Moksh: The emancipator

It was time to leave. Vishwas came to see off Alpana and her family.

Vishwas: (To Alpana's father) Sir, I will be going now.

Santu: Don't call me sir anymore. We are father and son now. Call me Bapu.

Vishwas: (Smiles) Ok, Bapu. Next time, when I return here, I will be with my family.

Santu: That would be wonderful (hugs him), I will be waiting son (pats on his back). See you soon.

Vishwas: Yes, Bapu.

Santu: (Sees Mam standing at the door looking at them with a smile) Madam! (Goes to her).

Mam: Looks like there is another ceremony knocking on your door.

Santu: Yes madam, and this time I beg you to attend it anyhow.

Mam: (Laughs) Ofcourse, it is my boy's wedding...

Vishwas: (Goes to Sapna) Ma! Take care.

Sapna: (Puts her hand on his left cheek) You too son.

Vishwas: (Goes to Jeet who was standing beside Alpana) Yo!

Jeet: Yo!

Vishwas: Why is your face hanging like that? You don't like the idea of your sister marrying me or something.

Jeet: No, it is not like that.

Vishwas: Then what is it like?

Jeet: I am just surprised that's all.

Vishwas: Then I can marry your sister, right?

Jeet: It is not for me to decide. She can marry whoever she wants.

Vishwas: Right. Well, give me some time alone with her then.

Jeet: Fine (Slips away).

Vishwas: (stands before Alpana looking at her)

Alpana: (Stands before him staring at him).

Vishwas: So?

Alpana: So what?

Vishwas: Jeet said you can marry whoever you want. So, am I that whoever?

Alpana: Looks like that to me.

Vishwas: Are you sure?

Alpana: Surest sure, Vishwas Babu (smiles).

Vishwas: (charmed by the smile, tries to touch her face, but stops his hand midway).

Alpana: (takes a step ahead and leans her face on his hand) Still scared of me, are you?

Vishwas: (Gently pushes her hairs behind her ear) No, not scared. Just don't want to see your smile fade away.

Alpana: Don't let it fade away then.

Vishwas: (Gets closer and whispers in her ear) I love you, Mrs. Anand. (Walks away).

Alpana: (Blushes and watches him go).

Vishwas: (To Mam) Mam! Shall we go?

Mam: Oh! You done?

Vishwas: Yes.

Mam: Let's go then. The van is all ready to leave.

Vishwas: Bapu, take care then.

Santu: You too, son.

Prashant was sitting in his car and ready to drive off.

Prayag: Thankyou for everything sir.

Prashant: What boy? I did nothing. Everything is done by that young man.

Prayag: Your presence was enough for him to come through it alive, sir.

Prashant: Nope, your presence was the one that made him come back, alive, son.

Crew 2: Are you going to the next village, sir?

Prashant: That is the plan.

Prayag: Will we be seeing you again?

Prashant: Hmm, it is better if we don't see each other again.

Prayag: Why is that sir?

Prashant: I appear only when there is a paranormal danger. Do you understand?

Crew 2: That means to see you we will have to be in a paranormal danger. It was nice knowing you sir, may we not see each other again.

Prashant: (Laughs) Smart kid. Well, take care you all. I will be on my way.

Mam and Vishwas arrive.

Mam: Mr Prashant, on your way to the next village?

Prashant: Afraid so.

Mam: I heard that the ghost of the hanging woman is pretty vicious. You sure you want to go alone?

Prashant: That's my job. And I am not alone, I have got a partner.

Mam: You do. I see. Take care then.

Prashant: You too.

Mam: Ok boys, is everything in the van? Come on, let's check the cottage if we forgot anything.

Everyone goes inside. Vishwas followed them but was stopped by Prashant.

Prashant: Vishwas!

Vishwas: Sir?

Prashant: When a curse is casted, an evil spirit attaches itself with it to see it fulfilled. If someone or something prevents it from fulfilling the curse, the curse is broken. So, you don't have to fear anything. Just be with her, no matter what.

Vishwas: I will sir. Thankyou. One more thing sir.

Prashant: Hmm?

Vishwas: What happens to the spirit once the curse is broken?

Prashant: It will loose its source of negative energy and will have to find a new one to consume it from.

Vishwas: I see. But sir, will it come back to haunt us, even after the curse is broken?

Prashant: Ofcourse, wouldn't you want to take vengeance from the one who took your food from you? But, you don't need to worry about it. It doesn't matter if it wants to take revenge or not, it cannot, because your wife will ward off any evil spirit. So, just make sure you don't generate enough negative energy in you for it to manifest or it will come after you. Understand?

Vishwas: Yes sir. Understood completely.

Prashant: (Starts the engine) You will be seeing that ghost, from time to time. But I think you can handle it, can't you?

Vishwas: Yes sir, totally. I just don't have to fear from it, that's all.

Prashant: Nice. Take care then. Good luck to you kid (drives away).

Alpana: (Staring at him from her house).

Prayag: Yo bro, the van is ready to go.

Vishwas: Coming. (Waves at Alpana and then heads for the van).

Alpana's smile slowly faded as she watched him leave the village. Santu tries to comfort her. She leans her head on Santu's chest and Santu pats her head gently.

In the forest, Prashant flips a lighter top and fires up the lighter lighting a cigarette.

Prashant: (Blows smoke) Do you sense it?

The long haired ghost was standing beside him.

Prashant: They said it will show up when he finds you alone. But, I don't see anything and you don't seem like sensing anything too. Well, I will just declare this a haunted space. Let's go to that damned village.

