Ability talent, Empress...descend!

Noah and Charlotte's state was at its peak, both of them were people who had once reached the Bronze Extreme Realm, and the aura they had gathered was fiercer than the average Silver 9 or even Gold 1.

The two of them slashed back and forth at an extremely high speed, and the violent sound of swords clashing could be heard in everyone's ears.

Seeing this, Evade sighed, ''I still underestimated Charlotte too much. Originally, I had planned to support her once I resolved the battle as soon as possible, creating a two-on-one situation against Noah. But now it seems that my involvement will hinder her attack instead."

The two in front of them seemed to have forgotten everyone else around them, and the back and forth collision caused many potholes.

It took them a few minutes to stop, the sweat on their heads showing the results of their cultivation.

Charlotte was also a little surprised to see this, "I told you I could keep up with you, hehehe".