Human race of Earth, not to be trifled with!

Everyone's eyes were on Chloe, and Li Xuan also didn't think there was any way to do it.

He looked at Ayuni and said:

"Later, I will have someone make a film with the content and title of killing you all to warn the other groups. But Chloe will transfer the damage to the demonic beasts as soon as possible so that you can fake your deaths. But for now it is just a theory, it is up to you to decide whether or not to carry it out."

Ayuni agreed to the proposal without hesitation, if it could save his family's lives and his own, it would undoubtedly be the best arrangement.

Lixuan waved his hand and said, "But you must remember, after you succeed, you will be classified, if there is no major event, you must never come out!"

Lixuan originally wanted them to be Charlotte and Noah's helpers, but he felt that although he trusted Ayuni, he did not trust his subordinates.

They could only rely on their own feelings and time to reveal their loyalty, after all, one could not joke about one's grandchildren and granddaughter-in-law.

That's right, Lixuan had already finished associating Noah and Charlotte. Even the names of their children had been suggested in his free time and lastly let them for the final selection.

Of course, Ayuni could understand the meaning of Li Xuan's words and he turned his head to look at his subordinates.

Most of them had been forced to join, only a small portion had joined recently and disobeyed his orders from time to time.

He looked at those with uncertainties and then extended his hand to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan also understood and threw his own sword at Ayuni.

In an instant, one of his subordinates had his head chopped off by Ayuni. This sudden scene naturally stunned those who weren't really Ayuni's subordinates.

The true subordinates, however, revealed the corners of their mouths and seemed to feel a hint of smugness.

They had guessed early on that the other party was the one had sent his army to spy on us, and that it was not just the one who had been killed.

A few had begun to cringe, but pretended to be strong enough to follow the others in despising the stricken one.

Ayuni wasn't about to let them go either, he walked over to some of them and said, "Any last words?"

Some of the men had gone weak in the knees but still said with fear, "The Commander is not us, we respected you from the beginning to the end and never thought of betraying you."

"Too many last words."

Ayuni raised his sword and slashed at one of them, the others saw this and quickly fled. But how could they outrun Ayuni, whose realm was even higher than theirs.

He raised his sword again and slashed at the last two, who fell trembling to the ground, "The king won't let you go..."

"I don't need him to spare me, I would have died."

Ayuni handed the sword back to Li Xuan, explaining that the others were his most loyal subordinates, and that most of them had families imprisoned like himself.

Seeing this, Lixuan also instructed the others to take out their mobile phones and record, while the ninth sequence, Xiong Yuan, carried a large camera to record.

The purpose, of course, was to let the others know that Lixuan was not faking and that everyone could see for themselves.

When everything was ready, the recording officially began.

Li Xuan stood high in the sky with his sword in his hand, the space around him shattering and his thick hair fluttering in the gusty wind as he returned to his youth. Then, with supreme majesty, he looked at the people in the square and said:

"Human race of Earth, not to be trifled with!"

A sword with a terrifying spatial aura enveloped everyone in the square, and they all had a moment to connect it with the fact that Li Xuan might actually want to kill them.

But looking at their commander, he had a different kind of trust in Li Xuan, so the others could only grit their teeth and hold on.

Until they were all spitting up blood, they all felt that their lives were rapidly dwindling, and they were all forced to pass out.

Until Li Xuan once again shouted, ''Invading the Earth, this is the consequence! If anyone else dares to blatantly invade, the consequences will be even worse than now!"

Then he had each of them finish filming one by one, so that the others would not feel that they were doing a theatrical pose.

If everyone stopped filming at the same time, the others would be suspicious.

It was only after the big camera carried by Xiong Yuan had finished recording that Chloe began her own performance.

She clasped her hands together, a huge formation appeared beneath her feet, and her eyes became hollow.

"Damage Transfer!"

After a loud shout, those who were originally on their last breath in the square could feel the injuries in their bodies disappear. Although they could still feel that their internal injuries were still serious, they were not yet dead.

It was not until most of the demonic beasts in the nearby dungeon where they were being held had died that Chloe slowly returned to normal.

She also landed weakly, holding on to the wall next to her, she hadn't used that move so violently in a long time, but it was worth it.

After Lixuan looked down and saw everyone slowly recovering, he signalled for Xiong Yuan to take Chloe to rest first, it was over.

He then asked the filmmakers to post all the videos on the Internet one by one, so that the other communities still on Earth could see them and try to see if they could reach the ears of this intruder.

It wasn't a 100% guarantee that things wouldn't be exposed, but it was the only way to temporarily appease the other side these days.

Ayuni then slowly approached Charlotte and said, "Goddess, can we return to your command so that we can protect you?"

Charlotte looked at Li Xuan and wanted to ask his opinion.

But Lixuan looked at Ayuni and said, "If you really want to protect Charlotte, then you should recover from your injuries first, otherwise you can't even beat Noah right now. Everything will be said after you have recovered."

Ayuni shook his head in agreement, even after seeing that both he and his subordinates were seriously injured.

Just as Li Xuan had said, he and his subordinates would definitely become the Goddess' guards on Earth. But the most important thing today was to recover from their injuries as soon as possible to protect the Goddess.

Then he looked at Noah and said reluctantly, ''During this time, the Goddess is counting on you. If we need any help in the future, we are at your disposal."

Noah also waved his hand and said that all words would be decided after you had recovered from your injuries.

Finally, the whole farce came to an end.

Because he needed to announce to the outside world that this time it was a great victory for Earth, Lixuan also arranged for Ayuni and his men to live underground for the time being. This would also prevent the other communities from knowing of their existence.

Lixuan also burned some of the bodies he had collected from the front, pretending to have killed Ayuni and his men.

This was also to let the other ethnic groups know the current state of Earth.

Back on Noah's side, now that things had come full circle, Charlotte, the second Extreme Realm after him, was also getting attention from the Sequences.

Noah, on the other hand, took her back to his home to help prepare dinner.

Opening the door, Noah and Charlotte entered the house, Annie and the others jogging over to Noah and the two of them when they heard the sound of their voices telling them how Ming Yu had just left and Ming Yi had joined them for get ready the dinner.

Noah also saw that Teresa, who was held in Ying's arms, had gained weight; she had been fed by Ying and the others recently and they logically explained that it was so that their sister would have more nutrients.

Noah nodded in agreement, of course, but still instructed Teresa to take more exercise when she had time.

John and Jaypaw, on the other hand, hadn't changed much; one was still inarticulate, while the other still loved to eat.

Annie still had her notebook and pencil, and was still writing for Noah to read.

Everyone was happy and safe, and it was the life Noah had hoped for before. Although it was hard work, it was all worth it, I must work harder to cultivate and give them a better life in the future.

Noah decided in his heart until they pushed him into the kitchen to help prepare dinner.

They were all smiling happily.

*Hello guys, the crisis have been done, and the intruders were punished. Next will be the academy ability competition. Please have a look and add it into your library or vote it if you like it. Hope you have a nice day and see you in next chapter.*