Chapter 1: Prologue

Part 0: Prologue



A mob of the infected rush towards us, amongst them an infected male is far faster than the rest. With each step I take, all I can hear are the moans and groans of the infected.


My adrenaline and fear are the only things that are keeping me from becoming the new chow down for those drooling fuckers.

Plus, this sudden extreme rise in body heat is not helping me at all. I bet to them I look like a nice delicious meat that's slowly sizzling as it runs up the emergency stairs.

The worst part of this plan is now over as one of the survivors, an old man whom I just met, managed to push some of the infected down the stairs. Making them all stumble down on each other. This bought us just enough time to try and make our way up to the rooftop.

The old man displays a sense of haste as he runs up the stairs.

"Go kid!"

Leading us out of this hell hole is none other than an angel in heels, my new boss Ms.Hasson, who knows her way around a weapon.

As we continue to make our way up the loud echoes of gunshots storm my ears with so much uneasiness.

I shout as I cover my left ear with the palm of my hand.

"Ugh, damn it!"

[Gunshots stop]

Ms. Hasson's eyes widen as she shouts to us.

"I'm out of bullets!Run!"

[Infected Growling and moaning]

Without much thought, somehow I managed to increase my pace. We managed to not fall over the few infected corpses that lay ahead of us.

Seeing Ms.Hasson growing closer to the rooftop door I shout to the old man who's behind me.

"Oh Fuck! Old man h-hurry!"

A few seconds later I trip through the door, falling on my rear onto the hot concrete floor.


Right behind me, I watch as the old man slams the door shut.

"Ah! haha ahh."

[Door Beeps and locks]

With the blazing sun on my face, I quickly covered myself with my bloody left hand. Blood coursed through my brain the moment I hit the floor, making me feel dizzy.

"Ahha haha ahah hah."

My lungs hurt as they rubbed against my rib cage. Never in my life did I experience such an adrenaline rush, not until today.

As I lay on the floor, I heard a man arguing and shouting. I paid no mind as I was regaining my strength.

Hah, to think that today was my first day at work. What a shitty day it's been. A college student like me was finally given the chance to land a job.

But here I am on the company's rooftop covered in blood and sweat. Why is this happening and why today of all days?


Company Entrance 7:45 am

It all began this morning at around the time my new boss Ms. Hasson was going to give me a tour around company grounds.

[City Noise]

I was told over the phone that I must meet her at the front entrance of the company building, so I did just that.

Glancing around the city as I use a map on my phone to find the company building.

[Turn right onto 6th street.]

An artificial voice of a young man.

[In about half a ..]

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Hmm, Looks like I'm almost there."

Growing closer to my intended destination, I couldn't help but notice two police officers who were making their way toward an alley.

As I got closer, I saw that they were approaching a woman who was lying down on the ground. It was quite a peculiar sight to witness, and I couldn't help but feel concerned for her well-being.

The young female officer begins to slowly approach the distressed woman, and with a soothing sweet tone, she speaks to her.

"Hello, ma'am I am Officer Gonzalez. This is Officer Johnson, are you in need of medical assistance?"

With no response from the woman, the female officer glances at her partner and gives him a slight nod. While she proceeds to crouch down near the woman she quickly puts on medical gloves.

"Looks like she's out. I'll check her pulse."

Officer Johnson takes a glance around nervously then he sighs as his partner looks at him with a serious expression.

"Oh no. What do we got?"

"I feel a short pulse so she's not dead if that's what you worried about. She's also got needle marks, must be a junkie but she doesn't have anything on her. Not even I.D. Call it in."

"Alright, looks like we got a Jane Doe. 10/50 we need a medic for our 6th and…"

The woman begins to move and groans, grabs the female officer by the arm, and bites her suddenly.

"Ugh aha"

"Ah! Damn it."

Officer Gonzalez loudly pulls away from the woman and restrains her.

"Shit, she bit me! That's it you're under arrest for assaulting an officer!"

"Fuck hold on let me"

"No! I got it."

Getting her arrested while reading her Miranda Warning, the woman seems to not care at all as she fights the officer with all her might.

Unfortunately, I'm a bit closer to them and I mumble as I pass by the frantic lady.

