Chapter 3

                    Chapter 3: Survivors 


Ms. Hasson doesn't hesitate. She pushes the door open wider, revealing a narrow hallway that stretches off into the distance.

I can see several doors lining the walls, some of them slightly ajar. The hallway itself is brightly lit, with only a few flickering fluorescent bulbs casting a white light.

Luckily I don't see any of them in the hallway but I can still hear a faint sound of them around. I better be careful and not make a sound. 

Alright, we're off to a good start. Now, I just hope we can get to the stairwells without any trouble. 

"It's clear. Come on, let's end this quickly and quietly."

I nod repeatedly as Ms. Hasson steps out into the hallway. I follow close behind, trying to stay as silent as possible. We move slowly, scanning the area for any signs of danger. 

"Where are they?"

I glance at every corner.

"Are you that eager to see one Ms. Devlin?"

She sighs softly and stuffs.

"Err. No it's not that. I rather prefer it if they stay far away from me. Though I am quite curious to see a dead one."

My sudden comment gives her an intrigued, surprised expression. Noticing her reaction I quickly try to explain myself as I noticed that such a comment is odd.

"You know, just to examine it and we'll get some clues as to why this is happening."

"Curiosity can kill you if your not careful. You better not get too curious, Ms. Deviln you might just die by doing so."

"Y-yes of course Ms.Hasson I'll keep that in mind."

Even though she said it in a harsh tone for some reason I find it comforting. She's kind, in her own way that is. 

For a few moments, we don't hear or see anything out of the ordinary. 

The intense silence can make your skin crawl from the fear of the unknown.

I look around nervously.

"It's oddly quiet don't you think?"

She sighs in a worried way as she stays alert. 

"Hmm, too quiet.That's not good." 

"Wait, what.. what  do you mean by that.."

Then, as we were about to turn around a corner, she halted me with a simple sign of a fist and a soft sound.


They both halt at the corner of a hall. Soft munching sounds break the silence.

It's there. Just around the corner. Damn it, me and my big mouth. By the sounds of it, it's just a few steps away from us. I don't think it has noticed us yet that's a good sign.

But is there more? We can't risk looking, then how…Oh right! Mirror, mirror, mirror, here it is. It's a good thing that I carry this around. 

I gently tapped Ms. Hasson's shoulder to get her attention and handed her a small pocket mirror that I had with me.

As she turned to face me, I could see a hint of surprise on her face as she raised her eyebrows. 

Gesturing that with the help of this pocket mirror, we could take a peek around the corner without risking exposure. Without wasting any time, she quickly opened the pocket mirror and held it up to see what was around the corner. 

The mirror was small, but it gave us a clear view of the area, allowing us to be cautious enough to see what was around the corner.

"Ohh. God." 

Fear and horror beholds them both as they watch closely to the reflection.

My eyes widen and I immediately cover my mouth so as to not make a sound.

Not one puff. Not one gasp.

What is that? What the hell is that! What the fuck is happening right now. 

That's a monster… no doubt about it. Even though it has a human-like form ... it just can't be human. What exactly are we dealing with here? This.. is it really a virus? None of this makes sense now!

Ms.Hasson moves the mirror side to side, analyzing the monsters surroundings.

" Just one and it's eating. Get ready, looks like we will have to kill it if we are to get out of here."

"Kill it? What is that thing? Us? How just look at that thing?"

The creature in question is a truly grotesque sight to behold. It has a thin, emaciated frame that is almost sickly-looking, with mottled, pale skin that looks like it has been stretched taut over its human-like skeletal form.

What is perhaps most unnerving about the creature is the fact that it has no visible eyes; instead, a small frill skull sits atop its head, lending the impression that it is constantly watching and waiting for something to prey upon.

That…that thing…the moment has finally come and I'm terrified.

Ms.Hasson whispers softly as she hands me back the mirror.

"Well there is no other way around it. That's the only path close to the exit."

"The only one?"

"Yes, the only one."

I gulp my saliva as I inhale and exhale softly.

"Alright, let's do it. What do you need me to do? Should I use the bat as to not draw attention to us?"

As I hold up the bat and show her. I was but careless to take it out hastily. The bat taped the glass wall and made a sound. 



Oh shit! It heard us. How could I have been so careless when we were so careful.

It snarls at them baring its teeth in a vicious grin.