Sits in the car blowing smoke. Beside him sat the furball ghost.

Prashant: Kick off (drives ahead).

The days passed, Alpana waited for her beloved, looking the way, hoping for Vishwas to show up. But everytime, she thought it was him, the vehicle that arrived either belonged to the government or some ghost enthusiast. The forest area was taken under government supervision and is labelled a grade B haunted location. A huge sign board stood at the start of the forest warning people to not traverse through the forest alone. After the encounter with Vishwas and the curse ghost, the forest ghost barely showed itself, possessing someone was a far talk. The evidence video that the crew took was taken into custody by a secret government organisation known as PACT. The news company CEO was rewarded in exchange of the video and was only asked to publish an article about the location instead of an exclusive show as they were planning to. The crew was unhappy about the outcome, but they knew that it was the right decision.

Riya, Gudiya and Alpana were together near the well.

Riya: I can't believe I missed it. My grandma had to fall sick right after your sister got married.

Gudiya: How unfortunate! We missed you when we were getting our pictures clicked. How sad that you won't be in those pictures.

Riya: Are you trying to rub salt on my wound?

Alpana: Chill you two, we can always take more pictures together.

Riya: When? You told me that Vishwas said he will be coming back soon.

Gudiya: Ya, it has been some time now. I just hope he didn't change his mind.

Riya: Gudiya!

Alpana: (Bit sad)

Gudiya: I..I was joking, he will be here soon. Just wait, ok.

As she said that, two car drove in into the village. Three women get off of the first car.

Devika: Oh wow! Such a naturally beautiful place.

Suchita: It feels like I have come back to my home.

Ramya: (Breathes) Mother! The air here is so clean.

Suchita: Ofcourse it is dear, see, do we have such greenery in the city?

Gudiya: Who are they?

Riya: Another one of those tourists, I suppose.

Alpana: (Staring).

Two men get off of the same car.

Vikram: Ah! Suchita, feels like home, doesn't it?

Suchita: Ya, that's what I was saying.

Vijay: (Steps forward) Gotta hand it to him, my brother chose one gorgeous place to get married.

Vikram: Ofcourse, what did you expect? He is my son after all. That's how I met your mother.

Suchita: (Blushes) Dear!

Vikram: So, where is my daughter? Huh? Vishwas?

Vishwas gets off of the second car along with Prayag.

Prayag: (Steps out) Punk! I told you to be easy on the drive. I borrowed this car from my friend.

Vishwas: (gets off) The hell man! My driving was fine.

Alpana: (cheered up)

Prayag: Yeah, I told you to slow down on the bumpy road, why didn't you decelerate?

Vishwas: If I damaged anything I will pay for the repairs. Chill out, will ya.

Prayag: It is not the question of repairing, it is the question of trust. We can avoid any repair if we can just be careful. I don't want to drive back a broken car to my friend. I will be driving the car on the way back.

Vishwas: Ya ya, I am done with the speeding anyway. I have reached where I wanted to be (looks at Alpana).

Prayag: Ofcourse, Now I know why you were breaking the limits.

Vikram: (Calls) Vishwas!

Vishwas: Yes, papa.

Vikram: Arey, where is your to be wife? Will we be standing here all day?

Vishwas: What are you talking about? Can't you see she is right there?

Vikram: Oh ho! Looks like it is time for me to get glasses. Where is she?

Vishwas: There, (points) She is.

Gudiya: He is pointing at you.

Riya: Go, what are you waiting here for? (Pushes her).

Devika: She is right before our eyes. Papa, why do you embarrass yourself everywhere?

Suchita: Oh god! She is more beautiful in person than in the photos (starts walking towards Alpana).

Santu: (wiping his hands with towel in a hurry) They are here. Sapna! Vishwas and his family are here (rushes towards them).

Sapna: (Comes out) Really!?

Vishwas's family was walking towards Alpana when Santu approached them.

Santu: Namaste, Anand ji.

Vikram: (Confused, looks at Vishwas)

Vishwas: (Whispers) Alpana's father.

Vikram: Oh ho! Mr Santu, namaste. How are you? I am Vikram Anand, Vishwas's father.

Santu: I am fine Vikram ji. Come, come.

They approach their house. Vishwas was smiling and looking at Alpana who was hiding behind Riya blushing.

Sapna: Namaste!

Santu: This is my wife, Sapna, Alpana's mother. Sorry, I don't have anything comfortable for you to sit on.

Vikram: (Sits on the cot along with others) What are you talking about Mr. Santu? This is the beauty of villages. And this is comfortable enough, isn't it everyone?

Everyone: Yes yes, ofcourse.

Vikram: Oh, I forgot to introduce everyone, this is my eldest son, Vijay, his wife Ramya, my only daughter Devika along with my dear wife Suchita.

Santu: Thankyou, thankyou very much for coming here.

Vikram: No, thankyou, for giving us this opportunity to come here.

Santu: It is all thanks to Mahadev.

Vikram: We thought that our idiot son is never gonna get married. We were so surprised when he told us that he found his soulmate.

Santu: I was surprised as well when I found out that my daughter has found herself a man of such a sophisticated family.

Vikram: You declared us sophisticated without even meeting us.

Santu: Why? You can always know about ones family by reading the character of a person. And your son's character told me everything.

Vikram: My son? This idiot?

Suchita: Will you stop calling him an idiot? Have you come here to establish a relationship or to spoil it?

Everyone laughs...

Santu: (Calls) Alpana! Come.

