chapter Ten

The scorching sun was high up inside bathing the pedestrians in its harsh rays.

My ride pulled up at the hospital, there I came down. I paid for a bouquet of flowers, that was the least I could do.

I headed into the hospital, the cold breeze Washing me.

"Am I late? " I asked the receptionist, a warm smile plastering on my face.

"6 minutes late, sir. " she said, fixing her gaze on the laptop." But, I'll let it slide. "

" Thank you. " I replied, rushing into the elevator.

The elevator door closed, sealing me in its metallic box. I pressed the button to the third floor and the elevator ascended slowly.

I stepped out of the elevator, the air was damp with the smell of antiseptics and the cloying odor of the hospital food. Nurses and doctors moved in the hallway, each busy to notice the other.

I opened the door, my eyes darted round the corner of the room in search of him.

The room was quite a spacious one, silence dreading in. The silence of the room was occasionally punctuated by the beeping of the machine.

" Raymond, Come in" he said.

I didn't realize that I was staying on the threshold for a longer period of time.

I walked in, the heels on my shoes clicking on the tiled floor.

" Hello, investigator. " I said, a smile appearing on my lips.

"How are you doing, investigator?" I asked, placing the flowers on the bedside table. "Have there been any health improvements?"

He let out a long, slow breath. "I'll be up and about in no time," he said, his gaze meeting mine.

" I can't thank you enough for taking the bullet. It was so... " I tried to pour out my heart again and he cut in.

"Enough, Raymond," he said with a smile. "You don't need to thank me. I did what any friend would do."

I smiled, but my heart still felt heavy. I tried to say something, but he changed the subject. "I'm starving," he said with a laugh. "You got anything to eat?"

"Still got your appetite I see," I joked. "Well, I can get you something from the cafeteria."

Just as the conversation was getting comfortable, my phone started ringing shrilly, interrupting our moment of peace. I tried to ignore it, but it kept ringing. "Aren't you going to answer that?" he asked.

"I'm not really in the mood to talk," I replied, rolling my eyes.

I knew that if I answered the call, I'd have to leave the hospital and head back to the hotel. For the moment, I just wanted to sit here and enjoy the feeling of being with a friend.

Reluctantly, I reached for my phone and answered it. "Hello, sir," said the voice on the other end. "The last member of the gang who escaped has been found. He's in jail now."

"Okay," I replied, my heart sinking. "I'll be there in a minute." With that, I hung up the phone and turned to him. He must have seen the look on my face, because he smiled. "You can go now," he said. "I'll be fine. And get me some food while you're out, will you?"

I nodded and smiled weakly, walking slowly to the door. I turned the handle, closing the door behind me. In the elevator, I leaned against the wall, my head spinning. A few minutes later, I was out on the street. I called my driver and he picked up on the first ring. "Meet me at the hospital," I said, then hung up before he could reply. It was clear from my tone that I wasn't in the mood for chit-chat.

I didn't have to wait long before my driver arrived. I climbed into the backseat of the car, and the car pulled away from the curb. As we drove through the city, anger and rage coursed through my veins.

The driver cleared his throat. "Sir, is everything okay?" he asked, sounding a bit hesitant.

I didn't answer, my mind still swirling with thoughts of revenge. "Just drive," I snapped, my voice cold and sharp.

The car started moving again, and the driver wisely fell silent. I watched the world blur past outside the window, lost in my own thoughts. Finally, we pulled up outside the police station. I jumped out of the car, not bothering to say goodbye to the driver. I stormed into the station, ignoring the greetings from the officers.

"Where is he?"

The officers looked at me in surprise, but quickly pointed to a door at the end of the hall. "He's being interviewed in there, sir," one of them said.

I brushed past them, my mind focused on the door at the end of the hall. The room was small and cramped, and there was a man sitting in a chair in the center of it. His hands were cuffed behind his back, and his face was bruised.

"Get out," I said, my voice leaving no room for argument. "I want to talk to him alone."

The officers exchanged a look, but left the room without another word. I was left alone with the man. I glared at him, my eyes burning with rage.

" You pulled the trigger. You wanted me dead. " I said, my voice cold as ice.

"You survived this time, next time, I'll have your head roll on the floor. " he said, smiling and bringing out his teeths which was stained with blood. There was no room for remorse on his face.

" By the time I'm done with you, you'll live the rest of your life in pain and misery. " I threatened.

To my greatest surprise, he laughed loud.

" I'm a living hell, babe. I have been through alot. I crave death. " he said.

Anger coursed through my veins.

I moved close to him, clenched my fist and threw blows on his face multiple times. He seemed unfazed by the pain.

"is that all you got? " he taunted, blood tickling down his nostrils.

My anger grew, threatening to consume me. I hit him again and again, my fists pounding on his face. But he refused to show any sign of pain nor fear.

As I realized the true nature of the man I was dealing with, I knew there was no point in continuing the confrontation. I turned and walked out of the room, ignoring his taunts and insults. My knuckles were red and aching, and my blood was boiling.

I slid into the backseat of the car, trying to calm my raging emotions. I had never been more enraged in my life.

The days turned into weeks and weeks into months. The investigator recovered and was back to his feet.

Undoubtedly,I haven't forgotten about Roselle. I haven't forgotten the hell they made me to pass through.

I'll still make them pay for their crimes. I'll make roselle weep and wail just the way she made me.

I brought out my phone and called the investigator.

" Hello, sir." he said over the phone.

" Yes, get me Roselle's father arrested. I'll pay double to see that happen. Set him up and get him arrested. Payment would be done after work is done. " I replied, hanging off the phone, a satisfying smile on my lips. The cards are playing into my direction. I'll sit down and watch Roselle's tears wash her sins. I bit my lips.

Just as I was about to hang up, my phone buzzed with a text message. It was from my contact at the police station. "He's been arrested," it read. "Stealing from a local store."

I felt a jolt of satisfaction. Roselle's father was finally getting what he deserved. But it wasn't enough. I wanted him to suffer the way he had made me suffer. I sat back in my chair, pondering my next move. I knew it wasn't right to feel this way, but I couldn't help it.

I stood up from my chair, moved out the room and headed straight to elevator.

" I can't wait to see Roselle's face, perhaps the way she'll knell down and scream my name. " a smirk, playing on my lips as the elevator descended slowly. I climbed to my ride.

" Roselle's place. " I told my driver.

In few minutes, we were on the streets weaving through traffic as the engine purred billow.

We arrived at her place, the sight of seeing her cry made me feel a twinge of happiness.

She caught sigh of me and went on her kneels, tears rushing through her eyes.

" Raymond, please help my dad. He's old and weak. He'll die from blood pressure if you don't help."

Her words were like pouring water on a rock. It moved me not. I watched her, my expression as cold as ice. As I stood there, an idea popped into my head. An idea that'll change their family life style completely.

" I'll help you if you fufil my wish. " I said, a sly smile spreading on my lips.