Literary Saint Arrives.

A peaceful night passed, and Noah got up early to wash up as usual. Later, Charlotte also got up from the guest room and went back to her house to wash up.

Because all the little ones had to get up early for study today, so Noah and Charlotte started preparing breakfast after washing up.

Noah was frying eggs and Charlotte was helping squeeze juice. As if they had rehearsed countless times, both of them could quickly understand what the other person should do next and provide assistance.

The little ones who smelled the fragrance all got up and walked to the kitchen. Annie asked Noah to pick her up and fry eggs, while Jeptha and Ying drooled at the orange juice in Charlotte's hand.

Teresa opened the refrigerator, took out the milk inside, poured it into a cup and drank it.

John also grabbed Jeptha and others to wash up after brushing their teeth, and told them to wash up before eating breakfast, otherwise he would tell to big brother.