
Just half a year after opening Mekhadab Pharmacy. With such a large amount of good medicine, Qiu Beibei called people from the capital branch to help her make it, and was able to supply enough to every branch in the five provinces. This makes the drug store's profits leapfrog ahead of other businesses. Of course, all the members received salary increases for their hard work. Qiu Beipei didn't mind being stingy with a little money. This makes the herbs difficult to find at other shops, but at Mekhadab Shop they always have them. The more divine medicine from Lord Palace that has properties that are more than twice as good as those from other shops, the more their shop sells like hot cakes. Until the palace lord began to complain that he couldn't make it in time and there would be a shortage of herbs. Instead, she ordered them to keep the sales amount the same every month. Because not every herb can be born in time for constant use.

The branch leaders listened well to the Palace Lord's teachings. As a result, the drug store's sales system no longer has a problem of drug shortages. Other drug stores were jealous and wanted to destroy them. When they saw the sign that it belonged to the Mekhadab Palace, no one dared to try it. It is not that these people who have changed their way to trade are not skilled at all. On the contrary, they are still as talented as ever. Just turn to get better this way.

The emperors of the Five Provinces who knew about the changes to the Clouddab Palace still didn't dare to speak up at all. Whoever wants to find a place to die, go find their own trouble. They still wanted to rule the country for a few more years. He also urged the royal family to behave well if they didn't want to die without cause. Even though the princes wanted to compete for supremacy, no one dared to hire anyone at the Cloud Palace. Because they had long announced that they would not accept the job of killing any good people, if anyone dared to give false information, the Mekhadab Palace would know. They will immediately get rid of those who want to hire a replacement. This made the whole country know that the Clouded Palace did not kill its close associates. The people they killed were all people who deserved to die. Nowadays, there are drug stores that allow poor villagers to borrow medicine to use first. Instead, they had villagers help with their work or collect herbs for medicine.

Day by day, the reputation of the Mekhadab Palace became more and more famous in a good way. Completely erasing the blemished reputation of decades ago. Even though others didn't know what the new palace master looked like, But the villagers who received the kindness prayed for him and his family to be peaceful and happy.

Qiu Beibei had already planned next year's branch inspection work. She took all the travel plans and consulted with Grandfather to see if there were any areas that needed to be revised or not. Zhang Yongzai saw that nothing was wrong and nodded to his granddaughter with praise. He also wanted to travel with them. But he feared that his wife would be too tired for the long trip of nearly half a year that her granddaughter had planned.

Qiu Beibei entrusted Zhuangzi with the matter and had Grandpa and Grandpa invite Grandpa and Grandma to rest and wait for her in peace after leaving next year instead. Zhang Yongzai promised his granddaughter that he would take care of her grandfather and grandmother. He knew that the two old men were not in good health for their age. It's good that my niece still has some good medicine to nourish them. So it's not to the point of being bedridden. The older you get The two of them were even more tired than they were a year ago. So much so that he and his wife felt a little sorry for them. This was the weak point of people who had not practiced martial arts. When he got old, he became worse like this.

Fei Yun knew his wife's plans very well. He directly asked the emperor for a leave of absence and threatened that if he did not give him leave, he would resign instead. When his wife and children must travel far. He who is the husband must follow and take care of him. The desperate emperor found an excuse for his friend's son to stay and help train soldiers. So I could only nod and let him do as he pleased. Other matters, he would let his friends take care of him instead.