"Oh God…"

"Fuck, she must have taken that new drug the guys were telling us about."


"Here, hand her over. I got it from here. You go on and take a look at the bite"

The officer grabs her then throws her in the back seat of their police vehicle and shuts the door.

"Damn, she smells."

As I pass by the police vehicle I glance at her. She glares at me as she groans and slams her face into the car window. Her saliva smudges the car window but I'm still able to see her face.

She looked pale and weak, and what caught my attention the most were the blue veins visible on both sides of her eyes.

A small crowd had gathered around her, some with their phones out, recording her. Despite the commotion, I decided to keep walking, not wanting to intrude on whatever was happening.

"Hey guys! I'm live..yeah a lady bit her. You all saw that right? Oh, thanks for the likes!"

"Oh my god did you see how they grabbed that poor lady?"

"Yeah, poor thing."

With a pained expression on her face, the female officer walks towards the passenger door of the police car, trying to conceal the bite mark on her hand.

" Ugh, the vultures are here, let's just book her, I'll get the wound checked at the precinct."

Her discomfort is evident as she gingerly touches the wound, wincing with every movement.

Meanwhile, her partner leans on the hood of the car, his worried expression mirroring his concern for her well-being.

" You sure? I heard Adam called in sick this morning after the same thing happened to him last night with one of the junkies."

As he looks at her with a mixture of empathy and concern, he places his arm on the car, silently offering his support and comfort.

"R-really? Ahh.. fine, I'll call the meat wagon. They still need to check on her too."

"That settles it then. Nothing to see here! Keep on walking!"

They seemed to be discussing a new drug that has recently hit the streets of Los Angeles.

From what I could gather, it appears that the drug is causing a significant amount of trouble for the police force, as they are struggling to get a handle on the situation.

It's only been a day since the drug first appeared in the city, and already it seems to be causing widespread issues.

It's alarming to think that the government may have lied about having the situation under control.

As I approached my destination, I walked into the building, feeling a sense of unease about what I had just overheard.

"Is this it? Damn it, I think this thing sent me to the wrong place again."

As I walked through the entrance, I couldn't believe that this was the workplace I was supposed to report to.

The ambiance was nothing like I had ever seen before.

The entire space exuded an air of luxury and elegance that I had only witnessed in five-star hotels. The sleek black marble floors gleamed under the bright lights, reflecting the sheen of the beautiful chandeliers hanging above.

The walls were adorned with intricate carvings of dark wood, adding to the overall opulence of the atmosphere.

The people around were comfortably seated on plush leather chairs, and the whole scene was so serene that it seemed almost surreal.

[Whispers of private conversations]

Yet, the silence was broken as I heard my name being called, which brought me back to reality.

"Ms. Devlin, this way please."

"Yes, I'll be there."

My eyes were immediately drawn to the center where a tall, stunning woman stood. She commanded attention with her graceful posture and confident demeanor.

The room was dimly lit with dark decor, but she shone like a beacon of light in the midst of it all. Her striking emerald green eyes were piercing, and her long, natural wavy red hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall.

"Wow, she's so pretty."

I mumble instantly without thought as I speedily walk towards her. I couldn't help but be drawn in by her elegance and beauty.

She was dressed in a dark business suit that accentuated her impressive figure, and her sharp features were perfectly highlighted by her impeccable makeup.

As she spoke, her voice was smooth and velvety, with just a hint of a powerful edge.

"Welcome to the Raven Corporation, Ms. Devlin. I am Ms. Hasson. We spoke over the phone yesterday. Only for today, I'll be guiding you around company grounds."

I noticed a faint smile on her face. However, as soon as she began to speak, I realized that her eyes were devoid of any emotion.

It was as if she was just going through the motions.

I couldn't help but wonder if this was what people referred to as a "business smile".

It was a smile that was meant to convey friendliness and warmth but lacked any genuine feeling behind it.

It was my first day in the business world, and I found myself in a situation that I never could have imagined just a few days ago but I guess I'll give it a shot and smile right back at her!

"Good morning, and thank you for having me here Ms.Hasson. I appreciate the opportunity the Raven Corporation has given me."

She acknowledged me with a slight nod, then turned around and began to walk away. I couldn't resist the urge to follow her.

