I was the previous third sequence.

After everything was taken care of, everyone gathered around the dining table to enjoy breakfast.

During this period, everyone looked at Teresa, but Teresa was eating breakfast exactly as usual, and was pestering Annie and Ying to feed she like before.

In the end, it ended completely after Noah and Li Xuan tried their best to explain the cause of the matter.

Noah also looked at Teresa at this time and said: "Little sister, stabilize your realm first. Then I will help you to get back belonging back and bury your parents."

Teresa nodded and agreed with tears in her eyes.

The matter came to an end here, and everyone after breakfast began to interact with Teresa, which was considered a good new beginning.

Noah once again told Li Xuan that he wanted to go to the secret pavilion again to find a martial arts skill that suits him. Although he might not be able to find it, everything is still possible.