Pregnant again

Two days later, after Qiu Beibei received thanks from her husband, she was exhausted. She immediately invited him back to the capital so as not to worry the family. This time, they used a horse-drawn carriage to travel slowly. They were all over the place buying souvenirs. Qiu Beibei also had to buy another carriage specifically to carry souvenirs. Well, how many people in her house were so few?

It took almost a month and a half before the husband and wife returned to the capital. Along the way, Qiu Beibei always felt unwell. Until Fei Yun was worried and wanted her to see a doctor. Only Qiu Beibei stubbornly wanted to go home. So he could only rest periodically instead. Whatever she ate, she kept vomiting until her body was exhausted. He was at a loss as to what to do, so he tried to get her Shadow Guard to buy some strange things so that she could eat something. Until finally, Qiu Pei Pei ate sour mango and gooseberry and it became a food in his mouth. Sometimes she even wanted to eat sweets. Food such as fish should not come near her. She had to vomit every time. So he could only order some sweet steamed buns. Some meat fillings were given to her to eat along with soybean milk. He himself did not know what was wrong with his wife. Even though she didn't like to eat soybean milk before. But now she almost drank from different waters.

Until returning to Zhuanhou After distributing souvenirs to the Qiu Palace as well Qiu Beibei returned to the bedroom with ease. She had felt strangely tired for the past half month. Plus I can't eat anything anymore.

Fei Yun had already sent his wife to rest. He hurried to consult his wise mother about his wife's condition. Hou Yin heard about this and thought it would be good news again. Immediately she ordered the butler to fetch a doctor to check on her daughter-in-law.

This time the butler was not as impatient as last time. He sent a carriage to pick up the doctor carefully. Fei Yun took Mother and the doctor to his wife's house. He went to look and saw that she still hadn't woken up. So everyone made a low noise. He allowed the doctor to check his wife's pulse.

The doctor soon felt his pulse and smiled again. Last time, he had received quite a bit of money from Hu Yin Shizhi. It might be the same this time too. Ah, there are so many rich people these days, hehe.

The doctor hurriedly informed her of the test results that Hu Yin Zhizhi was pregnant again. This time the pregnancy was about one and a half months. This time it was considered to be detected earlier than last time. The doctor wrote a comparison of pregnancy medicine for Hou Yin and sent someone to pick him up when dropping him off.

Hou Yin hurriedly whispered to the butler to arrange the doctor's reward and go get the medicine. As for the people in the house, she also distributed the reward money as good news to everyone. The person who was most annoyed turned out to be Fei Yun. Why did his wife get pregnant so quickly? She hadn't even been a year since she gave birth to her eldest son. Now she was pregnant again. He's still not that happy himself. Haha, heaven, you're bullying me!!!

Qiu Beipei was woken up to eat dinner. Since returning to Juan in the late morning Qiu Beibei only ate a snack and then slept for a long time, feeling abnormally tired. Fei Yun waited for Mother to tell him the good news she had asked for. So he just supported his beloved wife and went to eat with them.

On the dinner table today, there were people from the Qiu Family Mansion. Fei Xinyue herself was carried to Father. His mother also After not seeing each other for more than a month The little boy looked plump and almost turned into a piglet. Qiu Bei Bei playfully teased the fat kid. But when she wanted to take the baby and carry it herself, she was shockingly dissuaded by her husband.

Hou Yin had to explain on behalf of his son. that now she is pregnant again Therefore do not carry a little fat child again. Otherwise, it might harm her next grandchild. Qiu Beibei gasped and turned to her husband for confirmation. He could only nod his head sadly. Huh, it was his fault for thanking his wife a little too much. If we count the time, it should be that day that made his wife pregnant.

Qiu Beibei could only rub her stomach that was not yet fully swollen. Ah, am I pregnant again? My husband is really strong, having spent less than a year apart from the eldest. They will already have children to play with as the eldest child's friends.

The people who are the most happy will be the same as before. Those are the four great-grandparents with smiles on their cheeks. They are considered dead and asleep. Their granddaughter is really talented, and soon there will be great-grandchildren for them again.