Alpana: (nervous)

Vishwas: (Gestures her with his eyes to come)

Santu: She is feeling shy after seeing everyone. Hurry up, will you?

Suchita: If you will scold her like that, then my daughter will get scared. Devika, go and bring your sister here.

Devika: As you say mamma (goes to Alpana), come sister. Don't be shy, I am your sister, or going to be.

Gudiya: (Whispers) Go!

Riya: (pushes gently) Go na!

Devika: Come (grabs her hand and pulls along)

Alpana: (staring at Vishwas as she gets pulled away).

Suchita: (Stands and goes to Alpana) Oh! Look at her, she is like a goddess. Why are you nervous dear, I am your mother.

Vikram: (smiles) And my wife is already getting along with her daughter-in-law.

Santu: Vikram ji, are you ok?

Vikram: ok with what?

Santu: Letting your son marry with a daughter of a villager.

Vikram: And why does that worry you?

Santu: It's just, you are from the city, and we are from a backwater village.

Vikram: Mr Santu, you see that woman who is smiling there with your daughter, she is from a backwater village just like this. Yet she is my wife.

Santu: But, I have nothing to offer you, except my daughter.

Vikram: Mr Santu, we don't need anything, except your daughter. I just want a home here. When I come back here, I want a place where I can stay and sleep peacefully. Is that too much to ask?

Santu: (Smiles) No, it will be my honour.

Vikram: Then, prepare for the ceremony. How about we decide on a date?

Santu: Please, go ahead.

Vishwas: (Looks at the women of his house pampering Alpana).

Suchita: Say, dear, you like my son.

Alpana: (shy, nods yes).

Devika: Sister, you are all red, so cute.

Ramya: So, how did you two meet? I want to know.

Devika: I want to know too, please.

Suchita: Do not trouble my daughter, you two.

Gudiya: Let me tell you, (approaches them). Namaste!

Suchita: Namaste! You are?

Gudiya: I am Gudiya, and this Riya.

Riya: Namaste!

Gudiya: Her friends.

Suchita: You are her friends.Good, we have much to talk about.

Alpana: (worried) Ma, don't listen to them, they will exaggerate everything.

Suchita: You can speak, huh.

Alpana: (Bashful) I... I... Umm.

Ramya: Looks like we will have to hear it from your friends then.

Alpana: No sister, I am telling.

Everyone laughs...

Prayag: (Whispers) What are they talking about over there?

Vishwas: Probably, how we two met or something.

Prayag: I want to talk about that too.

Vishwas: What the! Why do you wanna talk about it? You already know. Wanna do a debate on it?

Prayag: With Gudiya, asswipe. You are already engaged. For how long will I be flying kites alone huh?

Vishwas: Fly your kite somewhere else then, not here, ok.

Prayag: You changed brother, you changed.

Vishwas: Don't be dramatic, life is long, you can get someone else somewhere else. Just let me marry in peace.

Prayag: I will get a girl soon, you just wait. Then I will see how smug you will be.

Vishwas: Good luck then (Looks at the curse ghost hovering few meters away from Alpana and the group).

Vikram: It is done then. I am sure you can handle the guests you need to invite on your side.

Santu: Definitely.

Vikram: Vijay!?

Vijay: Yes father?

Vikram: Help Mr Santu arrange everything. Get the party started.

Vijay: As you wish.

The bond has been established. Knowing nothing about what the future holds, the couple is joyful about spending their life together. The news spread of Alpana getting married. The older sister showed up to congratulate her little sister. Alpana's aunt, upon hearing the news, couldn't help but worry about her niece's future. The villagers rejoiced upon knowing that their dear Alpana was getting married. Gudiya's father was disturbed by the thought of loosing the protection of Alpana. But, to a overjoyed father, nothing mattered more than her daughter's life and happiness. The ceremonies are held. The couple is bound together in a sacred vow. The family members bless them. The time for the see off arrives. The bride was to leave for her new home.

Alpana: (Crying hugging her father)

Santu: (Weeping patting her head) Ok ok, enough. Don't cry so much. I didn't get you married to see you cry like that. Don't forget to call upon reaching your new home.

Sapna: (Weeping standing beside him).

Alpana. I won't, Bapu.

Santu: My dear daughter.

Vishwas: (To Sapna) Ma!

Sapna: (Looks at Vishwas, weeping)

Vishwas: Though Bapu said to never bring her back here. (Whispers) I will bring her to you one day. A promise, from a son to a mother.

Sapna: (hugs him crying) Take good care of my daughter.

Vishwas: Not just good ma, I will take the best care of her.

Jeet and Kalpana hug their sister.

Santu: (To Vishwas) Son, I hope you will keep her away from this cursed house.

Vishwas: I will, if you want me to. But, Bapu, if you would trust me then I would like to tell you that this house is not cursed. So, keeping a daughter away from her dear father and mother, would be a sin.

Vijay: Vishwas! It's time to go brother.

Vishwas: I will be going now Bapu, for your sake, I will keep her away from here. But, not forever (smile). Cause she loves you more than me (Sits in the car).

Devika escorts Alpana to the car. Vishwas calls Jeet and hands him his smartphone.

Vishwas: Take care of Bapu and Ma. Understood. I gives this phone to you. Take good care of it too alright.

Jeet: If you made my sister cry I will kill you.

Alpana: (heard it) Jeet!

Vishwas: (Laughs) I will kill me myself if I did make her cry. See you, little brother.

Jeet: You too, big brother.

The curse was hovering behind Jeet. Vishwas ignored it. He became so much familiar with the ghost that it didn't bother him anymore.

