The rule is to defeat, not to kill.

The rules of the matchmaking mechanic is that you will wait for your opponent for as long as you choose to join a match without leaving the duel square. 

You will also receive a duel card in your hand, and the matching duel card will emit a bright light as a reminder for that team to go to the duel stage.

So Noah and the others went to a cooler place to rest for a while.

During this time, Noah and the others were also communicating and analysing the tactics. As it was the first time Noah heard about these tactics, Noah just let them do their job and followed and executed them himself.

When they inquired about Noah's extraordinary ability and common weapons, Noah rubbed the back of his head and said heatedly, "The name of my extraordinary ability is Destroy, and I don't have any weapons for now, but I'm used to using a sword. If have an extra one, can you lend it to me first?"

Hearing this, Cerf also took out his own spare sword and gave it to Noah. Seeing that Noah was still trying to wave his hand in refusal, Cerf pushed it directly into Noah's hand and said:

"Even though this is my spare sword, who says I only have one spare sword? Take it and consider this sword as my gift to you".

The others also let Noah take it, because they knew Cerf before Noah. His personality and his family matched his style.

Noah bowed and thanked the others when he saw that Cerf, whom he had only recently met, and a few others were talking like that.

Cerf returned the bow a little startled, it was the first time he had seen someone thanking him and taking him so seriously. But he felt comfortable, after all, only a trusted companion could give his back in the battle.

In between a few laughing conversations, a light emanated from Cassa's hand.

After all, they also realised that a team had already been successfully paired with them, and that all they had to do was get to the battle duel stage.

On the way to the stage, they also analysed their respective positions.

Noah and Cerf became the main attackers, as they were both S-ranked and both of them are using sword, and Cerf's S-ranked extraordinary ability was Wind Speed. 

Johnny was an A-ranked Earth Shield, so he was placed at the front to draw fire.

Noah made up a random lie because he didn't want to tell them the truth too soon.

Cassa's extraordinary ability was A-rank Freezing, so she was in charge of controlling them. And Schindler's ability was responsible for helping to heal and sharing the pressure of Cassa's control, as it was B-rank Water Healing.

After everything was ready, they arrived at the duel stage by chance.

Five people have already standing on the stage, waiting for them. When the others saw that the five people on the stage were the teams that had been dueling for five days in a row, they felt unfair to Noah's team.

The name of the team on the stage was Wolf. They had fought for five days in a row and had won all of them. The teams that had won were all a year older than them, so the battle watchers had high expectations for them.

This wasn't really fair to Noah's newcomers, who were participating in their first duel, but the world wasn't fair by nature.

Just like that wolf team, their first duel was against a senior who was one year older than them, how could they say it was fair?

In fact, all of this is the arrangement of Lixuan, he wanted to let those with low strength understand the advantages of the strong in order to better hone their own.Let those with high strength have more practical experience.

Noah and the others also quickly set up their positions, they seriously looking at the wolf team in front of them.

After the referee saw that them were ready, he gave a start and opened the duel.

At the first opportunity, the four members of the wolf team ran in four different directions, leaving only one man standing.

Just as Noah and the others are confused, a man quietly appears behind Schindler with a sword in his hand.Cerf notices immediately and dives in to parry with his sword. Schindler was almost slashed, so she begins to panic a little.

However, Noah tells Schindler and the others to remember to stand their ground.Seeing their attacks neutralised, the member of the team wolves look at Cerf with curiosity. Cerf also changed his impression of Noah and opened his mouth to say, "What the hell are you looking at?".

Having said that, he returned to the team formation and stood at attention.After a few attacks, all of which were blocked by Cerf, Noah was able to further understand the meaning of dueling.

He looked at the Wolf team member who had did not move since the duel was begin, and gradually understood his opponent's tactics.

Sword in hand, he lunged at the wolf pack member that did not move in front of the crowd. The team member facing Cerf hurriedly shouted to the others, "Quickly, stop him!

The other three team members also sensed Noah's intentions and all rushed after him.The sword of one of the team members was about to touch Noah when a wall of earth stopped him.

It turned out to be Johnny, who had seen how scared the man was and realised how important it was for the man to stop.

His goal now was to make sure that Noah could reach this member of the team. Cassa and Schindler also reacted in time, hastily releasing their extrordinary ability to block the others from advancing.

Noah reached the wolf pack member without a problem, and he saw the panicked expression on the face of the team member.This proved that his hunch was correct.

No longer hesitating, he executed the sword skill in his brain that he had practised day and night.

A strong wind came, and Noah held his longsword in his hand as if he were stepping through dimensions.

His extraordinary ability also activated without warning, and the strong and transparent wind was replaced by pitch black.

The pitch-black sword skill, which was constantly emitting destruction, scared the Wolf Team member so much that he wanted to shout surrender, but the area had already been enveloped by Noah's destructive extraordinary ability, so everyone couldn't hear his words.

However, at the last moment, the sudden release of his own powers, and even though he could not hear but saw the team member's spoken meaning, forced Noah to hastily end the ability and the sword in his hand.

It all seemed to come a little too late, as just as the wolf team member was trying to figure out how to let him died handsome, a powerful spatial psychic energy blocked Noah's attack.

This block, combined with the fact that he had just ended it himself, caused Noah to be thrown backwards into the wall near the stage.

The pitch-black strong wind that Noah had just cast also dissipated at that moment.

Lixuan once again used his extraordinary ability to come to Noah's place, lifting him up with one hand and saying, "Didn't I tell you to report to the department, why are you interested in coming here to participate in the duel? And you are participating with the rule is to defeat, not to kill."

Noah looked at the serious expression in front of him, then looked at the frightened Wolf Team member on the stage, then said to him in shame,

"I just came here to participate after I heard that I could earn points and that points could be exchanged for money. Originally, I wanted to hurt him so that he wouldn't be able to use his powers again. But for some reason, my extraordinary ability have been casting by itself."

After hearing this, Ming Yi, who just came down, also said, "The money can come slowly, but you must let us observe when you cast this extraordinary ability."

Lixuan then said to the audience on stage, "This match is a draw, both teams will receive points and rewards for winning.Some of you have also done a good job, but your team member is letting me take him to the check-in area first. He hasn't registered his details yet, so you can come over as well."

Lixuans' approach was to get the rest of Noah's team to come along to witness Noah's extraordinary ability and hope they can be friends.

Noah shouted at the wolf team member, "Classmate, I'm sorry. I'll buy you dinner sometime after this."

Lixuan then led the rest of Noah and his teammates back to the check-in department.This was the second time Noah had been there today.

*Thank you for watching, I will do my best to upload two or three chapter per day. Hope you all have a nice day.*