Accepting work in the Han region

A week after Qiu Beibei went to visit his grandparents. Fei Yun had begun to come to terms with not being able to cuddle his wife. He has returned to work with the same diligence as before.

Qiu Beibei also recently received a job from the Han Province. She intends to go and see that branch and accept work to make members of the branch look admirable. She hasn't shown her charisma in a long time since her marriage. This time, she came out to play. Qiu Beibei therefore wanted to arrange everything in order.

From the Cloud Palace in the Nan Province It took Qiu Beibei ten days of travel to reach a branch in the Han Province. Good thing this time the event was to suppress bandits on the mountain. The Han court had sent people to suppress these bandits many times. But every time they fail miserably. The emperor wondered what thieves could be so vicious. So he took his personal money and ordered his closest eunuch to hire the Han Branch's Mekhadab Palace. News of this event was then sent to various branches until it reached the main branch in the Nan Province.

Qiu Beibei had someone find out all the information about the bandits for her before she traveled to the Han State Border Branch of the Cloudy Mountain Pavilion. She was still disguised as a round-faced, handsome young man as always.

Qiu Beibei dismounted and tied up in front of the money exchange shop where this border branch was located. She handed the jade sign to the shopkeeper. before following him to the back of the store The shop keeper's hands trembled as he grabbed the young palace lord's jade sign in front of him. He is just a member at the end of the line. So he didn't know that Qiu Beibei was a woman. Only, he had heard rumors that the new palace master was very cruel. kill without blinking So he was so frightened that he trembled as he was.

Qiu Beibei did not sit long and waited for the head of the border branch. The man who was the head of the branch was not very old. He looked to be only 5-6 years older than her, considered to be a very talented person compared to other branch leaders who were much older than him. She hurriedly asked him for the information she needed.

The branch leader told them all the news of the bandit camp they had gathered. It turned out that these bandits actually had a boss who was a large nobleman in the capital, which is why the emperor sent soldiers to suppress them, so they were defeated every time. It must have been because the evil nobleman sent news to the thieves to set up a trap and wait. Qiu Beibei also asked the customer if he wanted anything more than destroying this bandit camp. Because what she knew of this mission was only to destroy the camp.

The branch head informed that the customer wanted proof of the bandit leader's cooperation with the noble. In order to send them to exterminate and extirpate from the Han country. Qiu Beibei nodded in understanding. She handed him a bill of exchange worth ten thousand taels like she had given to the head of the Ye Province branch. She ordered him to prepare food, a clean room, hot water and new clothes for her. Tonight after resting She will go to work immediately.

The branch head took orders forcefully. He had also received news from other branch leaders that this palace master was very kind to them. She would often give them 10,000 tael bills just to do small jobs for them, making them eat well and live better, so much so that the various branches really wanted the new palace master to go to them as well. To my heart's content, there was no mission that was interesting enough for her to go on. They could only envy the branch that served the Palace Lord.

Qiu Bei Pei had a full stomach and took a shower to get some rest. She sat and wondered if there would be any treasure in the bandit camp. If they had a nobleman in the capital They definitely wouldn't store anything in the bandit camps. But people like her still have to search first. Otherwise, she would be completely exhausted tonight. Even though the wages this time were as much as five hundred thousand taels But for Qiu Beibei This money is still not enough to feed the people of the five provinces. Therefore, where there is enough money and valuables? Little Qi Bei Bei must find more.