The village bride, who first time enters the city, peeped out of her window, enjoying the bright view and tall buildings that hid the sun. The roads emerged out of here and there, the shops and stalls, the metro train running above, all caught her attention and she was in awe.

Vishwas: (Pulls her inside) Don't stick your head out of the window, airhead. I don't want a truck to take my bride's head away before she can even reach her new home.

Alpana: Oops, sorry.

Devika: (giggles) Oh ho! Big brother, so much love. You are already insecure about someone taking her away.

Vishwas: (Bashful) What? I was just following the traffic precautions. And why the hell are you in this car? Only we were supposed to be in here.

Devika: (squints) Hmm! Already wishing to be alone with your lovely wife, are you?

Vishwas: (Yells) You are ruining the journey, runt.

Alpana: Calm down, Vishwas. What's the big deal? She is our little sister afterall.

Devika: Ow, my dear big sister. Well, mom and Ramya sister asked me to accompany you two so that all of your love doesn't flow out in the car before you even reach home.

Vishwas: (Annoyed) Mom and Sister sure know how to piss me off.

Alpana: ( Blushing, covering her mouth) Well, I wouldn't have stopped you from showing a little love.

Vishwas: (Stunned, stutters) Wh...what are you saying? Even if she wasn't here, the driver was sure to be present.

Vijay: (Driving the car) Don't mind me, you carry on.

Vishwas: (Startled) Brother!!!! You are the driver. But you were about to enter the other car when you called me to say it is about time. When did you switch?

Devika: What Vishwas bro? You were so lost in your paradise that you didn't even notice big brother switching with the driver.

Vishwas: Why you? Did the driver fall ill or something? Or you here to monitor us too?

Vijay: No way! I am just here to drive. What do you take me for punk? I just thought Alpana would feel safer if she had her big brother as the driver than some stranger, right Alpana dear(stretches his right hand over his head)?

Alpana: (gives a low five, smiles) Right big brother.

Vishwas: You don't have to go along with them.

Devika: Why you? You can ride the other car then, if you don't wanna go along with us, lizard face.

Vishwas: Who you calling lizard face, runt?

Alpana: (Laughs).

They reach their house. Naturally, the girl who used to live in a simple house, was fascinated by a marvellously designed house of a city.

Suchita: So, dear, how do you like your new house?

Alpana: It's wonderful ma.

Suchita: Is it? Come, let me show you around (pulls her along).

Ramya: Look, how excited mom is.

Vijay: That's how she was when you stepped in here the first time as well, wasn't she?

Ramya:Oh my, that day was such a bliss.

Vijay: (Phone rings, picks up) Hello, yes. The list has come in. What! Is it true? Really?

Vikram: (Chatting with Devika about something, turns his attention towards Vijay).

Vishwas: What's wrong brother? What's with the sudden pinch up?

Vijay: (Cuts his phone) I.. I am...

Ramya: What is it dear?

Vijay: I am promoted to senior doctor.

Everyone was struck by joy.

Vishwas: Brother, that's great news.

Devika: (Clings on Vijay's shoulder) Brother, congratulations.

Ramya: You turned this day into bliss too, my love.

Vikram: Finally, my son (phone beeps, a message) What is this? Devika!?

Everyone was attracted towards the dumbfounded voice.

Devika: (Nervous) Papa! What is it?

Vikram: Your JEE result just popped in.

Vishwas: You are not serious? Why today? I am sure she botched it big time.

Vikram: On the contrary, she passed.

Vishwas: Huuuh! My braindead sister passed.

Devika: Hey! What's crawling under your skin?

Vikram: Not just passed, but she secured all India rank 99.

Dead silence...

Vishwas: (fingers his ear) Say that again pops. I didn't hear that right.

Vikram: She got 99th rank.

Everyone slips on their feet.

Vishwas: Son of a, what's wrong with God? I think he mistook the person he was supposed to bless.

Devika: (Jumping in joy).

Ramya: Oh my. That is a pretty high rank.

Vijay: Considering the exam of this level, it is too high, for this dumb sister of mine.

Devika: Hey, big brother!!! I am not that dumb, alright.

Suchita: (Looks at them enjoying) See, they are so happy to have you here, they are dancing over there.

Alpana: (Looks at them) Doesn't seem like I am the reason for that happiness.

Vishwas: (Call, picks up) Hello!

Kavya mam: Yo, reached home my boy?

Vishwas: Yes, actually we got here just now. How you doing mam?

Kavya mam: I am home safe and sound. I just called to let you know that you were drafted for the promotion this month. And the good news is, you were chosen and promoted to assistant journalist.

Vishwas: Whaaat! But mam, isn't that unusual? A trainee jumping directly to assistant journalist.

Vikram: Huh!

Vijay: Smells like something coming up again.

Devika: Not you too lover boy.

Kavya mam: Well, the boss took into consideration that action of yours in the village and made his judgement according to it I guess. But I think, Alpana has amplified your luck. Well, anyway, it's late. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night, groomy.

Vishwas: (Looks at Alpana laughing)

Vikram: Looks like we brought goddess Laxmi into our house. It has not even been ten minutes and the good fortune began to follow in after her.

Ramya: Seriously. I can't believe it.

Vijay: Even with the proof.

Ramya: Figure of speech, dear.

Devika: My new sister is really a goddess.

Alpana roamed about smiling with Suchita.

Vishwas was waiting for Alpana on the decorated bed surfing in his phone.

Alpana: (pushed in by Devika) Devika!