As I trailed behind her, I couldn't help but notice the sound of her heels clicking against the floor.

Each step she took broke the silence of the room, echoing through the space. Despite her short heels, she walked with grace and confidence, leaving a lasting impression on me.

"Follow me this way, please. Since you mailed both the NDA and the company contract we were able to create your company badge. Keep it with you at all times, it's a tedious process to acquire a new one."

Ms.Hasson extends her hand, offering me the company badge.

"Yes, of course, I'll take care of it. Thank you."

I accept the badge, feeling a sense of responsibility and authority wash over me.

The rectangular plastic card features a glossy finish and displays a striking headshot of myself, along with my full name, Athena Devlin, printed in bold letters.

Just below my name, there is a series of digits, which indicate my company identification number and my security clearance level, which is level 4.

Without any hesitation, I put on the badge over my shirt, ready to begin my duties as a valued member of the team.

"As of today, you will be working under my command. Staff Sergeant Devlin has informed me of your skills and talents, she speaks highly of you."

I looked at her, she broke into a big smile that seemed to light up her entire face. I couldn't help but notice that her eyes also seemed to smile, which seemed like a rare sight after all the business smiles I'd seen thus far.

" It so happens that the company is working on opening its museum. It will feature not only its historical achievements but also the history behind the weapons we manufacture and sell. I was glad to hear from Staff Sergeant Devlin that she knows a historian. It saved me the hassle of looking for someone."

Listening to the conversation, something caught my attention. She mentioned the name "Staff Sergeant Devlin".

I couldn't believe my ears. Was she referring to the same Staff Sergeant Devlin I knew?

I had to ask myself, did I hear her correctly?

The name brought back a flood of memories and I couldn't help but wonder if it was just a coincidence.

"I'm sorry Ms.Hasson but…are you saying you know my sister Freya?"

I came to a sudden halt, my feet rooted to the spot in disbelief. I couldn't understand why my recently appointed boss would know my sister.

Ms. Hasson, sensing my bewilderment, stopped as well and slowly turned to face me. As she cocked her head slightly to one side, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She let out a small chuckle and muttered something under her breath.

"Seems like the Staff Sergeant hasn't changed much."

She then continues to walk again. Despite her amusement, I was still left feeling perplexed and unsure of what to say next.

" It seems you were not informed as to how you got this job. Well, it was by her recommendation that I took you in. This doesn't mean I'll be giving you special treatment. You will be working like any other employee here. Is that understood?"

Ms.Hasson's smile vanished, and her face turned into a stern expression. Her eyes were fixed on me, and her gaze was as sharp as a knife.

I could feel every hair on my body stand up, and my heart started racing. It was like I had suddenly been transported to a completely different world, and I was completely out of my depth.

Intimidated by her presence, I felt compelled to address her with a "Yes ma'am." It was a sign of respect that I seldom used, but I knew that it was necessary to avoid any conflict.

I could feel the weight of her authority bearing down on me, and I knew that if I didn't show her the proper respect, I could be in serious trouble.

The thought of my new coworkers finding my head rolling on the pristine white marble floors was enough to send shivers down my spine.

"Y-yes ma'am! I understood!"

Swallowing my saliva, I quickly replied, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. It was as if I had narrowly avoided a catastrophe, and I was grateful to have made it out unscathed.

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Shall we continue then?"

The thought of my new coworkers finding my head rolling on the pristine white marble floors was enough to send shivers down my spine. A smile flickered across her face, hinting that she was amused by what I had said.

She then resumed speaking, her words flowing smoothly and effortlessly, as though she had much to say and was enjoying the conversation.

"From the outside, this building gives the illusion of seven floors but in reality, there are approximately nine in total. That includes the two lower levels of the underground shooting range. Just like the rest of the workers here, the shooting range is off-limits. Only a few have clearance down there. Any questions?"

We stopped in front of an elevator door and she clicked on the button.

"No, as of now I don't have any."

"Hmm, seems like you catch on quickly."

As I stood beside her, my head shaking in response to her question, I couldn't help but notice the effect her presence had on those around us. The room fell silent, and all eyes seemed to be trained on us.