"What the fuck? Thats not what we…"

Devlin freezes, unsure of what to do. On the Ms. Hasson doesn't hesitate one bit and quickly springs up into action.

"Snap out it! This one's mine. Just watch my six."

"What? Yes sorry a-alright got it."

Mumbling softly she pulls out her pocket knife and steps forward, ready to take on the infected . 

"Shit, so be it. This way big guy come on. Come this way you ugly bastard."

I follow her lead, trying to keep my fear in check as I watch her back in case anything else comes our way. 

"Ma'am what if it screams or something?"

"It won't."

She just smiles at me and proceeds to look back at the infected.

The infected runs straight at us but before it can make any sudden noise Ms.Hasson sprints to it kicking the infected on the chest making it fall to the ground.

In seconds she slashes its throat and stabs it right in the eye forcing her weight on the blade, and twisting it.

Where the hell did she learn to do all of that?  

I stood there like a statue with my mouth slightly open. I quickly snap out of it when she calls me over.

"It's dead so you can come on over. What? Come. I'm sure it won't bite, maybe."

"Maybe? Are..are you sure it's dead? I'm not doubting your skills, it's just.. these things tends to get back up."

I step closer to her walking slowly waiting for her reassurance.

As I stood near her she took out the blade from the infected eyes and gently cleaned it from all the blood.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Aiming for the brain seems to do the job. So if you ever have to kill one try to aim right through the eyes. If not, smash his head as much as possible that will probably do the job." 

" Ugh yeah, I'll try.  Oh god, that looks so nasty. I can't believe you did that. Were you in the Army or something?"

"Something like that."

I slowly make my way closer to the dead infected.

"By the way, this thing looks nothing like what we saw earlier through the reflection. She looks like a normal zombie to me. Nothing like that monster we saw earlier. I mean you saw it right? I'm not just hallucinating it. I'm I?"


I poke around the infecteds body as I look at its wounds. 

"Well yeah, don't you think so. They bite and you turn so.. are they not zombies? Should we just call them infected then? Like in the movies."

Ms.Hasson hovers over the corpse of the man the infected was chewing on and she flips its body over with her leg.

"This aight a movie get that drilled to your head. I don't care what you call them. Just kill it. But you do have a point about what we saw and to answer your question I did. I did see it too. Seems like there is more than meets the eye here. Hmm, hold on, this is … John? Looks like he couldn't make it out."

"You know this man? Sorry for your loss, was he a friend of yours?"

She speaks with short poses as she looks away from the body.

"Not a friend. Just an employee…nothing to be sorry about."

With a soft frown Devlin doesn't ask any more questions about the man.

"I see…well either way you knew the man. Hopefully, his family will find him soon. Hey.. take a look at this.. he has so many bite marks. Yet, it seems like he didn't turn. He has none of those blue veins around his eyes either. He must have not turned but I wonder why. Hmm.. Could he have died before he turned….no, no, maybe not everyone turns with a simple bite. Interesting. It could also be…"

[Infected moan]

We both look behind us as we hear the infected nearing.

With a sarcastic tone she looks my way.

"As much as I would love to hear you mumble on about the what-ifs I rather leave before more come our way. Let's keep moving, shall we? Yet I don't mind leaving you behind if that's what you want."

"Ah yes. I'm sorry. I've been told I have a habit of mumbling on and on."

"I don't doubt that one bit."

"Haha, so are we sticking to the same plan?."

"We will continue to make our way to the hallways to the emergency staircase. I'll lead the way. So hurry up and let's go."

I give her a quick nod. Looking down on the dead body I gaze upon it for a while as I fix his formal apparel.

"Rest in peace, Mister John."

Before I got up I closed the eyelids of the dead man. Then I rushed to Ms.Hasson's side once again.

Will there come a time when I'll get bitten and turn just like that infected back there? Will something like that be the end of me?

No. I can't think that way. The moment I let my dark thoughts in I'll be consumed by it. I don't exactly fear death, what I'm afraid of the most is not being able to say goodbye to my family. I want to go home as soon as possible. 

While I was in deep thought Ms. Hasson suddenly stopped mid way, making me bump into her. She gestured towards the next hallway.

I looked at her, confused, but then she made it clear that we needed to cross over to the other side. I nod quickly in response.

