, Father also gave her a grimace. Only the beautiful mother looked at her pitifully. Huh, what has my mother done again? I will sue grandparents.

after dinner Qiu Beibei immediately sent her fastest communicator pigeon to sue Grandpa and Grandpa for the incident. But Qiu Beibei, the good person, didn't know that. Her mother had already blocked the way. The most valuable communication pigeon It turned out to be a roasted bird for her to eat as a late-night snack.