Devika: Go on sister, brother is already inside waiting for you (Closes the door, giggling).

Vishwas: (Looks at Alpana) Hmm!

Alpana: (Walks towards him) Sorry Vishwas! It is our first night and I wasted it. I was just so excited to be here. That.... Ah!!

Vishwas: (Pulls her in his arms) Was!? Don't let the excitement fade away yet. The night is still young.

Alpana: (Flushed) Vi..Vishwas, wait a minute.

Vishwas: (Hugs her and pats her head)

Alpana: (Surprised) Vishwas?

Vishwas: I was so worried that you would be nervous on coming to your new home. But seeing you smile like that my heart beat has eased up. Thankyou.

Alpana: (Cuddles, smiling) Hmm! I hear it. And it is so comforting.

Vishwas: Yes, it is, for me too, my love.

The next morning...

Vishwas: (opens his eyes but doesn't see Alpana) Alpana (turns his face and the ghost appears on his face growling) You! Still haven't given up, have you? (Gets up and passes through the ghost) You won't be able to scare me anymore so forget about it. I have gotten used to your ugly face (putting on a shirt).

Alpana: (Enters) Vishwas!

Vishwas: Alpana, you woke up early. Did you sleep okay last night?

Alpana: (shy) Well, with all the love you showed me last night, I slept like a log.

Devika: (slides in from behind her) Oh ho! What kind of love?

Vishwas: Devika! Why you? Get lost right now, you runt? That's confidential.

Ramya: (Appears) Oh my! What private information are you hiding, little brother?

Vishwas: (Shocked) Sister, not you too. Flocking around my room early in the morning, what's the big idea?

Ramya: Don't worry about your confidential information. Your lovely wife has already told us about everything.

Vishwas: (Agitated) Alpana!??

Alpana: (Sticks out her tongue) Sorry.

Vishwas: (touches his forehead in distress) Holy crap! They are gonna pull my leg now. What a stupid wife I got.

As the bride settled into the new environment, she comes to terms with all the new things around her. She found out that she will have to go and live away from her family alone with Vishwas in his station quarters. After spending few more days with her family, she prepared herself to leave for the quarter.

Vikram: Vishwas, come here for a sec.

Vishwas: Yes papa.

Suchita: You have everything you need?

Alpana: I think so, Ma.

Suchita: Take care of my daughter there alright Devika.

Devika: No problem mom. Leave it to me.

Suchita: (Touches Alpana's cheek) And you, don't worry about anything alright. Devika will stay there with you until she gets her college admission done.

Alpana: Ok.

Vijay: (discussing something along with Vikram and Vishwas).

Ramya: Come back if you miss me alright.

Alpana: I am already missing you, di.

Ramya: Oh dear! Me too.

Devika: Oh no! If you make that face, I won't be able to go to my college.

Suchita: Silly girl, she is not making that face for you.

Alpana and Ramya giggle. Suddenly Ramya covers her mouth.

Alpana: Di, what's wrong?

Ramya: (Runs towards the washroom)

Alpana: (concerned and followed her) Di!?

Devika: (Follows them) Big sister hold on.

Vijay: What's going on over there?

Vikram: The women of this house are so restless.

Suchita: What are you saying? Don't you see that our daughter is sick?

Vishwas: What are you waiting for Mr doctor? Go and examine your patient already.

Vijay: Doctor? Who? Oh shit, it is me (runs towards the washroom).

Vishwas: He just looses all the gravity when he is in house. Does he leave his doctor's degree at the hospital?

Vikram: What are you saying? People are supposed to let up at home.

Suchita: Dear God, just let my daughter be ok.

Everyone comes out of the washroom smiling.

Suchita: What is it? Why are you all smiling like that? My daughter is sick and you all are enjoying.

Vijay: Chill mom, you are going to be a grandmother.

Suchita: (Covers her face in joy) No, tell me it is not a prank.

Vijay: It is not mom.

Suchita: Oh god! Such a blessing (hugs Ramya and kisses on her forehead) my dear.

Vikram: Another good news. You see, the streak doesn't seem to stop. What would you say son?

Vishwas: I would say, it is time for a partyyyyyy!!! (Joins the others and begins dancing with them).

Vikram: Seriously (smiles and approaches them bouncing) hey, give some space, grandfather is coming.

The couple along with Devika standing at the foot of the building looks at the multi-storey rising pretty high.

Alpana: We are gonna stay here?

Vishwas: Enough gawking, we are on the fourth floor. Let's move in.

Devika: Damn this heat. I hope it is a little better inside brother.

Vishwas: Don't worry about it, I have a cooler inside.

Devika: Oh, nice.

About to enter the lift.

Alpana: There it is, (points towards the stairs) what are you getting into? That's a dead end.

Vishwas: This is an elevator, dumbo. Get in.

Into the room...

Alpana: Oh my! This is nice.

Devika: Finally! (Puts the bag aside and jumps on the first chair she sees, but the chair breaks down) Holyyy!

Alpana: Devika! Oh no.

Vishwas: Oh crap! I forgot to scrap this chair.

Devika: (Gets up, annoyed) Take care of your shit will you?

Vishwas: Shut up, runt, only a idiot would jump on a chair when they have got a bed before them. The chair was fine when I sat on it last time. It's time for you to check your weight, pig.

Devika: Who you calling fat, lizard face? (Bites him) Nom!!

Vishwas: Ahhhh! You runt, get off of me.

Alpana: Hey, you two. Get along all right. Don't you feel the heat. Come on, stop it. Or I will bite you too.