[Loud commotion and Infected growling]

That's when I hear a group of survivors just around the corner, a bit far from us we can hear them struggle and fight one another.

"Hey, hurry up! They are going to come in!"

"I'm trying! They have a strong grip. I can't get the door to close! Give me a hand here damn it! Fuck, bring something."

"Bring that other bookcase over here. Hurry! Come on, place it against the door."

The man hits him on the head.

"Don't shout too much idiot, we don't want any more of those things coming."

"Someone help us! Please, these people are crazy!"

She bangs roughly on the conference glass wall.

"You stupid women! Shut up…"

Pulls her by her hair and shoves her down to the ground. A timid young man pushes the individual away from the women.

"Hey man, don't touch her like that. Just back off and let her go. We have all known each other for some time now so why are you acting like this all of a sudden? Just ..just let her go will you?"

Angry by the young man's comments he grabs him by the collar and shoves him onto the wall.

"And what exactly would you do if I don't Ethan? Last time I checked you couldn't even fight off one of those things. You ran like a little bitch. So what's it going to be, ha?"

The young man looks away as he finds it hard to say a word.

"I ..I…"

"Leave him alone you prick!"

"Yeah, I thought so. And you stop yapping you bitch and come with me!" 

He laughs at the young man who falls to the ground. Making his way towards the women he grabs her by the hair once more as she pleads for help."

"Don't touch me! Help me! Anyone! Please. Stop! Let go of me, you pervert! I always knew you were crazy you creep!"

The man hold her by the chin and proceeds to try an slap her.

"What did you just say you little.."

With a harsh yet low tone is heard from a man that sits across the room smoking a cigarette.

"Shut her up. We can play with them later for now just get them out of here. And you Mr.Hero get up and get the rest of the women to the other side of the room."

The man lets the women go and shoves her into a room as he smacks his teeth with his tongue.

"Fine by me but this one's mine. Hurry up kid take them to the other room."

A man runs on in breathing heavy.

" Mr.Ezack, Mr.Ezack! What about the other men? That don't want to be a part of all this. What do we do with them? They just sit there and watch as we do all the work. "

The man slowly lets out a small puff of smoke from his cigarette.

"You know I always wanted to smoke in here but that damn red head bitch never allowed it. Tell the men this if they dont do as I say they will be the new fresh meat for the wolves out there. Either they help or ill see to it personally to cut them up and shove there lazy asses right out that door."

"Y-yes Mr.Ezack, I'll tell them."

"Well, that settles it, doesn't it? Now go and you there, yeah you… go and keep an eye on those women. I don't trust Erick to keep them fresh. I keep them from makeing a ruckus again. If they do anything out of hand, use one of them to teach the rest a lesson of what will happen if they disobey."

"Yes sir!"

The man gets up from his seat and smiles as he lets out a big puff of smoke.

"The rest of you continue to block the doors. I don't want any of them fuckers to come in."

[Loud voices and Banging sounds]

"I'll get something to push them off. Ugh, damn it."

The man uses both arms to push the door close. Beside him another gazes at his wound in his arm.

"What's that… How did you get that wound?"

"It's nothing.. I.. I cut it by accident when I saved you."

" Fucking lies! That doesn't look like a cut. Look boss, I think he is inffected it looks like the same wound like that other crazy bitch that turned."

The man panicked trying to find the words to defend himself.

"No, No, No, look here see I just got injured on the glass that's on the floor. Look, it's nothing, just a scratch. Right, Lema you saw when I got cut right? Tell them come on. Why are you all looking at me like that? Boss? Haha, no you wouldn't. After everything I did so far. You're all alive because of me. I'm telling you I didn't get bitten!"

"Calm down now, don't shout, we believe you. We are all just stressed out that's all. Hey look, just sit right over here and will get it covered with something. Yeah there you go just wait here and ugh…


The body falls to the ground and whimpers and gasp are heard all around. He spits on the body and kicks it multiple times.

[Bam Bam Bam Bam]

"What a fucken head ache. You think I'm dumb just like that red headed bitch don't you. Throw him with the rest of the dead."

"Ahhhh! You fucken psycho. You killed him."

A women whimpers and shouts.

" Shut up you bitch. Unless you want to be next? No right? You three idiots help close that door. Anyone else wants to fight us, be my guest. Walk on out that door. I'm not stopping you." 

