

In a dark plane, void of all senses. Just exist the thoughts and conciseness of Bruno. 

Drifting through the dark void, some strange force encapsulates the existence and thought known as Bruno and quickly pulls him. The directions are unknown and unclear but Bruno could feel some sort of movement.

The speed of his existence sped up and slowed down at random times until it ultimately came to a stop. 

The darkness slowly turned to light. 

"It's.... warm," 

The existence, known as Bruno thought about his life before becoming a floating light drifting in an endless void. 

His family consists of him, his mother, his father, and his younger brother. Everything in his life was going fine until he turned thirteen. 

Only three days passed Bruno's birthday his father was arrested and charged with money laundering for one of the local gangs. 

His father ran a local bakery selling different sweet and savory goods. Using the bakery, the local gang washed some money before being caught. There are two things the government would not let you mess with.

1: Their lives.

2: Their money. They don't play when it comes to their money. 

The sentence his father received was harsh because the amount was in the hundreds of thousands. Sixty-seven years was his father's final sentence, even though his father played no part in getting the dirty money the local law enforcement was able to push the charges onto the sentence as it would make the case look bigger, to garner more attention. 

Having to step up and be the man of the house as his younger brother was only eight. With nowhere left to turn to as he needed fast money, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. 

Bruno started small first then it got bigger. His drug dealing journey had a bunch of twists and turns. 

Slow money, fast money, dirty money, and bloody money, he didn't care as long as it had dead presidents and was green. 

The biggest regret of the existence known as Bruno was by the time he had the money it was hard to use and he became too old to fully enjoy it as the fire died in his youth. He and his money became the same, old and becoming useless. 

Lost in his thought the existence shouted, "Damn, all those years wasted!". 

( Ring! ) 

A sharp ringing noise fills the empty void. 

"What is that?" 

Being devoided of his senses for a long time Bruno slowly remembers the stimulation of hearing. 

The warmth and light enveloping his body slowly left as the ringing got louder and louder. 

( Sniff! Sniff! ) 

In the vast darkness, Bruno could smell his favorite dessert, his mom's famous toffee pudding. 

With each sniff, the smell got more intense until the smell slowly turned to sparks of light floating around the unknown void. The sparks of light slowly turned an empty void into a vast sparkly world. 

The sparkles flowed like the wind moving wild and free. Watching the sparkles scatter around, Bruno noticed a group of sparkles forming whenever he focused on a certain area. 

( Slash! ) 

A sudden warmth rushes to Bruno's stomach area. After the warmth wrapped around his existence, he could feel the sense of movement again. 

Focusing on the sparkles, Bruno made small clusters and big clusters.

"I wonder how big of a cluster I can make." 

Using every bit of focus he had, a vacuum was created and the sparkles quickly grouped up. Swirling around until it became bigger and bigger. 

( Zing! ) 

The sparkles from the vacuum quickly rushed and filled Bruno, an unknown energy filled and helped Bruno regain a sense of feeling and understanding of one's body. Still feeling the flow of energy rush through every fiber of his muscles, as the flow became stronger the vacuum of sparkles shined brighter. 

The shining spiral came into contact with Bruno's body. 

( Crack! ) 

The light disappeared as the black void enveloped Bruno's vision once again. The sense of floating around also came back. 

( BANG! ) 

The sudden shockwave quickly woke up the man sleeping on the cold desert floor. 

Quickly covering his ear the man slowly stands up. Before anything else, the man drinks from the container held around his neck by some sort of braided strings. 



In front of the man's eyes lay a smoke cloud hovering in the middle of nowhere. Even in the dark desert, the amount of smoke in the air was out of place and noticeable. 

The man picks up a large stick and reaches inside his shirt before pulling out two black rocks. 

( Clak! ) ( Clak! ) 

*Blowing out air* 

Striking the two rocks together created a spark which was used to light the stick. Blowing and ensuring the flame on the stick got bigger until it became big and wide enough to help light the way. 

In a drunken state, the man slowly "walks" towards the smoke. 

( Whoosh! ) 

The night air swirls around the man as he tries to get past the sand and debris to reach the cause of the smoke. 

The smoke cloud grew with each step until it became a smoke ring. Smoke rose from the ground creating a wall of smoke. 

Hesitating to walk in, the man took a deep breath of fresh air before walking towards the smokey unknown. 

( Shh! ) 

The sand slid around the man's feet.

( Shh! )

Trying his best not to breathe in the smoke the man continued to pace forward. 

Step by step, he made his way until he was only a few feet from the cause of the smoke. 

Using his torch to lead the way, the man reached his arm forward until his torch crossed the smoke plane. The ground underneath the torch has been crystalized and reflected the light from the torch. 

Peeking his head through the smoke plane the man was not expecting what he was about to see. 

"Ahh!" Shouted the man. 

Having to look down to walk the man stared directly at the reflection of light from the torch. 

( Fhuuu! )

From the shock of being flashbang, the man flung around his torch. 

After a few swings, the man stopped. 


Looking around after throwing up the man realized in the center of the smoke the ground which was sand had turned to glass. The layer of glass spread around the man only leaving a small boulder. 

Curious for anything to happen to his situation the man walked towards the boulder. Getting a closer look the boulder was a blanket made out of some fur. 

A small face with dark purple eyes like the, 

"Night sky," 

The dark void filled with sparkles turned into the night sky for Bruno. 

After being devoid of his senses Bruno could see, albeit in his words "Why is it looking like I'm looking through a crystal panel?", he could smell as the smelled smoke right away, his hearing was just the same ringing noise he heard earlier, the softness felt from the blanket wrapping around his body gave him warmth and comfort.

Meeting eye to eye with the baby lying on the glass floor the man quickly sobers up and goes to try to pick up the baby. 

Being wrapped in a warm, soft, and comforting blanket Bruno quickly fell asleep.

Right as the man picked up the baby it closed its eyes.