Chapter 43 - Qian Ning's Death (III)

Seeing Qian Ning break off, the crowd finally couldn't help but cry out.

"Qian Ning loves cleanliness the most! Let her go clean!" Yuan Xi forced back her grief and commanded.

Qian Lan and the others called for warm water and started to wipe Qian Ning's body. Qian Lan and Qian Ning have known each other for the longest time, the two of them have known each other since they were eight years old when they entered the palace, ten years have flashed by, but they did not expect to lose their lives just because of bad food, Qian Lan wiped her body while wiping her tears.

Although Qian He knew Qian Ning for less than half a year, she was quite taken care of by Qian Ning on weekdays, so she cried quite a lot.

After a few people wiped Qian Ning's body clean, they re-bunned her hair and changed into a clean palace dress, wanting her to go with dignity.

However, the Hall of Contained Zhang Hu Chenghua is not in favor, the maidservant died which has the decency? A shroud then Qian Ning carried away, is still Qian Ning to the mass grave, or throw away somewhere, no one knows.

In the palace that is the most secret, but also no secret place, less than half a day with the Zhang Hall dead maidservant thing the harem all know.

Hui Zhang Hall last night, the person who guarded the door will also be Hu Chenghua visit in the middle of the night to inform the Wen Jieyu, Wen Jieyu worried about Hu Chenghua accident, they personally went to the Jiafu Hall.

Qian Ning's death on the Yuan Xi hit a great deal, Qian Ning's matter although tossed all night, but Yuan Xi is still not sleepy. She is afraid, because she has never seen a live life died in front of her; she regretted, she felt that if it is not because she is not favored, Qian Ning may not be dead; she escaped, she did not want to admit that Qian Ning's death is because of their own.

"Where is your Cheng Hua?" Wen Jieyu had come to the Hall of Containing Zhangs by now and asked Qianhe who was standing at the entrance of the hall.

"Cheng Hua is resting in his bedchamber." Qian He said.

Wen Jieyu saw Qianhe's swollen eyes, gentle words: "At this time, in addition to me think that no one will come, you when it is tossed all night, go back to rest!"

QianHe bent down and stubbornly said, "Thank you for your concern, slave girl is not tired!" As if only by standing here so fixedly, Qian Ning did not leave, Qian He was unable to go back to her room alone, and as soon as she went back, it was as if she saw Qian Ning greeting herself with a smile.

"Just!" Wen Jieyu said and entered the bedchamber.

The place where the palaces met their guests was usually in the Warm Pavilion, and it was the first time for Wen Jieyu to enter Hu Chenghua's bedchamber.

The mahogany door is carved with complex and elegant patterns, everywhere permeated with a delicate and euphemistic temperament, gently pushed open the door, into the eyes is an exquisite round table, covered with good brocade, a set of exquisite tea set quietly placed there.

A screen separates the room into two halves, across the screen is one veil after another, a breeze whisks by, the room's light pink veil gently trailing. The room exudes a light fragrance, around the screen, can see from the hollowed out carved window sebaceous into the speckled broken sunlight, and then look inside, is a soft wooden bed, exquisite carvings delicate and elaborate, the northeast corner of the wall is placed in a column of the same color of the bookcases, warm sunlight from the vermilion carved wooden window penetration, fragmented in a support of the ancient zither, through the incense burner wafted out of the dense smoke, you can see that a beautiful person is lying on the bed. A beautiful person is lying on the bed.

"Wen Jieyu!" Qian Lan saw Wen Jieyu enter the bedchamber, so she blessed herself.

"Are you Seung-hwa asleep?"

Qianlan shook his head.

"Then I'll go in and see!"

Qian Lan nodded again, Qian Lan looked a bit wooden today, not like his usual eight-sidedness.

"Sister Hu!" Wen Jieyu called out.

This call finally woke Yuan Xi up from her rambling thoughts, Yuan Xi turned her face to see that Wen Jieyu was already standing in front of her, and she busily sat up.

"Look at how haggard you are, you haven't slept all night, right?" Wen Jieyu said with concern.

Yuan Xi didn't say anything and only nodded.