[Continued Commotion]

Come on. What's the matter with these people? It hasn't even been a day and they have become savages already? They are raising their voice too much and at this rate, more of the infected will come. 

From the looks of it, Ms.Hasson is not willing to risk helping them out and honestly, I don't think I can handle so many of those things at once. What do we do?

I tug on Ms. Hasson's shirt and whisper to her.

"Ms Hasson.. Should we…"

"No. We will not. It's too many of them. Too much of a risk and by the sound of it, those men will surely out number us later. I know what you are thinking, Devlin,  but now is not the time to be soft-hearted or to play hero."

I let out a big sigh as I contemplated what she said. 

It's true as much as I would like to help those women out I just simply do not have the power to do so. I can hit a few zombies but I'm not sure I can kill any of them with just a bat at hand. And even if we do manage to kill them what's to say those men won't do something sinister to us later.

And if Ms.Hasson uses her gun now we will just attract more of the infected that are lurking around. We will surely die. Damn it. 

Devlin sighs as she rubs her face roughly.

"Alright,'re right. We can't do anything. Though, I can't help but feel horrible for not helping. Don't you?"

With a soft smile, she scoffs and replies to me.

"If you want to find a piece of mind with me then you are asking the wrong person. I am not one to simply satisfy people's feelings and tell them what they want to hear. At this moment, here and now, I'll leave these people in the blink of an eye. They will be nothing but trouble."

How can she say such a thing. I hate to admit it but she is right. Im weak…

"I…I understand I'll do as you say, ma'am."

"Great, now wait here, I'll cross over first."

So I nodded in agreement, and she proceeded to signal me to wait until she had safely crossed over before I followed.

I watched as she expertly navigated her way through the hallway, taking advantage of the distraction caused by the employees. 

As I waited for her to signal me, I tried to remember my sister's military rants about combat formation signals, but I couldn't recall anything useful. 

Nonetheless, I did my best to decipher Ms. Hasson's gestures and movements, and soon enough, she signaled me to cross over to her side.

Alright, here I go. Look ahead don't look to the side you got this Devlin. Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip!

Taking a deep breath and I darted across the hallway, trying my best to move as swiftly and quietly as possible. The few seconds that it took me to reach Ms. Hasson felt like an eternity, but I finally made it to her side, feeling relieved.

"Ha, ha…that was close."

I take slow and soft breaths.

Ms. Hassan quickly hurries to the next corner.

"Hurry up. We don't have all day."

"Y-yes I'm coming."

As we move forward, we can spot the elevator doors merely a few steps away. Up ahead, we can see the bright red exit sign that guides us towards the stairwells. 

"It's right up ahead but stay alert as this is the main hallway."


I nod as I look around

If we cross over this hallway and take a few more steps, we'll be able to reach the emergency stairwells, which can help us get out of this chaotic situation.

However, we need to be extremely cautious and alert to avoid stumbling upon any of the infected individuals that might be lurking around.

"Watch your step, it's a bloodbath. Hm..these wounds..they died from blood loss. At least they didn't turn like the rest of them. There must be more infected nearby, stay alert."

"Blood loss? How are you so sure they didn't turn?"

"Look at the corner of their eyes. They have no visible veins sticking out and none are visible around their bodies."

"Oh, I see. So that's how. I didn't even think about the rest of the body being covered in those big blue veins"

Before my eyes, the walls and elevator doors are smeared with blood. We began maneuvering and hovering over corpses, trying our best not to fall on them. Their organs splatter all over the ground. 

"What's wrong?"

"Are you sure they are all dead?"

I whisper to her as she walks past them. She kicks one on the leg.

"Ms. Devlin, must we go through this again? Ha..See, dead. Now suck it up, the exit is this way. Your worries are only slowing us down."

"S-sorry…. Okay, don't look at them too much. I got this. My gosh, so many of them."

I mumble as I make my way through them. Slowly closing and opening my eyes as not to see everything at once.

"Don't close your eyes or you will fall."

How did she know I did? It's like she has eyes behind the back of her head.

"How..did you..never mind. Look at all those bite marks on their bodies. What the heck is this black oil like substance. I noticed it last time too with that infected."

I rub my show on the black substance.