Time passes, as the village idiot, settles in her new life. Vishwas is welcomed and celebrated in his office by his fellow colleagues for the promotion. Following the promotion, the assistant journalist rises to success as fast as like a race car. His friends and seniors were shocked by how well the young man was doing. Was it luck? Or his hardwork? Or maybe both. The curse ghost attached itself to Vishwas trying its best to scare him on many occasions but failed. Vishwas, ignored the ghost like a pebble on the street. Devika went to her assigned college to pursue her studies leaving Alpana behind alone. However, by this time, she has learned the ways of this world. The only connection between Alpana and her parents was the mobile phone. Though she wished to see her parents on many instances, but Vishwas persuaded her giving her different excuses. As the time for Vishwas's sister-in-law's childbirth drew near, they were graced with another good news in the form of Kalpana's pregnancy. Vishwas loved Alpana so much that everytime she felt loney or home sick, she would realise she was already in heaven and she had everything she ever wanted. Living alone in an apartment the entire day is not easy, yet the thought of seeing Vishwas again in the evening kept her cheerful. Similarly, when Vishwas came back to her dear wife, he would care for her to compensate for the time he was away. They went for walks, on dates, to cake parlours, danced together alone in the night, cooked together, fed each other, took care of each other during sicknesses, making the nights longer compared to the days. Alpana had everything and Vishwas had her smile. Ramya gave birth to beautiful girl child. Vishwas and Alpana went to celebrate the auspicious moment with them. They played around with the baby and the mother. The birth of that child added to the happiness of the family. Soon, Kalpana gave birth to her child, a young boy. Vishwas and Alpana visited her to congratulate where she met her father who had also come to celebrate her daughter's childbirth. He hugs her dear daughter. He reminded Vishwas of his promise. This is where a new path began building itself. The lovely and innocent village idiot, got a little jealous of her sister and sister in law. A new wish began taking form in her heart. She, who never wanted anything, now wanted something, a new life, just like her sisters, she wanted a baby. As she handed her big sister's baby to her and came out of the house ready to head home. She turned to her husband and suggested.

Alpana: (Shy) Vishwas!

Vishwas: Hmm!?

Alpana: Kalpana Di's baby is so cute, right?

Vishwas: He sure is, my love.

Alpana: I think it is now our turn.

Vishwas: (Tensed) Alpana! What are you saying?

Alpana: I want a baby. I want us two to be three (smiles beautifully).

Vishwas: (Worried) Alpana! Are you sure?

Alpana: Yes I am. Will you fullfill my wish?

Vishwas: Ofcourse my love, (smiles) this is the first time you asked me something. I will surely make this wish of yours come true.

Alpana: Thankyou, Vishwas Babu (hugs him).

Vishwas: (pats her head as he looks at the curse ghost tilting his head left and right like a glitch).

The curse ghost, in order to stop Alpana from conceiving, he attempted to kill Vishwas. Since it couldn't touch Vishwas, it utilised other methods to slay him. It tried to trip Vishwas of the stairs by tripping another person over him. But Vishwas balanced himself on the stairs, dodged the person and grabbed his arm saving him in the process as well. The attempt failed. Another attempt, this time it tried to electrocute Vishwas by dropping a broken electric wire from a pole on him while he was out on a media coverage with his crew. However, Prayag pulled him away before he could make contact. Vishwas looks at the ghost hovering near the pole top tilting its head right to left randomly. Prayag yells at him for being careless. While Vishwas glared into the air at the ghost knowing now that the ghost is trying to kill him. The third attempt, during an interview session with the chefs of a prominent restaurant of the city, the ghost tried to blow him up by a gas leak in the kitchen. Since Vishwas knew the ghost was after him, he had already explored every possibility that the ghost can use to kill him. It turned off the light in the kitchen in order it to cause explosion when someone lights it up. However, Vishwas predicted this and on his way towards the kitchen with the chefs, he fakes smelling gas leak even though he could not actually smell it. This prompted the chef to order one of his apprentice to switch on the ventilation system before they walked in. High standard buildings have measures to prevent accidents like this, one of which is the advanced machine operated ventilation systems in restaurant's kitchen. The system sucked out any type of gas and odour out of the room in few seconds rendering this attempt ineffective as well. The ghost threw a knife at him while he was sleeping, but the protective barrier that surrounded Alpana, did not let the knife with a negative touch pass through it and it fell on the ground waking Vishwas up. He sees the knife on the ground but no one else, even though the ghost stood right before him outside the barrier. Though he could see that particular entity most of the time, he had failed to notice it everytime he was close to Alpana. The barrier purified everything, even the senses of a person.

Between the attempts and evasions, the wishful girl got her wish granted. One day, while waiting for husband, she felt like vomiting. As she tried to hold it in, her husband walked in through the door. Seeing his wife stumbling on her feet and covering her mouth, he immediately realised that she was unwell. He hurriedly threw his stuff and held her in his arms and took her towards the washroom. From there, he got her to a hospital where he found out that his wife was pregnant. Confused by his mixed feelings of joy and concern, he fakes a smile with his wife who was ecstatic by the news. But, worrying about the future, he decided to tell her about the curse. He told everything to her except about the ghost that is haunting her.

Vishwas: Do you understand now?

Alpana: My father never told me about it.

Vishwas: This is the reason why he asked me to not take you back to the village. He believes the house is cursed. I am sorry for deceiving you all this time.

Alpana: So, did you plan on never having a child?

Vishwas: It was you or no one. So I chose you.