"Ai!" Wen Jieyu sighed and added, "Remember what I advised you last time? I used the tree as a metaphor for people, sister is a smart person, I think I can hear and understand! You can't just recognize one thing, it's like there are only begonias in this courtyard! How can you live in this palace when you've blocked the way to the bedchamber?"

Yuan Xi still did not say anything, although she was friendly with Wen Jieyu, it was also because of Yongle, and did not reach a situation where she had nothing to say.

Wen Jieyu see her still silent, want to have listened in, then said: "you and I am different, I at least have a princess, even if the emperor does not have me in his heart, there is always a place for me in the palace, I am the mother of the princess, no one dares to look down on me to go. But you? What do you have? Even if you do not care about these, but the people around you? If you were in favor, how dare the Food Bureau send rancid food? How dare the Imperial Hospital disregard human life?"

Suddenly a million swords penetrate his heart, and what Yuan Xi least wants to admit is broken by Wen Jieyu.

Wen Jieyu saw Yuan Xi's shoulders trembling slightly and knew that she was somewhat moved, so she continued, "I'm saying this to you today, but also because Yongle likes you and has you in his heart. If you are a responsible person, don't let down those who care about you!" After saying this, he got up and left.

Yuan Xi dripped and lay in bed for half a day. It was not until the moon hung over the branches that she got up and used some porridge and water slightly.

Outside, the moonlight is bright, illuminating everything outside the window. Yuan Xi came down from the bed barefoot, without shoes, as if only the bone-chilling coolness of the marble floor could extinguish the fire of his heart.

Yuan Xi involuntarily moved to the window, and the imperial city in the dark night was solemn and lifeless.

Yuan Xi stood fixedly in front of the window, looking straight up at the moon in the sky. The temperature difference between day and night in Yecheng was extreme, and the wind on a summer night was full of coolness, Yuan Xi's skirt and green silk fluttered in the wind, and because of the thin clothes she wore, she shivered with cold. It was obviously very cold, but it was as if only by being frozen could she alleviate the sins in her heart.

Wen Jieyu's words swirled around in Yuan Xi's mind, "If you were in favor, would the Food Bureau dare to send rancid food? How dare the Imperial Hospital disregard human lives?"

Yes! If it wasn't for her refusal to serve the bed, how would Qian Ning have ended up like this.

"If you're a go-getter, don't let down those who care about you!

Although Qian Ning is dead, Qian Lan, Qian Yun, Qian He, Cui More, Chang Yong are still attached to themselves, these people did not leave themselves in such a situation, do they still want to let them do the next Qian Ning not?

I can't be so selfish, I can't stand by and see the people who are good to me living in such a bad way, Yuan Xi thought of Qian Ning's appearance before she died, and unconsciously she wet her eyes.

"Liu Yi, you see, Hu Cheng Hua is wiping tears?" Since the emperor was Yuan Xi refused to serve the bed after the side has been the heart of anger, although the concubines up and down the harem will be favored a then also can not suppress the anger of the heart. Solely this temple which also do not go, hosted in their own style dry hall, but the emperor has something in mind, the night can not sleep, will come out for a walk, who knows that the feet uncontrollably walked to the Hall with chapter.

"Nun see that Hu Chenghua is wiping his tears." Liu Yi echoed.

"Liu Yi, what do you think this Hu Cheng Hua is crying for a good reason? Is it because I have ignored her these days, she is a bit sad, she has me in her heart right?" The Emperor asked in a self-satisfied manner.

Liu Yi turned his eyes, secretly feel the emperor's self-interest some funny, Hu Chenghua crying is not false, that is because of the death of the Hall of Huanzhang, and what is the relationship between the emperor, but like a man like how can he answer truthfully, so it was said in a serious manner: "Chenghua heart there is no emperor slaves do not know, the emperor if you want to know as well as to ask Chenghua in person!

The emperor slanted a glance at Liu Yi, secretly saying, "Good you Liu Yi! I don't know how much money I've received from Hu Chenghua, how dare you set me up."

So he turned around and exited the tunnel, heading towards the Style Qian Hall.