Chapter 31 - Entering the Palace (XI)

When Liu Yi passed the emperor's oracle to Zhang Youwen, the chief of the Shangyi Bureau, Zhang Youwen asked with some surprise, "Did the emperor really say that he would make a few more sets of brightly colored ones for Cheng Hua?"

"The emperor's oracle that is still false?" Liu Yi said impatiently.

"Then how many sets for Hu Cheng Hua?" .

"The emperor did not say to do a few sets, you look after yourself! Only the same, let your hands under the people more nimble, see to be in the spring! How do you also have to let the spring before let Hu Chenghua wearing your clothing bureau to send the winter clothes in the emperor to shake on a. Let the emperor know you this errand to do not! Let the emperor know that you are not doing a bad job is not it?" Liu Yi laughed.

"Hey! Older brother, you're killing me! How many sets should I make? What color should I make?"

"You're in charge of this stall, naturally you know more than me!" Liu Yi finished patting Zhang Youwen's shoulder and left.

"I really underestimated this Hu Cheng Hua! Not serving the bed is favored like this! It's really hard for us at Shangyi Bureau, we still have to rush out before spring, it's not killing people!" Zhang Youwen muttered and entered the hall, saying in a conspiratorial manner, "Where is Huang Shanggong?"

"What are Chief Zhang's orders?" A female official around thirty years old asked with a smiling face.

"Have all your men listen up, all stop what they're doing and rush out five sets of palace clothes in three days, according to Hu Chenghua's size and fatness!"

Three days? Three days to rush out five sets of court dresses this is not to kill the people of Shangyi Bureau? Besides, every embroiderer has a job to do.

At this time, an embroiderer said busily, "Huang Shanggong, I still have the Empress Dowager's spring dress in my hands!"

Another embroiderer, seeing that someone had spoken, was also busy saying, "Huang Shanggong, I still have this noble concubine's embroidery work in my hands!"

Immediately after that, there is a succession of what said: "Huang Shanggong, yesterday, Li Chunhua, also sent material, let the slave girl to do Cui Jieyu do tailored clothing ..."

Zhang Youwen waved his hand, did not want to listen to their nonsense. He said sternly: "Even though you all have work in your hands, it is far less urgent than these five sets, this is an order from the emperor himself, make sure to finish within three days. As for the material, then choose the batch of material from Jiangling!"

Uploaded, this a pass a reply between the difference between a thousand miles, the emperor only said that let the Shangyi Bureau to send a few sets of clothes over, Liu Yi instructed Zhang Youwen to be faster, but to Zhang Youwen mouth became a three-day time.

Zhang Youcheng said he turned to go, suddenly remembered something, a slap on the head and said: "Jiangling batch of material is still left what color? Accompany us to the storehouse to take a look!" Zhang Youwen said to Huang Shanggong.

So Huang Shanggong accompanied Zhang Youwen went to the warehouse containing Jiangling tribute satin weaving, Zhang Youwen looked at the warehouse in the storage of Jiangling material and more than a dozen, these materials with the Emperor to Li Chonghua is the same batch of silk silky smooth, light, do winter clothes a little too soft, but the bright colors, but the most outstanding.

And because the emperor personally ordered, so Zhang Youwen asked Huang Shanggong: "These materials can be suitable for winter clothing?"

Huang Shanggong said with some difficulty, "This batch of material is most suitable for spring and fall clothing, but if forced to do winter clothing is not impossible, but it needs to be sized first."

Zhang Youwen then clap the board, decided to use this material, and with the Huang Shanggong together with the jade color, willow yellow, bright orange, carmine red and rose red five colors. And ordered people to brush the layer of pulp, make it hard, and then lay the silk. And instructed Huang Shanggong must do a good job supervising the work.

If the palace concubines of the palace clothes, generally about half a month to complete, this is only to do just entered the palace of the world's women, the Royal Women's Palace, because of the rank reasons, embroidery less, so save some time, and do this more than three ladies of the palace clothes is the most time-consuming, as soon as one month, as slow as two months to be completed.

