Chapter 26: Entering the Palace (VI)

The emperor's late-night visit to the Hall of Contents, all the lackeys heart are extremely happy, but this happy energy also maintain less than half an hour, the emperor will be accompanied by Liu Yi left the Hall of Contents.

All of them wilted as if they were frosted eggplants, Cui Geng and Chang Yong saw Qian Lan go back to her room to fetch the bedding for the last night, and hurriedly asked, "Sister Qian Lan, why did the Emperor leave?"

"Seung-hwa's mother has just passed away, and she wants to honor her mother's filial piety."

Hearing the words of Qianlan, Changyong slapped his thighs, quite annoyed, said: "Other masters look forward to the Emperor's honor is too late, our masters are good, the Emperor is still often outside the ousting."

Cui More tugged on Chang Yong's sleeve and said, "Chang Yong, keep your voice down, be careful that Cheng Hua hears you."

"Ai!" Chang Yong also realized that his remark was not appropriate, so he sighed.

Qian Lan looked at the two people's frustrated appearance, and persuaded: "I do think Cheng Hua did nothing wrong, all good filial piety first. In front of the imperial grace, Cheng Hua can give up the imperial grace and keep his filial piety, it can be seen that his heart is pure and good, we will not be wrong to follow such a master." After Qian Lan finished speaking, he took the bedding and went forward to go up for the night.

Chang Yong sighed again, to Cui more said: "words are so, but if so angered the emperor how is good! You also know that I am not better off than you, after entering the palace, I first brushed the toilet for five years in Sikongsho, before I went to a palace room to serve the master of the Queen, if the Queen is not competitive, I will be finished."

Cui even pulled Chang Yong toward the residence, walking while saying: "Do not worry too much, this is only once can see what, do not let Qian Lan sister heard, and said that we shallow eyesight."

In the early morning of the next day, Qian Lan several people served Yuan Xi to get up early, the first time in the palace, the daily greeting to the Empress Mother must not be late.

Yuan Xi today chose that set of light green as the background color, embroidered with green bamboo leaves of the palace dress. And let QianHe to a streaming cloud bun, hair temples inserted a few fruit green emerald save gold bead flowers, and oblique insert a butterfly gilt pearl step rock.

After dressing up, they headed towards the Xianyang Hall accompanied by Qian Lan and Qian Yun.

After sending Hu Cheng Hua away, Chang Yong carried his food box to the Shangshi Food Bureau to fetch today's morning meal.

"Wing! Wait for me!" Chang Yong didn't take a few steps before he was caught up by Xiao Luzi, who had come out of the Cinnabar Hall.

"Coincidentally, you're fetching breakfast for Chen Chenghua?" Chang Yong asked.

Xiaolu Zi nodded, then asked, "Brother Chang, I saw the Emperor go out from the Hall of Containing Zhangs when I went down the gate yesterday? Is the Emperor planning to have Hu Chenghua serve the bed?"

"Of course." Chang Yong said rather smugly.

"Then why did the Emperor leave again?"

Xiao Lu Zi so asked, Chang Yong suddenly deflated, just in order not to let others look down on the Hengzhang Hall, he still stretched his neck and pretended to be quite proud to say: "His Majesty is a person of benevolence and filial piety, because he knows that we Cheng Hua lost his mother less than a hundred days, then all her filial piety did not let her serve in the bedchamber."

"The Emperor really favors Hu Chenghua!" Xiao Luzi said rather enviously.

"That's right!" Chang Yong heatedly smiled.

Hearing Chang Yong say this, Xiao Lu Zi couldn't help but sigh and said, "It's still Yong's good fortune, look at our master, we still don't know which day we can serve the bed."

"I heard that Chen Chenghua didn't serve her bed because she's not yet at maturity?"

"Exactly! How can you enter the palace without having reached maturity? This is not a trap!" Xiao Luzi complained.

"Words can't be said like that, you Seonghwa were ordained as Seonghwa before you served the bed, and you're young, your future is very promising!"

Xiaolu Zi finally spread a smile after hearing this and said, "Many thanks to Brother Yong for his auspicious words!"

While Chang Yong and Xiao Lu Zi are showing off, there is no stopping in the Hall of Huan Zhang. After Qian Ning and Qian He cleaned up the hall and returned to the palace maid's room, Qian Ning said to Qian He, "There are only two maidservants who are close to the master, Qian Lan is the head of the power of the female officer and naturally, she has to be counted as one; you and Qian Yun are brought by the master and understand the master's temperament, so in order to take better care of the master, she will also leave one. Do you think it's better to keep you or Qian Yun?"

Qian Ning's words suddenly evoke the memories of Qian He's father, who sold himself to the Hu House when he was unable to pay back the money from his drinking habit. Qian He can't help but be saddened by the fact that in the Hu House, she is still considered to be the maid of the first daughter, and how she has become the lowest slave in the palace.