"Leave it be. Some of the infected body's seem to have it. Like some form of blood. Look at that. At least someone had the brains to use this broken mop to stick it right through the eyes of that one."

We slowly walk past the bodies.

"Ugh…that's nasty. Do you think anyone else survived?"

I ask as I look away from the dead bodies. On the other hand, Ms.Hasson seems to analyze every inch of this hallway. 

"Not sure, but it's possible."

This could have been me, I too wanted to get on one of the elevators and make my way down to safety. 

"I hope they did."

This could have been me, I too wanted to get on one of the elevators and make my way down to safety. 

The carpet was soaked with so much blood to the point that with each step we took you could hear a spunge-like noise being made. 

I couldn't help but cover my nose as we passed over them. The smell is a mixture of iron and rotten eggs, it's utterly disgusting. I've seen a lot of sick stuff in my life but this here beats it all.

We both whisper to each other as we work our way around them.

I was taken aback by the sight.

"Ugh…ugh I can't..the smell is too much."

Ms.Hasson shakes her head.

"Keep it down will you and pull yourself together. Those things will hear you."

"Sorry, I just can't help it. I've never seen such a thing up close before. And this smell. Ugh, this smell is disgusting."

She takes in a deep breath as she waves her hands up and down. Trying to collect the scent she whispers to me as we walk past the bodies. 

"That's the smell of freshly splattered organs. And maybe a bit of shit? Huh. Some dead corpses do tend to shit on themselves after death."

"They do? That will explain that other smell. But how are you so unfazed about it? It's like you have witnessed this before?"

I observed Ms. Hasson as she paused for a brief moment, seemingly lost in thought. After a momentary pause, she resumed her walk without uttering a word. 

Her silence made me wonder if my question had upset her in any way. I hoped that my query had not brought up any painful or depressing memories for her.

 We proceeded to pass by a group of dead infected individuals and continued walking towards the next corner.

"Can we just make a run for it? It's right up ahead after all. I don't think it will be much of a problem if we do."

"Don't be an idiot. We've yet to see what's on the next corner. With all these dead bodies here there could be a lot more infected around. Rushing things will only get us killed. Shh…"

As we make our way towards the end of the hallway, Ms. Hasson takes out the small pocket mirror and quietly holds it out to peek around the corner. I lean in closer to get a better view of what's reflected on the mirror's surface.

There it is again, that monster. How can their reflections look completely different from their actual self? It's like they are possessed or something.

In the distance, I can see a large group of infected individuals huddled together in front of an office door, their noses twitching like bloodhounds on the scent of prey. 

This sends shivers down my spine.


"Oh, so many of them."

Meanwhile, the rest of the infected seem to be occupied with something on the ground, their attention completely diverted.

The sheer number of them is overwhelming and I realize that we need to leave this place quickly before they catch sight of us and make us their next target.

"We can surely get to the other side if we are careful again. Right ma'am?"

"Let's not waste any time here then. It will be a bit more difficult since this hallway is wider. I'll cross over first. Wait for my signal then hurry on over. Try not to trip. I'll leave you if you do."

"Eii..? You know that just makes me more nervous when you say it like that. You wouldn't would you?"

"I guess we will find out soon."

She cautiously made her way through the infected area once again, now we just have to try our best to avoid drawing attention to ourselves when I move on over.

"Okay my turn here I go. Just don't look to the side and keep moving. I got this."

I took a deep breath in but right at the moment when I was about to go on over to her she puts up a fist and shakes her head.

Shit did they see me? But I was so careful how they could I haven't even moved yet. Hold on a's a survivor?

However, our plans were quickly disrupted when we caught sight of someone crouched down and fumbling with one of the office doors nearby. I immediately froze, unsure of what to do next.

" On Call. Ma'am, it's a person. What should I do?"

"Hmm..not so useless after all. I had imagined many of them to be dead by now. Yet here we are. We wait, it's too big of a risk. They can create unnecessary attention for us. Get ready in case things go south. If it's clear, cross on over. If not then will make a run toward the stairwells. Is that understood?"

" Yes, ugh if things go south we head to the stairwells running, got it." 

This better not go south. I just hope these things don't run. Walking Dead zombies are manageable, right? But World War Z zombies are on a whole other level. 

The last thing we wanted was to alert any of the infected to our presence, so we remained still and watched as the person continued to work on the door. It was clear that it wasn't safe to make a move just yet, and I held my breath as we waited to see what would happen next. 

