Half-King Realm !

Noah and others are still unaware that at this moment, he and Charlotte are actively helping the people of Wuji Star Planet to introduce everyone to the human race on Earth.

Charlotte also enthusiastically talked about many beautiful things about the human race on Earth, so that they would not feel unfamiliar.

Tria, on the other hand, was looking for the corpses of his companions who had died on the battlefield.

To them, every member of the clan is like a family member. But things are unpredictable, and when we meet again we can only be separated by yin and yang.

Upon seeing this, Ford also assisted Tria together. It took the two of them half an hour to finally collect the bodies of all the victims and help them take them back to their hometown for burial.

To put it simply, their bodies were stored in a special space bracelet, because the family's senior officials thought that the secret zone would not go smoothly.