Full Strength Duel.

Noah wasn't the least bit nervous, his move was mainly to see what level of combat power he was at today.

"Sword stance, first skills, rain or shine!"

The opponent's other teammates also looked at him and shouted, "Captain, are we following the tactics?"

"I'll deal with him alone, you guys defeat everyone else as soon as possible."

The man said to the team member who had just questioned him.

The sound of the sword rang in the ears of the crowd and everyone looked at Noah in surprise. Some in the audience even claimed:

"At such a young age, the 15th Sequence Lord not only possesses SSS-ranked extraordinary abilities, but also extremely high levels of swordsmanship. It's really rare, in the future he will definitely be able to lead the Jedi counterattack on Earth!"

At that moment, the candidate from the 8th Academy dared not slow down as he saw Noah charging towards him.