How many people survived? I can't really tell yet since the cubicles get in the way of my view.

"I only see one man so far. I can't really tell if there are others with him."

I stood there, peering through the corner of the hallway, a young man appeared, sporting a security uniform.

His anxious demeanor was evident as he emerged from the room.

I watched him as he hastily brushed his fingers through his gray hair, trying to compose himself.

He seemed to be having a tough time, with his eyes darting around nervously, taking in the sight of the infected that were gathering nearby.

"It's a security guard he has that gray uniform on. I spotted maybe eight or ten of the infected. I don't think he will be able to make it out."

"Did you count the ones munching down on that body over there?"

Chills rapidly went down my spine at just the thought of more of those things nearby.

"I-I can't really tell since from my angel I can only see a few."

Sensing his uneasiness growing as he realized the gravity of the situation. Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock as he spotted us, and I could see the intensity of his blue gaze as it met mine.

"…Oh, shit. Our eyes meet. What now? Can you see him?"

I swiftly placed my back to the wall and glanced over to Ms.Hasson who peeks on over to see the man. 

With a face of disgust, she looks away after seeing the man.

"Ugh, not that prick. Just ignore him, let's get out of here while he distracts those things. Just run across, don't worry about him."

The security guard turns to his side then he smirks at us. He then starts to move slowly and cautiously, crouching down to avoid getting spotted by the infected. 

" But…hold on, wait. Take a look at that, it's a lady too. I think they are trying to come over to our side."

A frightened lady, with curves in all the right places, follows behind him, clutching his hand tightly. Her bright purple eyes dart around nervously as she glances at us, silently pleading for help. 

I can hear Ms.Hasson sigh through the earpiece.

"Ha.. What now?"

With tears streaming down the pink-haired woman's face, she reaches up to whip away a stray strand of pink hair that has fallen into her view. Her trembling hand betrays her fear as she tries to stay calm and make it out of this situation alive.

As I stood there, I saw a group of people slowly making their way out of an office room. They were all crouched down, trying to avoid being noticed. Behind the crying lady were more men, all looking just as frightened as she did. 

"Mr.Abbas? Hold Devlin, change of plans will help them if they need it."

"So we are going to help?"

"Isn't that what I just said."

"Uh, yeah but a second ago you were so eager to leave, what changed your mind so suddenly? I mean'm all for helping them out if that is what you want."

"Yes, I know. I'll explain later, just stay alert."

"Well, I'll do whatever you say then."

I glanced over the corner one more time. The man, directly behind the pink-haired woman, was elderly, and he too appeared to be extremely anxious. 

"More people… I see more people."

Beside him was a robust man with well-groomed brown facial hair. His appearance was in stark contrast to the elder's white frisky beard. Based on their attire, they both seemed to be foreigners. 


" Yes, I don't care about the rest of those people, we are only staying to help those two foreigners out."

Glancing over the foreigner's shoulder was a businessman, who held his briefcase tightly to his chest. The one stuck at the end was an older-looking, full-figured custodian. In total, there were about seven people crouching their way towards us. 

"I get it..but I'll try to help everyone else if I can."

"You seem unable to even protect yourself. Are you that curtain you can protect anyone else ?"

I get it. I'm weak. But my mind keeps bombarding me with thoughts of 'What if that was your mom, your brother, your sister, or your dad?' Such thoughts slither through my mind making my head and heart ache a bit.

"I know…I know I'm weak. If we are going to help them then can't we just help them all? Not just those two."

As they approached, I couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for their safety. With so many infected nearby, they needed to be careful. Most of all I was worried about the two elders, I have a soft spot for old people and children. 

I look straight at Ms.Hasson as I clench the bat tightly over my chest. With a smile she looks away.

"You're soft-hearted just like the Sargent..fine do as you please."

"Thanks, ma'am. I'll do my best."

As they make their way through the office, they carefully navigate around each cubicle, constantly on the lookout for any infected individuals. Ms. Hasson's signals guide them, and they stop every so often when they see a potentially dangerous situation. With each passing moment, my anxiety grows stronger. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I realize how dangerous this situation really is.

Just when we think we might make it through unscathed, something goes terribly wrong. In one of the cubicles, I see an infected person late onto one of the businessman's legs. 