Shangyi Bureau has long known that the emperor wants to choose the showgirls, so a few months ago will be prepared out of the concubines of the palace clothes. According to the existing palace can carry the number of concubines, Shangyi Bureau estimated that the emperor chose up to 20 bit showgirls into the palace, generally selected into the palace of women, are from the lowest rank of the imperial women to start, only two sets of court dresses per season; rank a little higher in the world of women will have three sets of court dresses per season, Cheng Hua five sets, and so on.

Because at that time, only empty the Hall of Huanzhang, Chenguang Hall and the Hall of Zhenghe three palaces, so Shangyi Bureau estimates that the emperor at most three Seung Hwa, Seung Hwa belongs to the concubines, that is, the main position of the palace, so that the remaining people to do the Royal Lady and the Shihua, the preparation of the palace dress is to the lower concubines of the palace clothes in favor of the majority.

Because at that time, Zhang Youwen absolutely could not imagine that someone will enter the palace on the seal as a full of Hua, then even from the royal family out of Cui Jieyu and the birth of the Princess Wen Jieyu is still only full of Hua's rank, in this way, high-level palace clothes will only do fifteen sets.

Zhang Youwen also did not imagine that the emperor only chose seven people into the palace, but sealed a full Hua two Cheng Hua and four Shifu, so do more than the imperial women's clothing due to less embroidery can not be used at all, and concubines above the rank of the clothing and less two sets.

Yuan Xi into the palace the latest, Shangyi Bureau naturally selected from fifteen sets of the best seven sets to Li Changhua sent, and selected five sets to Chen Chenghua sent to the final Yuan Xi into the palace, naturally wearing is picking the rest.

No wonder these clothes Yuan Xi will not see, not into the palace when she is, after all, the first daughter of the family, then woke up wearing clothes compared to this is not bad.

The embroidery women day and night rush, finally three days later finished five sets of palace clothes to hand over, but in fact, privately hate Hu Chenghua teeth itchy. This Shangyi Bureau is so fifty people in total, in order to this five sets of clothes, all the people almost three days did not close their eyes, which just entered the palace, so overbearing, can give people what a good impression.

Zhang Youwen condemned Huang Shanggong sent two embroiderers with their own five sets of court dress sent to the Hall of Huanzhang, the emperor is sitting in the warm with Hu Chenghua game, face in addition to smile and dare not say anything else, but in the heart, but the curse ceaselessly.

Seeing that the palace clothes had been delivered, the emperor waved his hand and said, "Hang it up for me!"

So Qianlan and Qianyun hung five sets of court dresses on the hanger: a set of rose-red court dress embroidered with pavilion, flying cranes, plum branches and moonlight; a set of court dress in bright orange with orange big-sleeved shirt embroidered with broken flowers and sacred deer; a set of jade-colored court dress with almost no embroidery around the body, but full embroidery on the neckline and sleeve cuffs, very unique in its purity and elegance; a set of willow-yellow-based court dress embroidered with summer willow and lotus in the pond; a set of carmine-red for clothes and cherry-red for clothes embroidered with a pair of winged birds gazing at each other; a set of rouge-red for clothes and cherry-red for clothes embroidered with a pair of winged birds gazing at each other. A set of willow yellow based on the embroidery is a summer willow and the pond lotus; a set of carmine red for the dress, cherry red for the dress embroidered on a pair of gazing at the winged bird.

The Emperor pointed to the ones on the shelf and asked, "Yuan Xi, what do you think?"

In fact, although Yuan Xi likes bright colors, but it does not mean that she likes big red and green, in fact, she really look on the jade color and bright orange that two sets, but do not like the words Yuan Xi can not be said in any case, so it is a slight smile and said, "All very good!"

Zhang Youwen was finally relieved to hear Yuan Xi speak like this, but just then the Emperor suddenly said, "I think these are good! But these new embroidery girls in the palace are wearing some plain ones!"

The speaker has no intention to listen to the intention, Zhang Youwen straight feel cold sweat sweat straight, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe said: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will do my best in the future!"

The Emperor laughed, "You did well in this matter! There is a reward!"

Zhang Youwen didn't dare to stay longer and immediately retreated after receiving the reward.