Alpana: You decided that without knowing what I wanted.

Vishwas: Alpana, understand, I can't loose the person I love for one who is not even born yet.

Alpana: Are you gonna give this excuse to your parents? Will Ma be happy with me for being childless? I did not bring anything with me for the family. So the least I could give them is a grand child. Will you take that opportunity from me too?

Vishwas: But, the curse will claim you from me. It has already taken many members of your family. Your uncle was victim of that curse.

Alpana: But, it was an accident. He drowned because he couldn't swim.

Vishwas: Right before his child was born. Don't you think it is suspicious?

Alpana: I can't accept that being a modern cityman, you believe in such superstitions Vishwas Babu.

Vishwas: But, your father...

Alpana: (gently holds his face) You know Mahadev is always with me right. If you, Bapu or anyone has any insecurity about me. My child will free everyone of all the negativity. (Hugs him) Ok.

Vishwas: Alright, (pats her head) But you cannot tell your father or anyone about this.

Alpana: That's a good idea. Let's give them a surprise.

Vishwas: (chuckles) Yes, we should. But, we will need to tell it to Papa and mom. I will have to leave you in their care afterall.

Alpana: What if they told about this to my parents?

Vishwas: Don't worry, I will convince them somehow.

Alpana: I love you.

Vishwas: Me too, my dear.

The ghost was screaming in rage dispersing negative energy around but the barrier dispelled the energy curving it around it.

Vishwas took Alpana to his home to his parents and gave the good news to everybody. The family was overjoyed and began blessing Alpana. Vishwas somehow persuaded his family members to keep this a secret from Alpana's parents and anyone else in the name of a surprise. The family agreed without any objection. The excitement was so intense, that they didn't care about anything else. Ramya soon called Devika to inform her about the good news who was away studying in her college. After that day, the curse ghost did not appear anymore before Vishwas. The days carried on, Devika herself came back from her college to look after her sister-in-law. Alpana managed to keep the secret from her parents all through her pregnancy duration.

It was the day, Vishwas got a call from her mother informing him that Alpana is being taken to the hospital. Vishwas goes to Kavya mam and asks her for a half day. Even though he wished to keep a low profile, Kavya announced it to the entire office crew that Vishwas is to be a father.

Vishwas: (goes to Mam, whispers) Mam, I will like to take a half day today if you don't mind.

Kavya: (Typing) Hmm! What for, my boy?

Vishwas: (Shy) Alpana is in the hospital. I just got a call from my mother.

Kavya: Oh! Is it time already? Hey guys, Vishwas is going to be a father today.

Everyone of his colleagues congratulated him. Kavya called her boss and requested for early leave.

Prayag: (Clings to his shoulder) What man! You are telling this to mam before your best friend huh?

Vishwas: Because my best friend is coming along with me. You are not gonna refuse, are you?

Prayag: Ofcourse not bastard, I was gonna even if you didn't ask.

Kavya: Ok boys, let's go.

Prayag: What? You are gonna come too?

Kavya: You got a problem with that.

Prayag: No mam, I was just surprised that's all.

Kavya: (gets up) It's been some time since I have seen my girl. This is the best opportunity right, seeing her and her baby together.

Vishwas:(smiles) She will be so happy, mam. Thankyou.

Kavya: Come on, let's go.

She along with Prayag, set out for the hospital together. They reach the hospital and find everyone waiting outside.

Vikram: (sees Vishwas coming, approaches him and hugs him in joy) My son, you are going to be a father. Time to grow up, no idiocy from here on out (pats his back).

Vishwas: Papa, I am already a grown up man. How do you explain me going to be a father right now?

Vikram: (Laughs) Go, she is in the delivery room.

Vishwas: (Goes ahead)

Prayag: Hello uncle, how you doing?

Vikram: Good son, nice to see you. You don't even remember us once, do you?

Prayag: What do you mean? I always ask about you all from Vishwas.

Vikram: Ask us about us son. You have that device called phone right.

Kavya: Namaste sir.

Vikram: How are you Kavya dear?

Kavya: Fine, thanks to you.

Suchita: (gestures Vishwas to go) Go go, hurry. She is waiting for you (goes and greets Kavya and Prayag).

Vishwas: (Walks further and meets up with Devika and Ramya).

Devika: What brother? How much time do need?

Vishwas: Well, my office is not ten steps from here you runt.

Devika: Atleast don't pick a fight with me today, lizard face. Go now.

Vishwas: ( Ramya who was holding her baby, rubs Vishwas's head using her one hand) Vishwas.

Vishwas: (gently touches the babies face with his one finger) Brother is inside?

Ramya: He is waiting for you.

Vishwas: (Enters)

Vijay was rubbing Alpana's forehead consoling her trying make her endure the pain. Two nurses were preparing for the delivery.

Vijay: (Consoling Alpana) See, Vishwas is here. Just breathe, all right. We all are here with you.

Alpana: Thankyou, big brother.

Vijay: Ofcourse. Nurse, get ready.

Nurse: Yes doctor.

Vishwas: (Comes and grabs her left hand) My love.

Alpana: (Smiles) Vishwas Babu, we are going to be free.

Vishwas: Yes, (smiles) yes we are. Mahadev is always with you.

Alpana: Yes he is, and so are you.

Vishwas: Yes, me too.

Alpana: (Laughs)

Vishwas: (Laughs).

Vijay: Ok, Alpana, let's do this. You ready?

Alpana: (nods) Yes big brother.