The rules of Hu Fu are very strict, and the palace is even more hierarchical. Qian Ning has been in the palace for a long time, and Qian He does not dare to disobey her words. Qian Yun and is since childhood to serve in Cheng Hua side, if two people to stay in the house to serve Cheng Hua, that million also can not turn their own.

Although Qian He is the youngest among these people, but his mind is lively, so he hid his displeasure and said, "I am willing to be a companion to my sister and serve in the outer room."

The main hall of Xianyang Hall, the concubines have been seated according to the position.

The Empress wore a deep purple embroidered peony gold dress sitting on top of the main seat. Yun Gui concubine wore a piece of pink embroidered white peony dress, that gorgeous pink also set off her delicate and lovely, gorgeous to the extreme.

Sima Guihua like to wear white Chinese clothes, although there is a daily change of clothes, but the color is the same only the embroidered things are different, in the onlookers look no difference, wearing white all day looks both cold and demoralized. Wang Guiren today is wearing a blue background embroidered blue hibiscus court dress, quite noble.

The late emperor's wife died early, and there was no successor, so there was no empress dowager in the palace, so the biggest female master in the harem was the empress.

The daily greeting, in addition to discussing the matter of the harem, is to gossip about family life.

Yuan Xi extremely hate a push of women sitting together to talk, she is a person who does not like to talk about the rights and wrongs of others. Now but to sit in this pile of long-tongued women, and also somehow talking about talking to their own body.

"I heard that last night the Emperor went to Hu Chenghua's place? This Hu sister all in green, such as that ice and snow in a little spring, look is strange stirring people!" The person who spoke wore a lake blue court dress, a pair of fox charming eyes, speak up words to the skin smile not smile.

After Qian Lan's guidance at yesterday's night banquet, she knows that this person is Cui Jieyu. Yuan Xi is at a loss as to how to take Cui Jieyu's words, when Cui Jieyu asks herself, "Originally, I thought I would stay there, but I didn't know that I would leave after sitting for a while." Then she laughed to herself, making it very difficult for people to get off the stage.

Fortunately, at this time, Noblewoman Wang smiled faintly and took over, "Hu Cheng Hua just entered the palace last night, it is natural for the Emperor to go and take a look. But yesterday was the festival of the double two, the emperor in all years this day is accompanied by the empress mother."

Although this Nobleman Wang appeared to have a hot temperament on the outside, she was actually very approachable.

Yesterday, the emperor promoted the concubines of the harem, Wang Guiren has been ranked consort, although Cui Jieyu has been promoted to the first of the nine concubines, but concubines are concubines, even if only one level lower, but also do not dare to make a fuss. What's more, the queen and concubines are here, so they had to obediently shut their mouths.

Cui Jieyu did not dare to make a mistake, but and Cui Jieyu a gas Yun Gui concubine will not easily miss this good time to create conflicts, so charming smile, and then said: "This palace but heard that the emperor is intended to stay in the Hall of Huanzhang, is Hu Chenghua refused to the emperor, the emperor only to go to the Empress Dowager there."

After Yun Gui Concubine finished speaking, the Empress' face did not look too good, it was obvious that Yun Gui Concubine was implying that the Emperor was retreating.

At this time the most need to have a person to interject the past, can the cloud family and then the status of the Palace, the Palace since no one dares to say a few words for the Empress.

The emperor did not promote Yun Guihua Yun Gui concubine of people, Yun Gui concubine has been extremely domineering, now the emperor has risen its position, its position in the harem can be imagined.

As Wang Guiren has not been the emperor's heart, Yun Gui has not been able to see her, but the Wang family has no one in the dynasty, if she wants to stand firm in the harem must be looking for a person of blessing, the empress is quite generous, so Wang Guiren under the dark determination. Oh a smile, and then said: "This is false, detrimental to the majesty of the emperor and queen of the words, Yun Gui concubine can not talk nonsense!"

Wang Guiren is usually hot temperament, let a person mistakenly think that the speech is also not overly cerebral, ordinary days Yun Gui concubines is neither put her in the eyes, but also do not care much about her words.

This time it was the same, Yun Gui Concubine gave her a blank look, so she took a gentle sip from its teacup.

Yun Gui concubine closed her mouth, will quite give the Queen step down, the Palace is just right lapel, eyes containing Wei said: "Look at you one by one, really do not let the Palace to worry about. The Palace has not heard that the Emperor went to see Hu Cheng Hua, you all know! If you have the heart to stare at others, why don't you put more effort on His Majesty."

Yun Gui concubine deep inhalation, very unconvincing, but now many newcomers in the palace, how to share the favor in the future is not yet known, Gu did not contradict, the consort was also trained to lower their heads.

Seeing that the crowd was quite satisfied, the Empress added: "That's all, the Palace is going to have breakfast! You all go back too!"

The Empress gave the order to expel the guests, so the people left in turn with a blessing.