Money from Cards

Opening his eyes Brune still can't believe he's alive and has become a baby again and not just some regular baby, but a baby who can use telekinesis. 

After plenty of trial and error, there was a limit to how much Brune could lift using his mind. The limit was one book and four coins. 

"Hey, Honey! You said you left me twenty copper coins right?" yelled Alina as she asked Clover. 

Walking in from another room Clover stopped by the bedroom door before replying, "Yea why what's the problem?". 

"Well, there are only sixteen in here," said Alina. 

"I counted this morning when I woke up but I must've been too tired. Anyways I'll give you the other four later as I still have to get ready," replied Clover.

Clover had a long day of fishing ahead of him. 

The other source of income for the Cards family was Clover's job as a fisherman. He would ride off in his boat catching as many fish as he could in the morning before returning to shore and selling those fish at the market square. 

Giving another four copper coins to Alina, Clover kisses her goodbye before heading out. 

( Thmph! ) 

The door closed behind Clover as he walked out of the house. 

Noticing Brune is awake Alina walks towards the bed. 

"Shhhhh don't cry, Aunty is going to make some food so stay quiet and let the other boys sleep," Alina whispered to Brune. 

Walking out of the room and heading toward the kitchen, Alina prepped breakfast for her family. 

( Chop! Chop! ) 

( Wahhh! Wahhhh! ) 

Mo woke up from his sleep because of the noises from the kitchen. 

"Damn it can someone shut this kid up!" Brune thought to himself. 

"You know what fine since you want to cry I can too," 

( Wahhh! Wahhhh! ) 

Hearing two different babies crying, No woke up too. 

Quickly running to the room, Alina could hear the babies loud and clear. 

Knowing Alina came back Brune stops crying. 

( Wahhhh! Wahhhhh! ) 

Mo being a regular baby still kept crying. 

Picking up Mo, Alina tries her best to comfort him, "Shhhh, don't cry Mommy is right here,". 

After a few minutes, she finally got Mo to stop crying. Laying Mo back on the bed Alina told No to watch the babies.

( Plop! Splash! ) 

Alina tossed some sort of fish and vegetables into a pot of water as she planned to make some fish soup. After finishing making the food Alina walked back into the room and told No to eat before breastfeeding Mo and Brune. 

Doing her daily motherly duties, Alina cleaned up the house before being interrupted by a knock on the door. 

( Knock! Knock! ) 

"Who is it?" asked Alina. 

"It's me, Hazel," replied a voice outside the door. 

Behind the door was Hazel Wyn, the daughter of the next-door neighbor. 

Unlocking and opening the door Alina tells Hazel, "Come in, I didn't realize what time it was already. Would you like to have some Vit soup?" 

"Not right now as I ate before coming here" replied Hazel. 

Hazel was the babysitter for the Cards family while Alina would go to the market to help Clover sell fish or buy produce. 

( Thump! )

Finished with brushing her hair Alina stepped outside of the house, heading towards the market square. 

While watching the kids Hazel would help change the diapers of Brune and Mo. Unlike the diapers Brune was used to, the diapers used were reusable cloth diapers. So after changing the babies' diapers, she would have to wash them and hang them up to dry. Thankfully someone had made an all-purpose cleaning powder that turns into soap once it comes into contact with water. The powder could be used to clean dishes and clothes. 

After hanging up the diapers, Hazel went back into the house. 

Bored with nothing to do Hazel asked No, "How old are you now?".

"I'm four turning five in two months," replied No. 

"Wow, you're about to turn into a big boy soon," said Hazel.

Smiling No replies, "Yep, once I'm older I'm going to help Daddy with his fishing." 

"So the kid is four," Brune thought to himself. 

Having learned the similarities and differences between his new world compared to his old world. Brune learned from the conversations that his new world shared the same twelve-month calendar. The only difference is each month has four weeks each containing eight days. The days are just referred to as blank days of the week. For example, the current day is the fourth day of the week. 

Brune is now four months old while Mo is five months old. 