As the pushing begins, the equipments around begin to vibrate. The nurses were confused to what was causing it, but they focused on the delivery. The process continues, the vibrating waves get violent. Now, it had turned into sound waves, that ruffled the people involved. They could not pinpoint where the sound was coming from. The people outside could hear the sound.

Devika: (looks around) Where is this noise coming from sis?

Ramya: (pampering her child) Don't know. Feels like it is coming from inside.

Devika: (laughs) Come on, something must be happening on the floor above.

Suchita: (Approaches them) Do you hear that sound or is it only me? Appears like someone is hitting something.

Suddenly, they hear the cry of the baby from inside. They begin celebrating outside. Inside, Alpana was semi conscious. Vishwas, steps away a little from her and sees the ghost smashing on the barrier. Everytime it strikes, the barrier purifies and disintegrates some of ghost's claws from the point of contact.

Nurse: (Carries the child and hands in Vijay's arms)

Vijay: Vishwas, you have a boy.

Vishwas: (Laughs joyfully) Please, let Alpana see him.

Vijay: Ofcourse, Alpana (puts the baby near her) here, your son.

The ghost increases the intensity of the strikes.

Vishwas: (Thinks) Let my son free you too. It's have been quite an adventure.

Alpana: (Smiles brilliantly) My son big brother?

Vijay: Yes, he is your son. Beautiful, just like my little sister Alpana.

Alpana: (Raises herself a little to see him).

One of the nurses grabs the equipment plate to save it from falling. The waves coming from the strikes still touched them. But, they had no idea what was causing it. Vijay, thinking it was the air blowing in through the window, closes them. As Alpana looks at her son, the curse shatters, the ghost vanishes into thin air. The waves stopped so did the sound, same time as the windows were closed, making them think it was something coming from the outside. Vishwas saw the ghost fade away. He approaches Alpana and his baby.

Alpana: (Excited) Vishwas, Vishwas, look, he is so tiny, he is my son.

Vishwas: Yes, he is my love.

Alpana: So, now are we free?

Vishwas: As you said, your son freed all of us, everyone.

Alpana: He did?

Vishwas: (Smiles gently patting her head) It is true, my love.

Alpana: So, you are saying all your negative thoughts and beliefs are gone?

Vishwas: Everything has evaporated.

Alpana: My son, my dear son, you freed your father of all his negativity. I am sure you will continue to free everyone else of their negativities too, won't you? How about I call you Moksh. Do you like it? Huh? My little boy.

Vishwas: Moksh!? I don't know about him. But I love it.

Vijay: Moksh Anand, hmm, the happiness of freedom. This name is great. Unique and wonderful, good job Alpana. Well, I should go and tell others about the good news. Vishwas, stay with her.

Vishwas: Yes big brother.

Vijay: (Opens the gate)

Everyone was excited and tried to peek in.

Ramya: How did it go dear?

Suchita: Tell us about it son. Is it a boy or a girl?

Vijay: Well, I want you all to keep calm. I remember how you all acted when Ramya gave birth.

Vikram: Oh shove it doctor, just tell us or let us go in.

Vijay: Well, he is a boy.

Everyone push him out of the way and rush in joyfully.

Vijay: (Gets up rubbing his head) Geez! They never learn (smiles) Screw it (runs in).

Everyone begins playing with the baby and congratulates Alpana and Vishwas.

Devika: He is so cute. Definitely has qualities of my sister Alpana. Good, that you don't have any lizard qualities like your father.

Ramya: (To her baby) See Ritika, your little brother.

Ritika tries to touch him bending forward.

Devika: She is trying to hold her little brother.

Ramya leans forward and Ritika grabs her brother's left hand.

Devika: Oww! So cute.

Ramya: Mother, mother come see.

Suchita: Oh! Such a blessing to my eyes.

The village...

Santu: Jeet! Jeet!

Sapna: (brings a glass of water) What happened dear? Why are you yelling for him?

Santu: I was craving to hear my daughter's voice. Where is he?

Sapna: He is out with his friends.

Santu: This useless son of mine, will he do something in life or not? Making his father work all day (drinks water).

Kock on the door...

Santu: Who is it now?

Sapna: Let me see (goes to open the door).

Vishwas: (Standing at the door smiling) Ma!

Sapna: Son, you?

Santu: Who is there, Sapna?

Vishwas: A promise from a son to a mother, (slides to the side) fulfilled.

Alpana: (Appears with Moksh in her arms, smiles) Ma!

Sapna: (Emotional)

Santu: Sapna!

Alpana: (Arrives) Bapu!

Santu: Huh!? (Sees Alpana, stands) Alpana.

Sapna: (appears behind with Moksh in her arms, weeping) Dear, your grandson.

Santu: (Rushes towards her, looks at Moksh then at Alpana).

Vishwas: Bapu, he is your daughter's son. Really.

Santu: Son!

Vishwas: The curse broke. You daughter shattered it into pieces.

Santu: (Tears roll down his cheeks) Mahadev, thankyou very much (hugs his daughter and holds Moksh in his one arm), he is just like Lord Mahadev.

Riya and Gudiya waltz in followed by their fathers and other villagers.

Riya: I heard my friend Alpana is back.

Gudiya: Where is she? Where is she?

Alpana: Here! (Goes and hugs them).

Vishwas: (Hugs Sapna) Ma! Won't you get us something sweet for the occassion?

Sapna: (Wipes her tears, smiles) Ofcourse, son. Right away.

Santu plays with his grandson showing him off to Riya and Gudiya's fathers. They smile seeing him so happy.