Causing a large ruckus the businessman shouts as he uses his briefcase to fight off the infected.

"NO, NO, NO,  Ahh! G-get it off me, man! Help me!" 

Caught off guard, the businessman grabs the pants of a custodian who is standing behind him, pleading for his help. 

It's clear that we are all in this together, and we must work together if we want to survive.

"I got you son, hang on to me! Heyah!"

The janitor kicks the infected on the face as he pulls back the businessman.

"Don't let go, please!"

Panic sets in and suddenly, we are plunged into chaos as more infected individuals appear.

"What do we do now?"

[Infected Growling]

A horrifying scream from one of the infected feels the air like that of a wild mountain lion. The infected nearby hear the scream and many come to its call. 

"What, what the hell was that?"

I tightly grip my bat as I stand afar from the elevator doors, watching with a mix of fear and determination as the infected come running down the hallway towards us. 

"Oh god here…here they come!"

I can hear their guttural moans and see the frenzied look in their eyes as they get closer and closer.

On the other side of the hallway, I can see more infected starting to gather near a group of survivors we just met. 

"Come on Kat run to the stairwells! Hurry!"

"Ah, Ned, wait for me!Aw!"

The survivors look scared and helpless, and I know that they have no way to defend themselves against the oncoming horde.

"If you don't want to die you all better start picking up the pace."

Ms. Hasson shouts out to the survivors, urging them to run to the stairwells for safety. But she turns to me and tells me to stay and fight with her, to prevent the infected from reaching the survivors and attacking them.


"Devlin, cheek our nine. Keep those infected away from us. I'll shoot the ones up ahead."



I nod in agreement as I feel a rush of adrenaline and I realize that it's up to us to hold back the horde and protect those who can't protect themselves. I brace myself for the fight ahead, ready to do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe. 

"Okay, I got this, let's just aim for their heads. Yes, that's the safest option."

[Infected Grown]

 "Aaa, Fuck! Okay, aim for the head. The HEAD!"

The infected near the elevators stumbled on top of the corpses so not many bombarded me at once. Even so, with just a bat at hand, it was a bit difficult to stop them, all I could do was slow them down.

"Seriously!? Ah! Ugh-ah these..things don't give up."

[Gun Shoots and Infected Moaning]

As I fight off the infected I can hear the shouts of the survivors as they make their way to the stairwells.

"Leave him now or we will leave you behind, his bite!"

Ms.Hasson shouts at the janitor as she shoots the infected.

"Wait a second we can't just leave him."

Crying in agony the businessman pleads to Frank who is currently punching and fighting off the infected then realizes that the man has been bitten. 

" NO! Help me. I-I-I-I'm not infected!."

"Oh God.. s-sorry son. I just can't. Please forgive me." 

More of the infected swarm him and he runs to us. Behind him, you can hear the cries of the businessman as he shouts harsh words to the janitor.

" Wait! Where are you going you fucking pig? Ah, go to hell all of you! I'll kill you all! You're all going to hell! Ughkakak Ahughkk."

The businessman turns into one of the infected and begins to lash out at everyone. Ms.Hasson points her gun at the man and shoots him in the head.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah,I'll see you there."

Frank, his chest heaving and sweat pouring down his face, sprints towards me desperately since his life depends on it. I can see the fear in his eyes as he glances at me for a split second, hoping for some kind of assurance. 

"Come on keep going, I got you!"

Sensing his urgency, I shout at him with all my might, trying to encourage him to keep running and not give up.

As the infected horde closed in on us, the janitor sprinted towards me in a desperate attempt to escape. Panic etched across his face, he stumbled and fell to the ground, leaving himself vulnerable to the grasping hands of the approaching undead. 

"Wait don't look up, old man! Duck now!"

"W-what?! Wait, kid." 

Reacting quickly, I shouted for him to take cover as I swung my bat at the nearest infected man, striking him with a sickening thud and sending him sprawling to the ground. 

"AAAA! Keep your dirty hands off him! Utah! Ha..ha I should have just stayed home today. G-go old man I got this."

"T-thanks kid, but I'll stay right here with you. I may be old but I was a good boxer back in my day. "

I stand ready for the next infected, some of them are slow yet a few run so fast that they are hard to handle. Maybe we can't get out of here.