Wedge: Death

prologue or interlude in Yuan dynasty drama

 An autumn rain has suddenly given Wancheng, a century-old city by the river, the chill of winter.

 Lin Nuan involuntarily tightened the tweed coat on her body, and when she turned her head to look at her side, in a trance, it was as if Ji Yan was still at her side, with that bland smile still hanging on her angular face.

 "You negative me, even the sky also bullied me, before I did not know Wancheng's October original can be so bone-chilling cold." Lin Nuan's eyes are slightly red, but she has no tears to flow, as early as the night Ji Yan filed for divorce, Lin Nuan's tears have flowed dry, and the rest is just a walking corpse that can no longer perceive love and hate.

 Half a month ago the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain honeymoon trip, the top of the white flawless snow mountain, Ji Yan's oath is still as if in the ear: "Nuan Nuan, stay by my side for the rest of my life, we will never be separated, okay?"

 "If you do not leave, I will not give up!" Lin Nuan still remembers that when she said this promise, she must have been the happiest person in the world, being held in the palm of her hand by Ji Yan was her wish for ten years, and once she got her wish, how could she not be happy?

Lin Nuan can still clearly remember, Erhai beach, Ji Yan while gently stranding his hair blown by the sea breeze while dotingly called her "little fool" situation. But now, all this is like a ridiculous joke, ironic and desperate.

Lin Nuan closed her eyes and stood on the shore with her arms open, the wind messed up her hair, and her hair was drawn to her cheeks and it hurt. Lin Nuan finally realized that the original Erhai side of the tender is not the wind, not Ji Yan, but her stubborn, love Ji Yan ten years of heart.

Last night's rain had tapped the remaining leaves on the trees. After the last of the sunlight on the sky also faded away, the scene by the river instantly became bleak.

Lin Nuan gently pulled her hair back, as if this would allow her to walk in a more dignified manner.

"Ji Yan, I've never really gotten your love in this life, but even so, I'm going to carve the name Lin Nuan into your heart, even if it's just guilt and disgust!" Lin Nuan painfully murmured a sentence, then without hesitation, she leaped into the river.

The river water was icy and piercing, and a big mouthful of cold water was poured into the mouth. The full moon under the dark night is very beautiful, Lin Nuan can no longer tell whether it is the shadow of the nine heavens or the moon in the water. Lin Nuan only felt that the bright moon seems to give her guidance, the body also involuntarily to the full moon and into.



"Lin Nuan, Wei Wan's husband passed away, it's not easy for her to bring up a child alone, let's get a divorce!"



"Lin Nuan, a divorce would be good for you and me, don't spend your time on me."



"Lin Nuan, come on, sign the agreement!"


Ji Yan's cruel voice once again rang from his ears, but this time, Lin Nuan could no longer feel the slightest heartache.

"It turns out that people can put everything down before they die." Lin Nuan completely lost consciousness with such almost resolute relief.



Since Lin Nuan walked out of the house, Ji Yan has been following behind, Ji Yan really did not think that the always strong Lin Nuan will be because of their own desperate road. The moment he witnessed Lin Nuan leaping down the river, Ji Yan's blood was as if frozen, and he even lost his senses for a while, not knowing whether what he was experiencing at the moment was real or unreal.



Lin Nuan and Ji Yan is a high school alumni, at that time Ji Yan is the light in Lin Nuan's heart. Later, Lin Nuan was admitted to the North Dance, because of a song "Phoenix Phoenix" became popular, and because of the sweet looks, took over the youth idol drama, since then among the first line, completely popular.

Between the two ten years of separation, in this relationship, Ji Yan is always the passive party, Lin Nuan has always felt that it is he does not love enough, but the fact is just the opposite. Ji Yan is not not enough love, but too much love, love to humble.



How can such Ji Yan bear to let Lin Nuan sink into the cold river water alone!

Just as scattered onlookers gathered around the riverside or called the police or prepared to rescue, a black figure rushed away from the crowd and leapt down after the woman's footsteps.



In the early hours of the following morning, news of the martyrdom of well-known actress Lin Nuan and an unidentified man in a river grabbed the headlines.









Notes on reading the text:

Harem concubine rank: below the Empress is the three ladies, respectively, concubines, Guihua, nobleman, each position is divided into one person, a total of three people called the three ladies, equivalent to the consort position.

Below the Third Lady are the Nine Concubines, which are divided into Jieyu, Chunghua and Chenghua, with a total of three people in each position, equivalent to the concubines.

After that came the Shiho, with a maximum of twenty-seven, and then the Mikado, with a maximum of eighty-one.