The time passed by before Clover and Alina came back. 

( Creak! ) 

"We're back," said Alina as she opened the door. 

Quickly running to his parents No hugged them both and said "Mommy, Daddy are back!" 

After chatting with Hazel for a few minutes, Clover handed her one copper coin for babysitting the kids. 

"I'll be leaving now," Hazel says before closing the door behind her. 

The same events would continue for another month before Heart came back. 

On the eighth day of the week, the market square was closed so everyone could at least get one day of rest. 

Having only one day out of the week to rest, Clover spends most of his time playing with his kids. 

"I'm going to get you!" said Clover as he chases around No in the backyard. 

Unlike most other residents, the Cards had a big backyard with a smokehouse and three big barrels containing water. Most residents of Tep had a small backyard and only two barrels of water. The smokehouse was unique to the Cards because they would smoke and salt the excess fish that weren't sold, the smoked fish would be eaten or sold again after being smoked. Even though Clover's fellow neighbors also lived by the port most weren't fishermen as it takes skills to catch enough fish to make a profit. 

Behind the wooden fence around the Cards' house, a voice could be heard shouting, "Hey come open the door it's me, Heart!". 

"Hello can anybody hear me, I can hear you guys back there!" said Heart behind the fence. 

"Yea I hear you, I'll see you at the front," replied Clover. 

The fence was designed to be only able to enter through the back door of the house. Clover had to go inside the house to open the front door so Heart could enter. 

( Creak! ) 

"So you left us your son and disappeared for five months," said Clover as he opened the door. 

"Oh wow, it was only five months I thought it was longer," replied Heart sarcastically. 

"Just come in already," said Clover. 

Walking inside Heart asked, "Do you have any alcohol?" 

Clover looked into Heart's eye before saying, "The first thing you ask me isn't anything about your son but it's if I have alcohol,". 

"So do you or do you not?... Also, where is Brune?" replied Heart. 

( Sigh! ) 

Clover let off a sigh before showing Heart to the alcohol. 

"Brune is in the back with the others," said Clover as he headed to the backyard. 

Taking a bottle before following Clover into the backyard, walking into the back yard he could see Alina sitting in a chair holding two babies, to his surprise Brune was sitting on Alina's lap straight up with no support while Mo had to be supported by Alina's right side.

"There's my son!" said Heart happily as he reached out his arm

"Say hi to your daddy, Brune," said Alina as she handed him to Heart. 

( Wahhhh! Wahhhhh! ) 

"This guy stinks get him away from me!" Brune thought to himself as he cried.

The stench coming from Heart was putrid

"This is weird, Brune hardly ever cries. I guess he doesn't like you," said Alina with a smirk. 

( Wahhhhhhhhh! )

Brune cried louder. 

"Fine, well I got what I needed and got to see Brune," said Heart as he handed Brune back to Alina. 

Making his way back into the house Heart was interrupted by a question from No, "Uncle where are you going, are you not gonna stay longer?". 

"I will be back later as I can't lose this image from my head!" said Heart as he quickly ran away. 

( Thumph! ) 

Closing the door and running towards his art studio, Heart felt the inspiration to make another artistic masterpiece. 

Finally making it to his studio, Heart sat down behind a big blank canvas. The canvas was as big as tall as his body and twice as wide. 

Using the material he had gathered from his adventure, Heart began by dipping his paintbrush in gray paint. 

( Dip! )

( Brush! ) 

( Splash! ) 

The canvas inch by inch was filled until it revealed his latest artwork. 

The artwork detailed a baby in the center surrounded by a crystal plane. Inside the crystal plane was a trail of reddish dust-like substance until it turned into a black smog surrounding the baby. The smog hid what look like.

"Shadows with red eyes!" shouted a woman in a prayer's stance. 

In a golden robe, the lady on her knees praying got up and shouted, "The Blood Moon is upon us, fellow disciples we must warn the world and get ready!". 

From their temple, the people in golden robes quickly sprung into action.