There was an uneasy tension in the air that made me feel uncomfortable. People were glaring at us, yet they kept their distance. It was as if we were two outsiders who didn't belong there.

[Employees mumble]

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of someone coughing frantically. It was a jarring sound that seemed to echo off the walls and break the spell that had been cast over the room.

"S-sorry… ugh ugh ugh"

The man walked through the hallway, all eyes landed on him. He was walking abnormally and clenched his shirt with his hands, as if he was in pain or discomfort.

It was evident that he was not feeling well, and it seemed like the annual flu season in Los Angeles was starting early.

I silently made a mental note to steer clear of him, as I didn't want to get sick on my first day at work.


The elevator bell dinged, and everyone ignored the sick man as they continued with their day, lost in their thoughts and tasks.

Ms. Hasson looked at me and began to speak once more as we waited for the elevator door to open.

Despite the commotion caused by the sick man, we carried on with our conversation.

" My office is located on the fifth floor. Your assigned desk is also on the fifth floor, you will be in a cubicle surrounded by other coworkers. But in your case, you will be spending most of your time on the sixth floor where all the archives are located. You have been given clearance to all seven floors. The only denied access is for the rooftop and shooting range. The main focus ...."

While I was in the midst of a conversation with her, suddenly her radio crackled to life, and a male voice cut in, interrupting our exchange.

"Ms.Hasson, do you copy?"

She quickly diverted her attention to the radio, leaving our discussion unfinished as she responded to the call.

"Yes Noah, what is it?"

"Ma'am, the foreign customer from before has come back. He brought others with him. It seems they are his lawyers. He requested to only speak to you, ma'am."


The elevator doors gilded open, and my new boss and I stepped inside, but to my surprise, no one else seemed to follow us.

Looking around, I noticed a few people lingering in the lobby, eyeing us with caution.

I couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with Ms. Hasson, it's like she's the stern and intimidating manager from the 5th floor. Who's notorious for her strict work ethic and no-nonsense attitude, is that why it seems like people went out of their way to avoid her?

Ms. Hasson pressed the button for the 5th floor, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the way these people acted around her.


"Copy that, I'll be right up. Inform Nia to accompany him and his companions to conference room three."

"Yes ma'am, right away."

Finishing her conversation over the radio she glances at me.

" I have other matters to attend to. I'll show you to your desk for now."

"Yes, of course. No worries, I'll do as you say, ma'am."


As the elevator reaches the fifth floor and the door slides open, I notice a significant change in the atmosphere. Unlike before, the people standing outside the elevator moved aside and greeted Ms. Hasson with a warm smile of respect.

From their gestures and expressions, it's evident that she holds a high position in the company and is highly respected by her colleagues.

However, as I observe closely, I can't help but wonder if the smiles and greetings are a result of admiration or fear.

"Good morning Ms.Hasson."

"It's a lovely day isn't it ma'am?"

"G-good morning, I've submitted the work that you asked for."

"Yes, thank you, and good morning everyone."

We made our way through the crowd of people, greeting each of them with a warm smile, the office area seemed to be getting busier and more chaotic by the minute.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a loud and piercing scream echoed through the halls. It seemed to be coming from one of the conference rooms nearby.

"Ahhhhhh! No Sir no!"

Within a matter of seconds, everyone around had gathered, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on inside.

There was a sense of panic and confusion in the air, as no one knew what to expect.

"This is your desk, Ms.Devlin. Sit, as I resolve this matter."

"Ah, yes ma'am."

I quickly sit down on my new desk and glance over at the conference room.

"Everyone please sit back down and continue your work. I'll resolve the matter."

As soon as the command is given, the sound of shuffling feet can be heard throughout the office. Without hesitation, everyone in the room begins to disperse and make their way back to their respective desks.

Ms. Hasson, one of the employees, swiftly moves towards the conference room door. Her hand reaches for the doorknob and turns it with ease.

The door creaks open, and she quickly steps inside the room, glancing around before closing the door behind her, leaving the rest of the office behind.

[Employees whispering]

Just moments later we heard another scream coming from the conference room.

"Oh God no!! Ahhhhh!"

"Grab him!"

"Sir, please calm down!"

All the employees looked around at each other with scared, wandering faces as we heard the shouts coming from the room.

To be continued....