the Journal of Guilin -The Dragon King Emerges from Water

Chapter Two

The Liao brothers were instructed to the village headman's command, eagerly anticipating the triumphant return of Bahuzhou's majestic dragon fleet. As both Lilong and Bahuzhou pay homage to the revered temple of the East China Emperor, these two villages are bound together as brethren under the auspices of the mighty dragon.

Tieniu, filled with impatience, eagerly burst into song with a beloved nursery rhyme in the village:

- Guilin people, love dragon boat, January to the Dragon Boat Festival.

- Holding weapons and the crossbow, the dragon boat people is the most brave.

- Drag dragon boat, for the race, meet the enemy is not afraid.

- Against the front,Abandon the head,And dance when become the King...

Tiehu cut in, saying, "Hey bro, calm down,your song is full of hostility It's not cool to just randomly kill someone. Sing some softer song."

The dragon boat custom in Guilin during the Tang Dynasty was distinct from other regions. The boatmen often carried weapons on board, and if they encountered enemies, they would engage in combat until one side emerged victorious. After the An Lushan Rebellion, the central government was no longer strong ,so a lot of deposed officials were appointed to Gulin State and they could not manage these stubborn people of Guilin.

"Alright, bro," the Tieniu thought, and as he paddled in the water and started singing:

- Lilong Village, four dragons, has an imposing manner and militant bearing.

- Bahuzhou Village, Three Green Dragon, brothers with one heart for glory and disgrace.

- Bai Shiqiao, the old yellow dragon, is a man of high moral character and high prestige.

- .. beat the snake, kill the snake, picked the snake skin and made a soup to drink.

The Teihu couldn't help but chuckle and said, "My dear brother, why did you alter the words?"

"Because it's a blast!" the Tieniu held the Tiehu's pant leg and said. "Hey bro, when we can board dragon boat ?"

"Tell me something else."

"Brother, they all say I am the son of coffin makers and full of a lot of bad luck . They believe the Dragon God will keep away from me . Is it really true?"

The Tiehu's face showed disappointment, unsure of what to say. Due to this so-called taboo, Tiehudidn't get the chance to become the boatman who on the dragon boat this year. The only thing he could do now is bring his brother to wait the dragon boat which come from other village at the riverside.

After a long silence, the Tiehu has to trun subject and asked his small brother:

"Brother, have you learnt the Dragon Boat etiquette?"

I got all the items down

"Could you recite a particular piece?"

"Which period"?

"Start with the call by dragon boat , recite !"

"In Guilin customs: the individual who is over 60 years old is entitled as Seniors'in Longchuan Family, while those under 60 years old address each other as 'big brother' and refer to themselves as 'little brother', regardless of their age. In certain villages where the Dragon Mother is worshipped, community members address each other as 'big sister' and refer to themselves as 'little sister'..."

The Tieniu was deeply engrossed in reciting the etiquette, and unconsciously three pillars of incense had be burnt, far overrunning the agreed time, however the dragon boat of Bahuzhou had not appeared yet.

The Tieniu is feeling a bit tired and yawned, then asked: "Brother, why haven't they come yet "

"I don't know".

"Brother, do you think they can defeat the serpent?"

Hum... I'm not sure it's a good outcome.

"This is not what you said last time." The Tieniu did not notice that the Teihu's face was getting more and more serious, and he shouted with a pout, "You clearly said last time that the big green dragon boat in Bahuzhou is long and big, and can afford 60 strong men (rowers in the dragon boat).The leaders, the second leaders, the drummers, and the gong-players all have military experience. All of them possess exceptional martial arts skills and are proficient in wielding swords, bows, and arrows so they will be able to hit the ground running"

"I forgot."

After noticing his brother's distracted demeanor, the Tieniu grew even more frustrated.

"Hmm, you also mention that the Bahuzhou 's big green dragon boat is incarnated from the god of Lishui river and It can kill monsters and demons effortless."

"Look, calm down! It's coming!"Tiehu face was abruptly severe, as if he was afraid that something bad was going to happen.

The Tieniu had a closer look at the river , beholding a multitude of debris which is floating upstream, such as shattered tree, lifeless swine and bovine, and... the remnants of a charred dragon boat?The triangular flag with black and white edges of Bahuzhou village! These propellers were scattered over!Rowers were frozen into ice sculptures! The river is tainted with crimson, Large and small whirlpools are constantly blewing the blood wave against the dragon boat.

At this moment,a large one-horned snake head emerges from the water, its body is black and white. A resplendent jewel is adorned with the serpent's head,a wooden head of the dragon boat is being held in itsmouth and this wooden dragon head is the "opening dragon" which from "Jinjiao Daqinglong"boat from Bahuzhou village. Meanwhile,another identical snake had also appeared, with a bloody head in its mouth.

The snake noticed the two brother-Tiehu andTieniu on the shore. The left snake clenched its teeth, tearing apart the wooden dragon head. Meanwhile, the right snake tossed the bloody head into the sky and blow it off by its tail which raised from the water. As the head traced a parabola, it landed in front of two brothers. Both snakes opened gigantic maw,a half smile on their face,and swayed their bodies with a shrewdly significant air,This is a blatant provocation!