Chapter 49: Commitment of Grace (II)

In the early hours of the next morning, the emperor was tired but in excellent spirits, and when the emperor saw Yuan Xi's eyes open, he assumed that he had woken her up, so he said, "Sleep again, and if your body is not comfortable, you may not go to the empress to ask for peace!"

Before he went to the morning court, he said to Liu YiYan again, "I am going to promote Hu ChengHua to Hu ChunHua, go to the Empress and let her know!"

This bedding once will be promoted to the position or the first time, Liu Yi froze, but still busy without losing Liu Yi came to the Hall of Xianyang.

When Liu Yi arrived at the Hall of Hsien Yang, the Empress had only just gotten up and was sitting in front of the bronze mirror to freshen up, Qian Xian led Liu Yi into the inner hall.

"How come Eunuch Liu came early in the morning, and what is it that makes the Eunuch in such a hurry?" The Empress had already seen from the bronze mirror that Liu Yi had run out of hot sweat.

"Last night Hu Chenghua served in the bed, so this morning the Emperor promoted her to the first rank, and told his servant to inform the Empress Mother of the preparation of clothes and registers of treasures for her!"

Empress heart also foxed for a moment, because such a thing also really is the first time to happen, the Empress although also not very happy, but still cover up the emotions and said: "This Palace knows."

"That slave retired." Liu Yi poofed his sleeve and got up, before going out suddenly turned his head and said, "There is one thing that I dare not hide from Your Highness, and that is that last night His Majesty did not call the people in the bedchamber to change the bedding!"

"The Palace knows! Go down!" The Empress immediately felt a chill push into her heart. If the first did not call the Division Bedroom is because of the sudden, but two in a row is no accident. Empress heart suddenly produced a different, so many years, the emperor grace six palaces, but the empress knows that no one really into the emperor's heart, and the emperor treats this Hu Yuanxi seems to be very different.

The maid who grated her hair also knew that the Empress was not in a good mood, and the action of grating her hair was also much softer.

"Your Highness, a few days ago a palace maid died in the Hall of Containing Zhang, and now that the Emperor has named her as Chunghua, the palace is bound to have to add some manpower ..." Qian Han stopped mid-sentence.

The Empress looked at Qian Han's eyes from the bronze mirror and said to the maidservant who grated her hair, "Xiang Yu, you go down first!" The maidservant who grated her hair bent down and retreated. Qian Han picked up the comb placed on the dressing table and stood with the cinnamon water mixed with mint powder to continue to grate the Empress's long, ink-like hair.

"Go get Precious from the Division Plant Shop later, it's time to use her."

From time to time in the main hall of the concubines of the sound of gossip, want to have arrived at the time of the invitation to peace, the Queen looked at the bronze mirror in their own that is still young but has long been lifeless face, to the Chin Han said: "You Ò hair craft is not as good as Xiangyu, today for the Palace of a simple flow of clouds bun it!"

The bun is extremely simple, just split all the hair from the ear into two, the back hair is all sparse on the top of the head, the front hair from the top of the head into two, around the back, and then with the back of the remaining hair intertwined with each other, into the shape of a stream of clouds.

Liu Yi went out of the Hall of Hanyang, and rushed to the Department of the Bedroom, the Department of the Bedroom, Chief Huang recorded on the paperwork, "Yanchang four years, July 18, Hu Chenghua in the Hall of Hanyang to serve the bed."

Inside the Hall of Containing Zhang, Yuan Xi woke up sore and limp, a tearing pain will come from the lower body, spare me, there is no reason not to go to the Empress to ask for peace.

After tossing and turning all night, covered in sweat, even though the night breeze blew through, the sweat had subsided, leaving behind a sticky mess, Yuan Xi hurriedly took a bath, and after freshening up, he went to the Hall of Hsien Yang.

This day, she did not dare to dress up carefully, one is afraid of being disagreed by others, another is afraid of missing the time, so she only wore a water onion-colored embroidered court dress, Ò the bright moon bun, only wearing a three phoenix pearl tassel hairpin, sideburns see hairpin only white magnolia only.

Even so, he missed the hour when he arrived at the Hall of Hin Yang.

"Aigoo! Why is sister Hu here?" Noblewoman Wang's voice immediately drew everyone's attention to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi bent down and bowed to the Empress in a regular manner, and the Empress nodded her head to signal her to sit on top of her seat.

"Sister must have been exhausted from serving last night! This woman's first night hurts a lot! The Empress is most sympathetic, sister can take her leave!" Noblewoman Wang smiled and said, her tone was not harsh, but could not hear any malice.

"Thank you for your concern, sister! I'm not that delicate!" Yuan Xi squeezed out a smile.

Yuan Xi's words have just fallen, Cui Jieyu side on the high tone, acidic to Wang Guiren said: "Sister do not sister long sister short called used to the mouth, be careful not to pay attention to the sister will become a sister!"

The crowd was shocked, knowing that she was talking out of her ass.

"If you know, why hide it, why not speak out and listen to it with the sisters!" Sima Guihua, who had always refrained from making remarks, suddenly spoke up.

"I don't know if I've heard it properly or not! When I came here, I happened to see Eunuch Liu talking to Eunuch Huang from the bedchamber office about making a book of treasures!" Cui Jieyu said.

The crowd will believe it and turn their attention to the Empress, waiting for the Lord of the Sixth House to solve the riddle for them.

The Empress was not slow, sipped her tea, and said leisurely, "Indeed, the Emperor has sealed Hu Cheng Hua as Hu Cong Hua this morning, and will soon perform the enthronement ceremony."

"This is a promotion after only one night of serving the bed, so I really have to congratulate sister!" Li Chonghua said in a conspiratorial manner.

"The Emperor's favor is most kingly, now that Hu Chenghua is already on par with you, I'm afraid that in a few days, he will also surpass this palace!" Cui Jieyu pulled out an impish smile.

"No matter what, the Emperor promoted Sister Hu, that's also a commendation to the sisters in the harem, my sister hereby congratulates you again!" Chen Chenghua said with a smile.

"Congratulations sister!"

"Congratulations sister!"

Since Chen Chenghua first said the first sound of joy, the crowd will be a wave of congratulations, some playacting, some eerie, are not words, which is not sincere?

The ambrosia is already hot, even though it's early morning, that heat will also climb in along the window gap, door foot, plus the crowd's sharp and cold words, making Yuan Xi very uncomfortable, but also just uncomfortable, she still did not put the Emperor in her heart, and how to put those women of his in her heart.

However, Qian Yun, who was standing behind Yuan Xi, clearly felt a huge pressure and now her back was full of sweat. In the Hu Mansion, the Second Lady fought with the First Lady, and I didn't realize that it was even more powerful in the palace.

Every day Qian Lan accompanies her, but since the Emperor said this morning that he wanted to promote Yuan Xi's position and would allocate someone to come over, Qian Lan asked Qian Yun to accompany her and stayed behind to preside over matters in the temple.

To be promoted to the next level after one day's service is an astonishing move, both in the past and in the present. The emperor's message pushed Yuan Xi to the center of the storm, making her a target of all.

The emperor's move, also has its own reasons, he just want to let Yuan Xi know: "I for the nine five, dependent on me, I will hold you to the sun and the moon; disobedience to me, I will let you fall off the clouds!"

The emperor first saw Yuan Xi's heartbeat lies in the hunt, goodbye Yuan Xi's love lies in the conquest, if the true love, has not yet been talked about, the heart is not, it will not be concerned about its safety and security.